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Everything posted by BornToDie

  1. Did Kylie Bunbury negotiate some extra time off or something? Because she hasn’t had much to do in the last few episodes besides wandering around in the woods with first Denise and then Cormac. I’m not really into Jenny and Cassie, but when they’re supposed to be carrying the show as leads, I think they should actually interact with each other for more than two minutes an episode. And I haven’t seen many character beats for Cassie, either, while the storyline involving Jenny’s mom has come back into focus for her. The crime-of-the-week storyline was suitably creepy, although I feel like it was resolved a bit too quickly. I still like the camping storyline, and I hope there is some substantial forward movement in the next episode.
  2. Not really into the casting of Tom Welling. He’s way too monotone and can’t show emotion well. Michael Rosenbaum would have been interesting and I feel he’s a better actor.
  3. Welp, guess I’ll be waiting for that revival Jensen and Jared keep bringing up, because this was a big nope for me. I’m actually more interested in the snippets of Dean than anything else, which amounted to like a minute in this episode. The characters feel Buffy-esque, with some Scooby gang mixed with OG Supernatural, and that’s not really a winning combo. Drake Rodger is cute and all, but John seems pretty happy-go-lucky for someone who just got home from war. Yes, he seemed to be having some sort of flashbacks, but I didn’t feel convinced. I’m not crazy about Meg Donnelly’s portrayal of Mary; it seems like the writers and the actress were trying too hard to portray her as a badass. I’m not really into the rest of the ensemble either. What more did we really need to know about John and Mary, and how long is it going to take to get something about Dean’s mission? Those watching largely for glimpses of Dean are going to a bit disappointed, I think.
  4. Isn’t anyone going to change the episode number? Well, I said I was pretty much watching this for Beau and the glamping storyline only, and that hasn’t changed. Honestly, I was kinda bored. I don’t care about Jenny and her mama drama, and that whole tired trope about coworkers pretending to be married for a case just made me roll my eyes. At least Jensen looked fantastic throughout. There was some movement on the Sunny and Walter front, but I’m not sure how much I’m into Emily playing junior detective, but I guess her dad’s a cop, so whatever. I’m really hoping Jensen only signed for this season, because he needs to get back in genre tv pronto. I know he wants to broaden his acting horizons, but the writing is just so meh.
  5. The episode was fine, but I was pretty close to muting the scenes involving the whistleblower because I found it boring. Jensen looked good, as always. I don’t know if Beau’s daughter goes missing next week, but I did have to roll my eyes a bit about her possibly being in peril. I am liking the progression of the glamping storyline so far, but I’m hoping it’s not going to last the whole season.
  6. I will shamefully admit I am also only watching this show because of Jensen Ackles, and I’ve got to say, without him I would likely not watch it otherwise. Beau does have good chemistry with Jenny and Cassie, but I have no interest in any sort of hookups, and the two actresses are kinda bland. I am a little surprised (or not, given the sorry state of broadcast network dramas these days), about the relative lack of chatter about this show, a season premiere, no less, and with some new characters. I really didn’t notice Reba’s facial issues until the comment about the Joker, and after a rewatch, I can’t unsee her mouth now. I like her, but was never a huge fan of her or her music, but l pretty much guessed that Sunny was mystery guy’s mother once she started lurking in the woods with the s’mores. Beau and the glamping storyline and the ex-wife and daughter drama are the only things I’m interested in, plus at least the show gives Jensen the chance to play a completely different character.
  7. The title of this thread is about bitterness and unpopular opinions, which is what I posted. So, yeah, that’s why there’s negativity in my post. I also wanted to add that there are a number of fans who engage in a lot of parasocialization with Jared and Jensen, which is just as bad. I don’t think l’m insulting anyone. I’ve been watching this show since Season 2 and they’re just observations from my involvement in this fandom.
  8. I’m not surprised that this show has been done for TWO years and there are still fans who act as if Sam and Dean are real people and not fictional characters on a tv show. Fans need to start thinking of the fact that these are two rich white men who are getting paid lots of money to say words written by someone else, when it comes down to it.
  9. I was just stating my opinion, as have others here who have expressed similar sentiments. Anyway, with all the conventions, a podcast, a prequel, and talk of a revival in the future, I don’t think SPN will ever die.
  10. Okay, there have been over 100 Supernatural conventions, and still the same questions are asked and answered over and over again. I had to mute part of the J2 Gold Panel (which is up on YouTube) because of another prank question, and suffer through someone who felt the need to go on and on about her cross-country trip and then told a lame joke. It’s as if these guys have done nothing post-SPN, although some selective amnesia may also be to blame. Thank god for JIBCon coming up, because at least that format does something somewhat different, and there are only a handful of Creation Cons left this year.
  11. I still enjoy the Creation Cons for the most part (with the exception of the rudeness and repetitiveness), and I’ve only ever watched the panels with Jared and Jensen, but there do not need to be like 30 cons in one year. I realize 2022 is an anomaly because of all the rescheduling due to Covid, but it’s kind of ridiculous. Super-wiki has at least 12 of these new format cons listed for next year. That’s still a lot.
  12. While there were some really cute moments in the J2 panels, I am really glad the next con won’t be until the end of July. Way too many rude people yelling stuff out and some repetitive questions again. Why are these guys still doing Creation cons? There are still more in 2023, although the format is going to be different. I was hoping 2022 would be it, (although many were rescheduled because of Covid) save for continuing with Jus in Bello cons and maybe a few others. What is there to ask the actors that hasn’t already been asked a thousand times? And there are still SEVEN more Creation cons this year, along with two JIBcons (but I love watching those panels). I’m hoping to God not to see anything pop up for 2024.
  13. I guess I’m just tired of posters rehashing the same conflicts and talking points of a show that is officially over. And, to be fair, Jensen and Misha have been treated like garbage by the powers that be, too. I was exaggerating about the “evil” comment. I was irritated, so I lashed out a bit.
  14. I’m never surprised by this fandom anymore, but it’s been a year and a half since the show ended and I’m not sure why there’s a need to beat the dead horse and start up these flame wars again. Jared did some things I don’t agree with but he is not evil incarnate. This need to continually villainize Jared and Sam borders on the ridiculous, especially since the prequel gate incident was a year ago.
  15. Implying that JP stans were the only ones criticizing the show is completely disingenuous.
  16. I wasn’t sure where this should go, but this seemed to be the best place. Out of curiosity, does anyone think there will be a revival in the next five years?
  17. So I guess I’m experiencing deja vu again with some of the “you are not a proper Jensen/Dean/Supernatural/whatever fan if you express any skepticism about the prequel” ridiculousness that I’ve seen in fandom. There are people who are just not interested in another John and Mary story or these new characters at all, and it has nothing to do with what happened with Jared last year. The new characters are attractive, but can the actors act? I’m not particularly fond of Robbie Thompson’s writing, either. But of course to some, expressing these sentiments means you’re a hater.
  18. So Creation has decided to start doing in-person cons in Denver in October despite the pandemic still being an issue. They also aren’t offering any refunds. Wonder if any of the actors ( besides Rachel Miner, who has canceled) will decide not to come?
  19. So it’s not ok for Jared to be interviewed by anyone for anything, but it is ok for Jensen? Why is there such a problem with Jared promoting his show? Furthermore, what is with the need to put them in some sort of competition with each other constantly? I don’t see either one of them trying to outdo the other.
  20. I’ve thought about posting but there’s no point. Apparently if it didn’t happen to Jensen it didn’t happen. There has been non-Supernatural material posted about Jensen here, so there shouldn’t be any reason why items about the other actors can’t be posted. Jared and Misha both have stuff going on but the few posters who still post here don’t like either actor, so why even bother?
  21. How do you know after looking at the way some fans reacted to what happened, both Jared and Jensen weren’t laughing their asses off? I’m also talking about criticism of Jared’s show, anything he seems to post, his house being featured in Architectural Digest. There are a ton of double standards regarding these two guys. To be honest there is practically no one posting here anyway, and anyone who doesn’t subscribe to the “Jensen is God” narrative comments anyway.
  22. Not surprisingly, anytime Jared does anything he’s criticized to the maximum but if it were Jensen he’s treated like some sort of deity.
  23. So if Jensen and Jared remain friends and do con panels together, then does the perception of Jensen change because he’s decided he wants to continue the relationship?
  24. Sorry, but the way the post was phrased doesn’t come off as “just an opinion” to me. It came off as a need to diminish Sam’s role on the show.
  25. Jensen is not the only star of the show and I’ve never read anything about him saying this. This constant need to tear down Jared in order to build up Jensen is pretty gross.
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