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Everything posted by kieyra

  1. I didn't know it was completely (mostly?) scripted until season 2, and all the gags/cameos about who would play them in the "American" version.
  2. Came here to second the statistical decline in violent crime. We're just getting 24/7/365 feeds of it directly into our veins now thanks to the internet, and to the television/podcast obsession with true crime docs. Also came here to second: "Carolinas? Beautiful?". I mean, at least we have seasons (unlike south Florida), but the seasons are roughly: --Two nice weeks of spring --Pollen tornado season <--We are here --Inferno that you could bake clay pots in (~3 months) --Two nice weeks of fake fall --Inferno part 2 --One week of real fall --Cold rain for two months --One week of ice storms repeat
  3. Who's Who in HBO's Mare of Easttown
  4. Coincidentally that's right around the time Fiona decides to throw her new life away due to whatshisface's skeezy brother, and also when Sammi shows up. It's usually the part of my rewatch routine where I start skipping a lot of scenes and paying more attention to Kev/V and eventually Svetlana.
  5. For what it’s worth, I never lose sight of the fact that Walter White and Donnie D were both deplorable, self-centered asshats. Or that Walter was a murderer. And sexually assaulted Skyler once or twice. I’m guilty of using the phrase “serial killer” offhandedly about Georgia, but if I’m being honest I think the show has gone out of its way to keep some of the “murders” vague, and they might not turn out to be murders. I do think they’ve been a little sloppy with her characterization for the sake of shock and I hope they will clean it up a little. I guess I am undecided on whether Kenny, for example, deserved to be murdered. Or if the show expects me to feel like he deserved to be murdered. On a gut level, I feel like he deserved to be punched when he was groping Ginny. From a legal standpoint, I think a police report should have been filed, followed by divorce papers. Murder though? (But maybe I’m forgetting something else he did.) Hmm, my lack of tolerance for Walter White’s murders—no matter how brilliant or fearless or whatever he was—might explain my lack of tolerance for Georgia’s (assumed) murders. I’m just not that flexible on the topic, unless it’s a comic book or vampire show. (No one stays dead on those shows anyway, har har.)
  6. Yeah, this. There are a ton of Teslas in my metro--mostly the entry level ones, and a lot of other hybrids and EVs. (And of course, on the flip side, lots of Dodge Rams ... which cost more than an entry-level Tesla.) Obviously you see the occasional d-bag model S driver, but I'm more likely to encounter entitled road rage from, say, someone driving one of those Lexus SUV things. 🙂 Our Tesla drivers are more on the hippie/nerd spectrum.
  7. From an early article on the show: I would say they do the best they can for both audiences--they don't bore non-chess-players to death, partly by making sure we're fully anchored in the characters, their faces and subtext. The actors are good enough that we can tell how the game is going by their expressions. But they also had the matches mapped out by experts (see above) so that people who know chess wouldn't be throwing things at the tv. Even when Beth and someone like Harry or Benny are talking about chess theory that I don't care about, I care because I care about the characters, and they care. Or they've given it some context, like this or that chess player who went crazy in the end.
  8. I skimmed a bit but the flashback scenes and Frank-centric-ness annoyed me. Was he supposed to have died of covid19? I heard them mention his bad oxygen levels, that a quick test had come back negative, but that they had requested a (more intensive) PCR test. Was it ever resolved one way or the other? I don’t know how the show has been handling the pandemic, but I just kept thinking “wait, if he had covid did he infect everyone in the house?”.
  9. I haven’t watched season 11 but I’ve read all the threads. I can’t find it now, but I could swear I read someone’s theory that Frank was leaving the family some kind of treasure or money buried in the back yard. (I have no idea if this was pure spec, something alluded to in the season, or something I invented out of nowhere, because I can’t find the post now.) Anyway, I’m rewatching old seasons. In 3.05, when they’re trying to find Aunt Ginger, Frank tries to get people to help by claiming the loot from a jewelry heist is hidden on the property. Caught my attention just now. (I don’t imagine that whoever is writing season 11 has any familiarity with season 3.)
  10. Just a reminder that spoiler tags should not be used in discussing season 4 events in this thread. It's considered a spoil-risk zone since the episodes have already aired in the UK.
  11. IBM Clones / generic “desktop PCs” were also well on their way to common home use by then. (And you could build your own.) I think by 93/94 I had a regular (locally run) ISP. Google wasn’t around yet, but we had Lycos, or would soon. (And yes, Lexis/Nexis. And phone books. :))
  12. Quite a positive review from Vulture.
  13. I rolled that up into the “thieving” part. 😉
  14. By Steve, do you mean Jimmy: a lying, thieving, college dropout who was working as a barista by about season 2 or 3? And by “slum girl”, do you mean a young adult raised and living in poverty, and working a couple of jobs to try keep her family fed, and raising a baby and two prepubescent kids, while fending off her insane parents?
  15. Is it just me or did all Jenji Kohan-adjacent scripted shows get cancelled on Netflix? GLOW, Teenage Bounty Hunters? What else has she got going on in the scripted space at the moment?
  16. Using this for a couple of random questions: 1) Do we ever learn the name of Marcus’s dead best friend? 2) Does anyone know what Marcus and Maxine sign at each other at the very end of their scene in Boo, Bitch when Max is hammered and Marcus is trying to put her to bed? It’s one of the few signing instances that isn’t titled. It’s not the “You’re the worst” thing, it’s the VERY last gesture they both make at each other.
  17. Ginny and Georgia is the first show I’ve seen with a deaf secondary (maybe tertiary) character where the show goes out of their way to have the whole family (Dad is deaf) including the kids regularly using sign language with each other. The kids sign at each other even when Dad’s not in the scene. The signs aren’t always subtitled, and I keep meaning to look up (if I can figure out how) one exchange the teens have between themselves that I’m pretty sure is “fuck off” or something to that effect. They also seem (to my totally untrained/ignorant eye) to frame the shots to show the way the family is always careful when an outsider is present to make sure they’re communicating with both the hearing and non-hearing.
  18. Update: Discussion of season four is not considered spoilers, since the season has already aired in the UK. Sorry for any confusion. Please see the note above the reply box for further info, and read this thread at your own risk. Thanks!
  19. Lip Gallagher deserved better than this, Shameless
  20. I feel like I'm ten years old again and reading my parents' copy of Hollywood Babylon. (Which clearly I should not have been reading at ten.)
  21. This reminds me of something I was thinking about earlier. We see Ginny being (pretty aggressively!) groped by Kenny and being aggravated by it (while Georgia watches). Do we ever get any indication that Ginny viewed it as “I am being physically abused by my stepfather”, or brought it up with Georgia privately? If she does feel she was abused by Kenny, does she ever link that up with Georgia killing him? Part of this is “what are your thoughts”, and part is “did I miss any scenes that answer these questions”? (Yoga or not, I suppose I’m surprised neither one of them slapped the shit out of him right there in the moment. Georgia in particular. But I guess the point is that she’d learned by then to plan her moves.)
  22. Ok, yeah, this is the piece that went past me, or I wasn't observant enough to pick up on. I think we went through a phase of shows where there was so much rape, and it was so in your face, all the time (hello Game of Thrones) ... and then the TV industry started to pull back a bit (due to well-warranted criticism), stopped using rape so often as a plot device, stopped acting like we always needed to see the act itself, etc. And now we're at the other end of the orbit, where sometimes I can just miss it if they go too subtle or I look away at the wrong moment. (Just some random thoughts.)
  23. I've been more focused on unpacking the teen stories with this one (god knows why), so there's a lot of Georgia backstory/flashbacks I don't watch very well. Hence, a question. The guy she maybe murders (we don't directly see her do it, just crushing pills between a spoon), the one she marries so she doesn't lose Ginny? Why did that guy have to die? He gives off a creepy vibe, but what we mostly see him doing is trying to make her watch boring tv shows/movies. Like, there's something about LOTR, and the thing he does right before she (maybe) decides to kill him is ... I think tell her that it's time to watch National Treasure? Or some other movie of that era. It's almost like he just wants a stepford wife/real doll for a girlfriend. Is there any indication that he is also coercing sex from her, or being creepy about baby Ginny? I fully admit I may have missed a scene or an implication. I also recognize that blackmail/coerced marriage is no fucking bueno, I'm just not sure it rises to the level of the guy needing to die.
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