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Posts posted by Linny

  1. The judge taking forever to read the verdict reminded me of Liz standing for ages reading Aiden's paternity results. Port Charles should work on their education system since they're creating such slow readers. Anyway, I'm so tired of endless courtroom scenes where the guilty get away with their crimes. I know this is a soap opera and the main characters can't rot in prison, but going through the motions in court without any consequences is so boring and a waste of time.

    I see from the preview that I was right, Joe is going to fight with Michael over Teddy. It's sad how predictable this show can be.

    • Love 5
  2. I tuned out during Nelle and Michael's conversation, but baby Teddy is a cutie, and remarkably zen. That messy hair and those chubby cheeks, I just want to squish him! Shit, I think I caught baby rabies from Lulu and Nina. Speaking of Nina, I liked her dress today. That will probably be the last time I compliment her.

    Who has the worst hair, Scotty or Julian? Do the hairstylists think these styles are flattering? 

    • Love 7
  3. I was going to complain about Michael's lackluster reaction to Sabrina's death, but then I realized it was completely fitting. Their "love story" was half-assed at best. Sabrina showed more warmth and connection with Tracy than she ever did with Michael. I can only hope that Sabrina's baby won't be caught in a custody battle bedtween Michael/Tracy and uncle NotCarlos. 

    • Love 3
  4. I was out of town all last week and I'm now catching up. Random thoughts:

    --Sam and Jason are still dull, but Spinelli is nice in small doses.

    --Thanks, Griffin, for reminding me that you're Dear Departed Duke's son. I honestly had forgotten.

    --Funny how Liz's rare unicorn blood type was never mentioned any of the previous times she was shot/in the hospital.

    --Morgan needs to be hit with a tranquilizer gun. 

    • Love 2
  5. Not!Carlos is obsessed with Sabrina and is already on Michael and Sonny's bad side. Wow, what a new, different, necessary character addition he is. Also, Sabrina, get your baby out of the bar. The music in the background of those scenes was so loud and distracting to me. 

    Sam and Jason's sickeningly sweet scenes are gross. Sometimes when Billy Miller grins and laughs it comes across as crazed, and it makes me uncomfortable.

    I like Finn, but I don't feel anything for Finn and Hayden.

    • Love 5
  6. Damn, so Felicia appears even less than I realized. Oh well, if she were onscreen we'd just see her making a Concerned face at Maxie, or buying real estate from Lucy, or listening to Anna drone on about Dear Departed Duke. I bet she has a kickass off screen life with Mac, one that's full of Skype sessions with Robin and Emma.

    • Love 1
  7. We see Felicia for about 30 minutes every four months, if that, and of course some of her screentime had to be devoted to a conversation with fucking Nina. Why does she have to be shoehorned into every storyline? I'm exhausted by the fact that there is seemingly no Nina free zone on this show.  At this point I'm expecting her to pop up out of the blue with Lulu's elusive embryo, which she'll then keep for herself. 

    Claudette and Griffin are snoozeville. Two characters who appeared out of nowhere with an off screen back story=I don't give a shit. 

    • Love 4
  8. So is Amber ever going to admit she fucked up by getting together with Matt? She doesn't seem happy at all. It makes me uncomfortable to watch how he aggressively takes control of a conversation and paints everyone else as the bad guy. And I got the vibe that Matt's cousin only wanted to meet up so he could be on camera.

    That was a sweet scene between Jen and Larry. I'm glad they included it. Unfortunately, I can't picture Ryan ever talking to a woman with such tenderness.

    Tyler's an ass, as always. I think Catelynn knows that he doesn't give a shit about her feelings, but has convinced herself that it's okay, and that she shouldn't expect more. I feel sad for her.

    • Love 15
  9. I can't believe Franco gave Liz toast with jam smiley faces. He's so juvenile, running to mommy for money in the hopes that he can impress Liz on their date. Can't wait for him to be the one who finds out that Hayden is Liz's sister. Will he broker peace between them using his art therapy prowess? He'll probably win over Naomi, too, cause he's just so gosh darned special, the Little Serial Killer that Could.

    • Love 12
  10. This episode was a bit scattered, trying to pack too much in, but it was still really funny. "Is that a child?" "No, it's Blanche's baby." Oh, Blanche, I hope you enjoyed your seven minutes maternity leave.

    Of course Lillian could only be roused by the smell of cash. Beatrice was delightful in her rage against God. I love how dark they let her character be.

    So, definitely a new Hortense next season, yes?

    • Love 4
  11. Please let this be the last we see of Parker. Her treatment of Kristina has been gross. Kristina may be annoying and rude a lot of the time, but I haven't enjoyed seeing her be jerked around by Parker. She needs to find a nice girl to have a story with. I would like it if they made Nelle a lesbian and put Kristina with her, rather than pairing Nelle with Michael. This show needs to give me a reason to care about Nelle, because kidney donor and surrogate daughter for Carly isn't cutting it.

    • Love 15
  12. Lulu's standing there sobbing over not having a baby, and I couldn't bring myself to feel anything at all. Once upon a time I loved Lulu and Dante, but after the infidelity and the world's quickest divorce and reconciliation, I'm just over them. I want to Lulu to have a purpose outside of being a wife and mom. When was the last time we saw her doing anything career related? Her character just comes across as so dull and shallow, and that makes me sad.

    • Love 15
  13. How many more times are we going to see a conversation between Morgan and Sonny about his bipolar medication? I'm so tired of this storyline. I have no interest in watching Morgan slide back into a manic phase now that his medication's been tampered with. I hate Morgan. Why can't we dump Morgan and give Michael an actual storyline instead? 

    If I had to watch Nina and Franco have a conversation about a sandwich, at least it was about a PB&J and not a damn BLT.

    • Love 8
  14. Are they seriously trying to sell that Maci didn't know she was pregnant when they got engaged? Girl, please. I noticed she made sure to keep a shirt/jacket around her stomach, and the cameras mostly shot her from the neck up. And then that fake ass scene where she asks if she looks fat. Honey, you're not fooling anyone.

    Deborah looked ridiculous under the three pounds of eye makeup and fake lashes. I don't care about her dumb drama with Simon, since we know he only shows up for the cameras.

    Poor Catelynn. Tyler mocked her weight, her mannerisms.... She's never going to be free from his scrutiny.

    • Love 9
  15. Jordan: "It's like the killer's right under my nose, and I just can't see it."

     Andre: *nods sagely*  

    Me: Fuck, that anvil hit me square between the eyes.

    Jordan: "Who knows, the killer could even be you!"

    Andre: *shifty eyes*

    Me: Dammit, another anvil to the forehead. You could at least TRY to be subtle, show. 

    • Love 11
  16. If I just glance at the TV when Joss is on, I always think it's Lulu. She's annoying me like Lulu, too. Stop meddling iin your brother's love life. I thought it was creepy when Kristina and Morgan were sharing details of their love lives, and it's weird how invested Joss is in hooking Michael up with a stranger. I know she has to act this way because this storyline is stupid and contrived, but it's annoying. Why can't any relationship on this show grow organically? Kiki and Dillon were heading that way, so of course the show put her back with Morgan. I'm so tired of their sex scenes.

    • Love 3
  17. I loved that framed picture of Carly and Joss, which was clearly snapped the day they filmed this episode, as they were wearing the same clothes. 

    Curtis deserves better than to be stuck in scenes with Nina.

    I've only been half watching lately, but I'm assuming they explained that Alexis isn't really pregnant? Because she and Jax were drinking wine today.

    • Love 3
  18. So KS is back for good now? She still looks unhealthy to me. Too thin, awful hair, pasty makeup--it was noticeable when she was standing next to Claudette that she just doesn't look at 100%.

    Did they get rid of the Kelly's set? Why are they all hanging out at a coffee kiosk?

  19. Claudette looks like Francine from American Dad. I feel bad comparing the actress to a cartoon character, but that's exactly who she reminds me of. New Maxie can stay, as far as I'm concerned. I like the different energy she brings, and her voice is more pleasant to my ears.

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