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Posts posted by Myriad

  1. 3 minutes ago, katisha said:

    I hate to say it but I just saw a preview of tonight's episode and apparently someone makes an ah-mah-zing ice-cream that's beyond everything else.  The one who's most likely to make an ice-cream is, of course, Larissa. 😣

    No, it's Tim.  A beef ice cream, weeeeee!

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  2. "Cook whatever you want".  I was a bit disappointed in this non-challenge, but decided to play along because it's fun.  So I went,

    Tim: gonna cook beef.  wrong

    Tessa: gonna cook fish wrong

    Larissa: gonna cook pana cotta/parfait/ice cream right

    Simon: gonna cook vege right

    Nicole: gonna cook... er... hum... Well, I feel like I don't know her and her style of cooking at all!

    @katisha  People write terrible things on the Internet.  I've personally have no beef (ha!) at all against any of the judges, including George who's always there to reassure a crumbling contestant, both understanding and encouraging and, if we are to believe the editing monkeys, it works every time.  I don't think any of the three are worth to be ridiculed, but especially when it's something as basic as eyesight going bad with aging.  I've seen nobody make any comments about Gary coming in with his glasses at the beginning of the season.

    Those glasses, though.  They ARE ridicule, and I'd bet my last apron that Steph was licking her screen.

    The prawns that Tim made looked like I'd eat a whole pool of them.  Yet, I'm often  amazed at how contestants seem to forget that there are actually three judges judging.  Two heads for three.  You got that right, Tim!

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  3. 12 minutes ago, xchouchoutex said:

    imho Tim’s avoiding elimination today was not very fair because he got a lot of help from the gantry 

    I wish the gantry would shut up,  They are very bossy and I'd be pissed to no end having to endure their constant non sequitur - or awfully obvious and irritating - interventions.

    Meanwhile, I've stumbled on the last of @katisha's post and have been spoilered (loving you all the same!)  I should know better than to read a Katisha post, since she's always the first one to speak up after an episode. 😞  I shall remain absent for the rest of the week as to avoid bits that are best discovered without previous knowledge.

    ETA: I'm nonetheless happy with that elimination.  It was a long time waiting.  Nothing personal against the person, just not that good a cook and who happened to having slipped through the cracks, as is the case every season due to team challenges.

    • Love 4
  4. On 7/12/2019 at 2:45 PM, TVbitch said:

    I'm here @katisha! But I'm in the states and don't get to watch until the next day. And by then y'all are onto the next episode and I don't want to be spoiled, so I don't get to post along with you guys. *sniff* 

    Same here, except in Canada, USA's best friend (that was until Trump, but we won't get into that, will we?) I don't even watch the previews at the end of an episode, and skip right to the opening song at the beginning of the next.  Don't even want to know in advance who's the chef I've never heard of that's going to have his/her TV moment.

    On 7/12/2019 at 2:45 PM, TVbitch said:

    And Simon, my beloved Simon, it pains me speak harshly of you, so I shant ...you freaking butthead! Oop, sorry. Your smile almost makes up for your inexplicable inability to count.

    You DID go there?  Noooooo! Not only his smile, the constant twinkle in his eyes in his head talks when talking about food.  For his sheer passion only, which I find quite contagious, my vote goes for him over Tessa, who is quite an accomplished cook.  Just a bit less on the funny side of things, such as our Salmon is. 🙂

    On 7/12/2019 at 7:53 PM, babs1226 said:

    I am still pissed at Larissa for her crappy attitude during the team challenge.

    I'm still pissed at her crappy high-pitched irritating voice.  She grates. And still cooked a parfait.  She seems to be a judges' favourite, even though she messed up her darn pana cotta in the first mystery box and didn't stop making the usual culprits all season long. When are we going to see a sweet soufflé omelette?  A sugar pie?  An angel cake? Something FUN?

    On 7/14/2019 at 11:26 AM, babs1226 said:

    There are a few Simon haters on reddit as well, for reasons that have nothing to do with his cooking.  Yes, the hair police need a target 😊  When they show flashbacks from the beginning, it's obvious that he just hasn't had a haircut in a while.

    As a lover of longuish hair in men, having been raised in the 70's and not the 90's, I'll say frak you all, hair police people.  Although I would agree that he should wear a thing to put those lovely bangs back while cooking.

    Funny anecdote completely out of topic, I was in the Air Cadets as a teenager, where clean cut hair was mandatory, whilst the rest of the men world had longuish hair.  In high school:  "She's hanging out with EARS!  RUUUUUN!" 😄

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  5. 25 minutes ago, TVbitch said:

    So Tessa's loss in the last challenge, and them faking us out that she could possibly be eliminated, was just a quick little redemption arc thing, so we can root for her extra hard now. --Not happening as long as Simon is alive.

    I saw that as well. She's the favourite of all favourites, and although I have nothing against her personally, it's grating. Rewatching past seasons, it's clear that the judges had their chouchou every season.  Georgia, Sara, and this year, Tessa.  So man-man.

    I'm gunning for Simon. The twilight in his eyes is so endearing.

    1 hour ago, Rosenrot said:

    Derek was of course batshit crazy as usual, but at least he tried something new. And I like crazy. ❤️ 

    I'd like to meet Derek, he's an interesting person.  Not that I would buy him a coffee, mind you. buddy.gif

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  6. 7 minutes ago, Rosenrot said:

    lkdjlkasjkdsls WHY IS TIM STILL THERE?????

    *deep breaths*

    I hear you, sistah!  Except I would change Tim to Anushka.  Both of them are due to go. Tim is a one-tri,k poney, while Anushka simply has no business being there. She went through the cracks and I can only hope she's next. Although wouldn't exactly cry if Tim were the next one out of the door.

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  7. 16 hours ago, katisha said:

    But I am very glad Simon didn't go.

    You and I both!  Tessa is probably his toughest competition, what with the judges' preference she's been given.  I don't read spoilers, but I think now that the finale will be Tessa and Simon. I so know who I'm going to be rooting for.  It has a penis. ef.gif

    What is Anushka still doing there? Better cooks than her have gone.  Like Tati. It's the danger of team challenges, mediocre ones will stay alive just by slipping through the cracks.  (I'm looking at you, Georgia.  And John of the memorable white chocolate velouté, though he didn't make it to the finale.)

    11 hours ago, ppl said:

     Simon thinks he's being creative.

    He is!  *pouts* buddy.gif

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  8. On 6/30/2019 at 3:44 PM, ppl said:

    I was really side-eying after Nicole and Tessa were declared the middle 2 in the Invention Test. Really, any of the 5 could have been bottom 3 though but it looked a little like they wanted to spare Tessa/Nicole the pressure test.

    Wasn't it as obvious as a kangaroo running towards you?  (In my arms, kangaroo!) It seems obvious by now that they're gunning for a Tessa win. It still stand by my Sam, he can make it.

    I was so deflated to see Tati go home.  She has this particuliar positive energy that I will miss.  Always up to the challange, never relenting, and interesting head talks without the irritating hand gestures so many others display.

    Meawhile, the lady of failed panna cotta and ever lasting so-so desserts still has both feet in the kitchen, short of everything that Tati was in terms of personality.  Someone, please hand me the black ingredients mystery box, it's time for me to cook something dark, very dark.  Like a failed expresso panna cotta topped with pouting blackberries.

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  9. On 6/23/2019 at 10:13 AM, misgabi13 said:

    I am so over pannacotta!

    I'm having this urge to call you sister. buddy.gif

    On 6/23/2019 at 5:07 PM, katisha said:

    Back again.  I've been wondering how to explain to overseas viewers what Vegemite is like

    I once became friend with an Aussie bloke through another forum and we exchanged gifts. Of course he would send me Vegemite and I would send him maple syrup.  I nearly killed myself through a heart attack by treating it like peanut butter. 

    My absolutely unforgettable episode of last season is when Khan was facing a professional chef and chose Vegemite over peanut butter to trick said chef and went on to concoct that absolutely maniacal dish. I still think that the producers chose to kill him at the last three rather than seeing him face Sashi in the finale because they wanted Sashi to win.

    On 6/23/2019 at 6:50 PM, xchouchoutex said:

    i still can’t believe that ben made it into top 10 sorry @Myriad 🤭

    He's coming into his own, though.  It's possible that we haven't seen a lot of him because he's an introvert and producers prefer the likes of Abbey and that dreadful Sara from season 7.  Blahblahblah, blahblahblahblah.

    On 6/23/2019 at 10:54 PM, retrograde said:

    Speaking of, there were some pretty uncreative uses of Milo. Milo ice cream already exists! No panna cottas at least, but the ice cream/mousse/sorbet + tuile/praline + crumb/compote thing is just as common and equally lazy. Bake an effing cake, you cowards. 

    I don't think I know the difference between Nicole and Tessa. 

    Meanwhile, people complain about Anushka and her layered cakes. I think I'm over dessert in general.  It's telling when one like Tim makes steaks and I do a little dance behind the couch after all those years of all you said. I decided to buy crème brûlée ice cream this week end and hung my head down in shame just because of that program.

    On 6/24/2019 at 7:46 AM, katisha said:

    In what universe did it seem a good idea to add raw meat to native yams (which, by the way, are rather an obscene-looking vegetable, or is that just my filthy mind acting up again? 😂)

    Errr....  Hummmm.... Well... ef.gif

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  10. 52 minutes ago, TVbitch said:

    YOUR Simon! I will fight you for him! fighting0071.gif          

    You can have Ben. happy0007.gif

    Crap.  I would have Ben but he wouldn't have my gender.  So I keep Simon and there's nothing you can do about it except for TV sharing. sunny.gif

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  11. 2 hours ago, TVbitch said:

    Final elimination challenge... Simon, Jesus God, how hard is it to make a freaking crumble for your figs.

    No negative talking against my Simon is allowed ! buddy.gif

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  12. On 6/19/2019 at 7:43 PM, zibnchy said:

    I know I'm in the minority but I kind of like Ben.

    If so, we're both in the minority.  He will not win, but I wish he gets as far as possible.  He's impossibly grown up cooking wise since the beginning.  I think of him like a little brother I'd like to put in my pocket and protect.

    On 6/19/2019 at 9:05 PM, Rosenrot said:

    In the pressure test all I'm hearing is "bla bla took me seven years bla bla engineering methods bla bla this is science bla bla TOP SECRET bla bla." Mm-hmm. How thoroughly fascinating, I must say. IT LOOKED LIKE A FANCY, STUPID, SHOW-OFF OF A CROISSANT TO ME.

    So yes.  I've been to France many times, where croissants are everywhere anytime, and these looked soooo overcooked compared to what I've seen/eaten. Almost burnt. Fancy for the sake of being fancy, no thank you, fancy chef of nothing.

    21 hours ago, misgabi13 said:

    It would appear that Larissa's evil panna cotta ways are rubbing off on him!  The horror!

    Larissa is one of the first contestants I remembered for the way she fucked up her first mystery box with that sad, sad pannacotta. And she kept on doing those.  A girl has to grow and kill the adversity.

    4 hours ago, katisha said:

    Someone commented under the thread about Sandeep leaving that it should have been "coke boy" Simon who went. And I don't think they were referring to soda. 😖

    JeeZeus!  It's the thing I love about Simon, the constant twinkle in his eyes, the sheer passion about cooking and joy of living.  It would never have dawned on me that one would associate it with drugs. People, man. They suck.

    3 hours ago, retrograde said:

    Also, if Sandeep's dish truly didn't taste good, fine, but I can't believe he got rapped for being unoriginal making rice pudding given how many effing panna cottas were in the episode. 

    I had that tough as well.  Going out for originality, how ordinary is that? Gosh, I'm almost never mad, but this time I was. - almost.  Larissa fucked up her very first mystery box with a subpair pannacotta.  And she kept making them over and over again.

    Another thing that bugged me to no end was that the best captain ever, Derek, chose to follow the lead of the worst captain ever. I wish I had a recording of me yelling at my monitor.  Because I WAS yelling not nice things. What was he thinking?

    Not saying that I'm particularly happy with the ending, but as long as my Simon is safe, it's another day I can live with.

    Oh, by the way, I'll be having visit this week end and plan on cooking a coconut pannacotta.  HAHAHA! *someone please kill me*

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  13. Watching that episode, it dawned on me that maybe this season is an audition for the actual Shannon's (snif!) replacement.  My beloved Billie and Poh-whom-I-never-knew don't exactly shine in those shoes.  Mat, though, he's got it.  Hands-on help, encouraging, enthusiast, the ever extrovert he was in his season.  Maybe even more driven by the sheer novelty of the position.  Shannon did phone it in last season, a change was due.  I'd put my eternally close-to-elimination black apron on the line that Mat is back in S12, only him.  Spare my Billie, she must feel how she doesn't fit in a public mentor role. One-on-one would better suit her is what I feel.

    There's no way I can have yet another kitchen implement, namely an ice cream churner, in my wardrobe-sized kitchen, but if I could, you can bet your Christmas ugliest sweater that I'd be down with Ben's chocolate and whiskey ice cream.  I wanted to lick my monitor but remembered just in time that it needs a little dusting.

    7 hours ago, katisha said:

    Meanwhile, here's a cute story about Steph's elimination (you might need to avert your eyes, @Myriad!) 

    And guess what? Croissant lady auditioned for season 1 of MC AU - and she didn't get in!

    Oh!  Look a that!  Not available in my country!  Woe me!  😄  That said, I'm not advert to Steph as a whole and sure don't wish her any bad things, so thanks to @babs1226 for the quick summary.

    Every time the camera caught Christina up the gantry, whatever she was wearing made it look like she was in practice mode for green team. ef.gif

    • LOL 2

    She is the only contestant who grates on me every episode, although Anushka's top job in the captain shoes doesn't give her the right to shout orders from the gantry.  Your time came and went and you were dead silent, dearie. Stay dead.

    Back to Steph, I was almost afraid to watch this episode in fear that either my Simon or Derek got the boot instead of her.  I cheered and clapped at every mistake she made and almost went apoplectic with every one of her little successes. What a relief to know that we won't be subjected to her awful talking heads yet again.

    And my Simon, so calm and collected and cute!  Aaaawww!

    2 hours ago, katisha said:

    I think I would butcher those words too, and that is after learning French at school for five years several decades ago. 😂 Is it something like "meal foy"?

    It's a tricky one, for the "euille" sound doesn't exist in English.  It's a bit like us French peope having so much difficulty with your "th" sound.  French people from France say  "zat", in Québec we say "dat".  I guess "oye" is what comes closest to the real thing.  Here's a demonstration, then you can all walk around in your house saying millefeuille over and over again! 

    @TVbitch, you made me laugh - and you use Koloboks, alright! Laie_78.gif

    @xchouchoutex is right, the R isn't a silent one.  I was actually quite impressed when Gary said it the first time, almost threw me over the couch. Here's one for croissant, although there's no need to insist that much on the ss sound.

    That pastry chef has a very interesting career path. But, my, seven years to develop a croissant?  Some people have a patience I don't possess, and I do am of a patient nature, imagine.

    From the start of the series, I thought both Derek and Tim had a chance to win, but now I'm not so certain.  Yes, Derek can flounder if he doesn't pause and think, and Tim seems to limited yet.  I share the same opinion of many of you, as Tessa seems to be slowly distancing herself from the pack with her so many superior dishes.  Plus she has the pin, and she could very well not need it at all if not ending on the losing team in one of those challenges.  I don't quite see her going to elimination on her own.

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  15. While I do like the immunity pin episodes, despite their utter uselessness, I find that they carry no rewatching value whatsoever, while I'm currently going through past seasons.  Heck, I even skip the mystery box episodes, sticking to team challenges and eliminations.  Even the pressure tests, some of them are so out of this world that I can't be bothered.  First world problems!

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  16. Some posts keep missing, showing in my notifications but not on the boards. 😞  @xchouchoutex, yours is one. @katisha I could see yours alright!  And I see no mention of episode 30 here (already passed the midpoint?  SNIF!)

    So, episode 30.  Fennel is the new beetroot!  All  hail the mighty fennel that we shall crown The White and Green Beetroot!

    Steph blowing on her food to tender to the flames, really?  As in full WOOOOSH! actions, probably spitting all over the meat?  Get her out this minute with a hairdresser's business card.

    It reminds me of my stepbrother who would cough IN the fridge.  Good thing we weren't living together because I was already on my own, but my mom sure turned green every time.  Or white.  Fennel mom.

  17. 36 minutes ago, PepperMonkey said:

    Myriad I have missed you so much! So glad to see you're back to posting on the MC AU forum, which is the show and forum I look forward to the most every year.

    Aaaawww, you're cute!  Thank you.  Since we said last year that we're counting the months, weeks and days for the show to come back starting January, as soon as the New Year's festivities were over my thoughts went to you.  Yesss, only five months to wait!  Hahaha!

    It looks like we won't have Gordon back this year, which I'm sorry about, loving his peculiar British humour.  The one episode I often come back to is the in-house restaurant challenge, where he said, "That salmon is so raw that if I put it in the ocean it will start to swim."  It took me days to recover from the laughing.

    My boyfriend doesn't watch MasterChef but he'll hear me talk about it non stop and even watch some portions I want to share.  In the in-house restaurant episode this season (which happened way earlier it seems), I had a good belly laugh when Tati said there was enough gelatine in her pana cotta to set an entire pool.  When sharing this with my boyfriend, it took him a mere nano second to reply:  "I bet there's a raw salmon swimming underneath."  Heeee!

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  18. 23 minutes ago, katisha said:

    Good point! And to make it more tricky, Tessa has obviously been in Australia quite a while as a fair bit of her Kiwi accent has disappeared but it still comes out. 

    You got me intrigued here, @katisha!  I will certainly pay attention.  Accents are a wonder and an interest to me.  French people from the old continent can tell apart who's from France, who's from Belgium and who's from Switzerland.  I can tell who's from Paris and who's from Marseille, but Belgium and Switzerland as a whole?  They all sound the same to my ears. @xchouchoutex's accent I could tell, though, because Arabs have a kind of singing when talking, and they use words differently.  But I'd be lost in telling from which Arab country they're hailing.

    That was waaaay out of topic while I'm waiting for the last episode to come out.  *blushing* To tie it up together, even food has its very distinctive accents.  Is it OK with you, @Athena😉

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  19. 59 minutes ago, katisha said:

    Okay, @Myriad, here are a couple of tips to help you tell Tessa from Nicole. 😊

    1. Tessa has a bunch of random earrings in various places in her left ear. Nicole only has the conventional one earring, if that.

    Thank you @katisha, this will help indeed.  As long as I can remember that it's Tessa and not Nicole with the multiple earrings, heee!

    As for the New Zealand accent, I couldn't tell any more than you could differentiate a French accent from Montreal to that of Quebec City.  The only thing that helps tell whether a person is from Great Britain or Australia is the way you Aussies elongate your As.  George being the perfect example.  The way he says way has nothing to do with the realm of the Queen. (OT: I cannot ever think of the Queen without having that 2012 Olympiads Mr. Bean's stint in mind.  Mi-mi-mi-mi-mi-mi-mi-mi *yawn* mi-mi-mi-mi-mi... *pissed off* mi-mi-mi-mi-mi  AND NOTHING TO EAT!)

    I've finished rewatching S7 with my love Billie and just began S8 with my not so love Mat and my second love Elena.  Wow, so many people I had forgotten about!  O_O

  20. 3 hours ago, Rosenrot said:

    Why not, though? Some people - like me - aren't naturally blonde, but want to be blonde anyway. And since there's a way to achieve that… where's the harm?

    No harm at all, and it looks beautiful on many heads.  My mother has been artificially blonde all her life.  My WHY? is more akin to my natural avoidance of chemical products.  Well, as much as possible at least.  I wear make up only about once a year, for example.  I don't judge people for doing what they see fit with their appearance just because I would not do the same, but I do wish that the MasterChef lady contestants would make my life easier by having more distinct looks/personalities.  Yes, I'm shallow like that, teehee! 

    I'm just beginning to tell Christina apart because she has a bit of a darker skin tone and a slightly rounder visage.  The other two, though, still lost.  😞

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