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Everything posted by Hip-to-be-Square

  1. I don't think Brennan is bad for not being attracted to Emily, but he shouldn't give her hope by saying he's "still here." It was easy for Brennan to drink alcohol, eat free resort meals and feign attraction on an all-expense paid vacation. Reality hit when Brennan got home to Colorado, and he was trapped and couldn't load up the dating apps. I'll be honest, I don't think any of these girls or guys are particularly attractive or interesting. Nobody who is super handsome or gorgeous or wildly entertaining would ever have to resort to applying to be on this show. Emily doesn't need a husband; she needs a therapist to help her understand why she was settling for "situationships" and hook ups when she wanted more. Lastly, Becca's poorly done highlights are a terrible yellowish green blonde against her skin and a bad contrast to her dark reddish hair color. That's my semi-bitchy, but honest post! πŸ˜„
  2. One of my hobbies is staying fit by exercising to my huge collection of 80's aerobics VHS tapes. I just bought Leslie's 2 tape VHS set used on Amazon! Such a great find. Go Leslie!!! πŸ˜„πŸ™ŒπŸ’―
  3. None of these couples are genuinely attracted to each other - zero chemistry. The side hugs, bored eyes and little peck kisses don't lie. These people should've stuck to dating apps to find someone whose actually their type instead of leaving it up to producers who match for maximum drama and incompatibility. Where did these "experts" get their credentials? A cheap Learning Annex class?! Also, Orion is an effeminate diva who is just edging for a fight- he could date a Native American girl and still somehow find ways to police her speech and one up her in stories of racism and pain. Also, the girls are coming off as forced in trying to forge connections with their guys- except for Claire, she was probably praying that Cameron would be removed from the show and re-cast on "Monsters Inside Me" with his mystery ear illness. πŸ˜…
  4. I'm going to try that! Thank you for the tip ☺️. I love a good brow tint, and that's such an inventive and glam way to use that Just for Men brand dye!
  5. I hope that Leslie thinks that she can do better- she's such a catch! If it's tough for her to find eligible bachelors who are mid-60's and beyond, then she could easily be a cougar and date guys a decade younger.
  6. I'm going to get a t-shirt custom made that says, "I can think whatever the fuck I want, Gerry!" πŸ™ŒπŸ’―πŸ˜„
  7. Another thing that pisses me off about Gerry is that during the Final Rose sit down, he said he knew Teresa was the "right choice" because "she could nurture a long relationship" since she was with her high school sweetheart until he died. This was a low blow to Leslie. Gerry's emphasis on Teresa being "right" for him implies that Leslie was "wrong" since she's divorced. I honestly think Leslie is more honest/raw and interesting than Teresa; she's loved men and she's had multiple extreme heartbreaks, whereas Teresa has this annoying little girl voice and comes off as an overeager lovesick teenager to me. Gerry didn't "love" Teresa until she told him about her day trading and stocks. When Teresa said she loved him on the Ferris wheel, he said "That's so sweet of you to say" which is The Bachelor kiss of death. If Gerry wants a wife who will kiss his ass and not question his actions or words, he made the "right" choice. 😏 Knowing what I know now about Gerry though, I'm glad he didn't pick Leslie, because she can and will do better.
  8. Gerry is such a liar, dodging questions like he's playing a game of Frogger. Notice how he doesn't deny it, he simply says he doesn't have time to look into it right now and he's with "the love of his life" πŸ™„ Teresa?! He's such an expert bullshitter! 🀑 He's as fake as his boxed Just for Men hair dye.
  9. My nude breakup battle made the Jerry Springer guests look tame πŸ˜„! This happened 13 years ago when I was 22. You are correct! πŸ˜†πŸ’― I fashioned a pink bath towel into a Zorro cape that covered my back, but I was completely nude in the front πŸ˜„! Then I angrily draped it on my shoulders like a pashmina while yelling at him and as I yelled for him to get out of my dorm room, I held the towel in front of my chest like I was folding a pillowcase! I still laugh whenever I think about it now! For years after that I'd tell guys, "Don't break up with me while I'm putting a towel on" without any explanation- unless they asked. πŸ˜„πŸ˜‰
  10. Wow! Now that explains why I kept thinking that a girl in the audience looked like Reese Witherspoon! That's so cute that Reese's daughter and mom went together πŸ™‚πŸ’—
  11. They all have to purchase their own dresses?! That's so unfair- they probably will only wear them once in their lives. I wish the girls could just wear a cute girl's night out dress to the rose ceremony instead of the expensive evening gowns. I hope that Leslie can return her blue dress- all she has to do is show the store owner the breakup reel and she won't even need a return receipt!
  12. I'm glad that Jess and the Canadian guy broke up- they had zero chemistry, and he was too old for her anyway. Their parting hug looked like a student and teacher on the last day of school! πŸ˜„ Why was this episode only 37 minutes? Aren't these episodes usually an hour and a half?! I didn't even bother setting out my snack platter for this joke of an episode that I waited two weeks for 😭🍿. Why do these annoying girls say, "my person" or "I want to find my person"? There are billions of men on this planet! If it doesn't work out with one, there are many more men to date down the line. It's not the end of the world if Tyler, Tanner, Aven or any other basic bros don't like you, teenybopper contestants! 😏
  13. I think that she was so pissed off that she just made up a price for the dress πŸ˜„! Anger clouds the mind- I remember when a guy broke up with me after I got out of the shower with him, and I was so pissed off that I forgot how to even put on a towel- I put it on like a cape while I was yelling at him! πŸ˜†πŸ™ŒπŸ’―πŸ₯€
  14. I think that Leslie didn't even buy the dress- I think that wardrobe people took her out to a dress rental place in Costa Rica or Saks Fifth Avenue in LA and had her pick out a dress to wear that would be returned. She definitely was bringing up the ridiculousness of it all- the walking alone onto a platform while being filmed, huge diamond earrings, the incredibly expensive dress- only to be broken up with. She probably looked at the price tag of the dress and thought, "Wow! 60k?! I guess I'll wear it, producers!"
  15. That is bizarre! Well, Teresa does look like a puppet 😏! I'm not going to be watching The Gerry and Theresa Howdy Doody Show act on January 4th, that's for sure! πŸ˜„ Jennifer Love Hewitt cried for Bachelor Nation! πŸ˜­πŸ“ΊπŸ™ŒπŸ˜„
  16. I really liked Leslie's no holds barred takedown of Gerry during that breakup! I loved it when she said, "I can think whatever the fuck I want". Leslie is gorgeous and I love her wavy natural hair or her blow-dried hair. Gerry is an insincere, wishy-washy jerk who doesn't really feel anything for the women in his life, he simply wants them to feel things for him. I knew he wasn't going to pick Leslie- he wants a docile bobble head wife, so he picked Teresa. Leslie is a babe and should date guys her age or younger. I was super impressed by Leslie's Crystal Light National Aerobics Championship performance- those were the 80's equivalent of the Olympics for aerobic athletes, and she had to move up the ranks of contests/try outs to hit the national competition stage- her routine was an incredible display of gracefulness, strength and flexibility.
  17. I can see it now- a Lifetime movie about Gerry the manipulative. cheap, swindler sociopath widower! Sex, a seedy jerk older boyfriend in a small town, dead wife, mental health clinic jobs, May-December relationship, and even the scene of a lover falling down the stairs!!! They could cast the brilliant Jane Lynch to play him- put her in a spray tan, bad makeup, a feathered pixie cut- and the best thing is, she wouldn't even have to pad down her breasts to play him πŸ™ŒπŸ˜…πŸ‘€! Do it, Lifetime producers! Eat shit, Gerry!! πŸ₯€πŸ“ΊπŸ‘€πŸ˜„
  18. They need to do that πŸ™ŒπŸ’―πŸ˜„! I remember when they put the silver fox George Hamilton on that show- lots of fun πŸ™‚ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_ZOYGZbowk
  19. So great πŸ˜…! That is a testament to how hot Jesse is- he can rock a whacky stuffed animal turkey hat and he still looks sexy! πŸ˜„πŸ™ŒπŸ’―πŸ”₯
  20. I laughed when Rachel told Tanner that he's been through so much already and that she doesn't want to hurt him. Tanner has been making out with tons of girls in bikinis and hasn't worked for weeks, I think he'll be fine! πŸ˜…. Also, what happened to last year's "Boom Boom Room"? Are all of these couples just making out for a really long time on the beach and keeping things PG-13 since there's nowhere to hook up?
  21. You're not the only one- I think Tyler is gay and I think Aven is too. I can't really pinpoint why, it's just a vibe that I get.
  22. Well look at Theresa wearing her best Forever 21 bodysuit for the morning after πŸ˜…! Gerry could've worn something hotter- he looked like he was waiting in line at a Carnival Cruise ship buffet next to her on the bed in his baggy t shirt and basketball shorts. Step it up, Grandzaddy! 😏
  23. Yes! Or at the very least, Gerry's hearing aids on the nightstand! πŸ™ŒπŸ”₯πŸŒΉπŸ˜‰
  24. Fantasy Suites have finally arrived- throw it down, Grandzaddy! πŸ™ŒπŸŒΉπŸ”₯πŸ˜„ I'm expecting perfectly done makeup and hair when the women pretend to just wake up, unripe honeydew melon and English muffins, a pile of clothing on the floor, and random shots of animals looking at the camera. Don't disappoint me, producers! πŸ˜„
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