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Everything posted by susannah

  1. Just saw this. It is not Vanessa Redgrave doing the voiceover. It doesn't sound like her at all, and she was not in the credits. I didn't know what to think about the deceased babies. It seems unlikely that a healthy young woman would have two stillborn deliveries. I think it IS likely that her mother killed them, and that is what she can't bear to live with. I didn't understand the "arrangement" with someone who was "taking advantage of her." I don't know how old she was then, but an adult, most likely in her 20s. It was a real reach to have the baby belong to the family who just happened to be on Nurse Crane's rounds that day. I am glad Nancy told Colette, I think it will help the little girl alot to know she has a mother and is loved. As for the chicken pox, all of the Turner kids were at the Easter festivities, and the next we see, they are all down with it? How many people did they expose? I laughed when Sheilagh said that collating the medical information while the kids were sick would give her something to do. I think with three kids vomiting and itching and feverish, she would have plenty to do! I was happy to see Sr Julienne allow Reggie to have his party at the house, and watch the concert. It may not have been proper for nuns, but it was giving joy to others. Didn't like Trixie thinking that she was above having anyone share her room like everyone else, or anyone using her things, though it's been shown she has done the same. I didn't know she was pregnant during filming but it sure looked like it, when she was wearing that yellow jacket. Would Matthew really be the one pulling the baby, a possible murder victim, from the chimney instead of the officer?
  2. Animals cannot consent to "work," and are at the mercy of whoever is using them. Yes there may be people from humane societies on set but that doesn't change the fact that the animals are forced to do what people want them to do, for money. Animals are living creatures and should be respected as such. It's the same situation with child actors, who also cannot consent to working, and are forced to do what the studios want them to do. There might be child protection people on set but that doesn't keep from being abused and used.
  3. I am not addressing the getting the stranger's phone number, and I have no problem seeing an old lady having one or two milkshakes on an outing with her granddaughter. What people choose to eat or do in reality,regardless of what they see on tv, is on them.
  4. I guess I figure what other people eat or do is not my business. Whether a person has two milkshakes is their business, not mine, and no one knows their circumstances. I believe the original comment was about the Subaru ad, not IHOP's.
  5. If they are truly invested in preventing animal cruelty, they need never to use them in their ads. Animals aren't props and it is abuse to use them for entertainment and/or profit.
  6. I believe that saying that them having milkshakes "wasn't smart" due to the levels of obesity and diabetes in other people, was pretty much saying they, or anyone, shouldn't do it. Ok thanks. I have seen the ad but didn't pay that close attention, and didn't know the boy went outside. Very good kid to make sure the pets were safe as well.
  7. That would be awesome! Also that the young officer would be female would be good.
  8. I agree, that every once in a while he does show a spark of self awareness. I don't know which episode it was either, but didn't Danny say at some point, that he knew not only that he could not do the job, but also that he would never be asked to?
  9. I just thought that since they went to the basement, that the dogs were already in the house and just went downstairs with them.
  10. I loved it too. When Jamie smiled, at least I think he did, he seemed to feel the imaginary mantle of power being transferred to him. I so agree that he would be great at it. Intelligent, compassionate, fair, no chip on his shoulder,able to follow rules, able to work with authority figures and all kinds of people. Danny on the other hand is none of those things
  11. That's very possible, and those wide belts just cut her in half also. She is so funny in those ads, so please, wardrobe people, let the woman breathe and sit normally!
  12. I only saw him once or twice on WKRP, but I think he also played a pedophile predator on that show with Tahj Mowry. I forget what it was called. He always just looked creepy to me Not someone you would want fixing your appliances!
  13. I think the guy had two motivations. One to express his anger over the affair, and second, to frame the neighbor guy for it, since there was obviously bad feelings between them. I don't understand why you think working with Abigail, Sid and Garrett, in a cooperative way, would be a nightmare. The nightmare would be for them to have to work with someone who only wanted to do things their own way.
  14. It is both unethical and illegal to disclose another person's medical information without consent, I believe. It is also ridiculous that the patient would be allowed to just hang in the hospital until they felt like leaving. I WISH they would utilize Baker far more than they do, and I liked her examination of why having Reddick there bothered her. Having said that, anyone new coming into a well oiled system can't just start to do things, or want to do things differently, which is not the same thing as the dinosaur not wanting Anthony to change his system of leadership, since Anthony would be the new leader, and Reddick was not. The only thing worse than Eddie working with Jamie, which doesn't work, though I like both of them, is Eddie working with Danny, so now he gets to diminish her, like he does everyone he works with. In the dinner scene, Danny said he was four years older than Erin, but I feel sure that in an earlier season, when they were fighting, someone said that they were just a year apart. Anyone know?
  15. Sadly, too many characters on sitcoms were or became one note, including stars on which the show wrapped around that one note, and it ruins sitcoms for me. Also, lots of comedies had a "buffoon" character, so this guy wasn't alone in that. I always think about actors who talk about having to pay the rent, support their families etc, or "couldn't get a job," meaning an acting job, as thinking it is their God given right to work in that business. That sounds too "entitled" to me.
  16. I always felt so sorry for Jesse White, the quintessential lonely repairman! He brought the sad. I didn't like Gordon Jump.
  17. I don't think it is bad behavior either. I used the phrase in regard to the previous post which did infer that the company in the ad was evil, IMO mistakenly. It is how insurance companies work.
  18. Yes, if the artist or the artist's estate sells the rights to work or image, the purchasing company can do what they like with them, just like anything else legally purchased. I don't see what is offensive about that either. Whoever is offended is free not to buy the product, or in this case, watch the ad. That is true of many, if not all insurance plans. It is hardly the bad behavior of only one company.
  19. I agree that evil vs good has nothing to do with skin color, but as mentioned, only one VERY small group of characters in the books were even human beings. Ethnicity and racial bias applied to non human creatures as every single one of the rest of them were is just beyond ridiculous.
  20. I'm not sure what one has to do with the other. She is obviously a very sweet girl, and said that she got alot out of the experience, but I can't imagine that she had a "wonderful" time throughout. She was ill, plus the tumor caused elevated levels of stress and anxiety creating hormone that she had to deal with as well. I think she was purely exhausted by the end.
  21. I'm not talking about any of those books, as I was referring to an adaptation of the Lord of the Rings. The Hobbit and the Trilogy are the books I have read.
  22. As I said, I have not seen the films. I believe the definition of racism is to make false and generalized statements about an ethnic group, and nowhere did I read in the Hobbit or trilogy that it was thought that every character who wasn't "white" was bad, including non human beings. Sauron did NOT have a form in the books. Nor were Elves in general discussed, but only the specific ones the group knew, and I don't recall their appearance being mentioned, other than their clothes, and Bombur's weight. Boromir and Denethor were white men who were not good. Gollum, Grima, Lotho and Lobelia Sackville Baggins were all bad characters, and not described as black or Asian. Again, why can't writers come up with original work to be as they like it instead of changing other people's.
  23. I just read something along this topic on a new adaptation of the Lord of the Rings, for any Tolkien fans. Apparently there are a couple of new characters, an elf and something else, played by black actors, which some people are bent about, since the elves in the book were presumably white. Additionally some people think that the books themselves are racist since they see all the evil ones as black or Asian. I have not seen any of the films but love the books, and I think these people are bats*** crazy. Elves or hobbits aren't human beings, and two of the human men, white, did bad things. Sauron had no form, the wraiths wore black cloaks, they weren't black, and the Orcs were not Asian in any way, they weren't even human. Why do some people spend so much time making stuff up to be mad about? What bugs me though is why some writers often take an established work/classic and make it be what they want it to be instead of creating something original that is what they want it to be. I'd like to know what anyone else thinks on any of this.
  24. Well obviously it was a threat of sorts, and I imagine that Ellora continued to suffer the symptoms she had been dealing with, but as said, who knows how long the season is, plus no one knew how far Ellora would go in it.
  25. I don't think the reactions are "forced" at all. Not sure how anyone would be able to say they know that the kids are faking it, are coached, etc. Also, the kids know who is very likely to be chopped as the bottom two are always announced, therefore they would not need to be told how to react. Why so negative?
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