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Everything posted by aghst

  1. Bad Wolfe is the production company which produces HDM. They are also producing Industry, coming to HBO on 11/9/20, a week before HDM Season 2. https://www.indiewire.com/2020/10/industry-trailer-hbo-drama-series-release-date-1234593532/
  2. Lena is directing at least one episode of Industy, which is about young workers in international finance in London. Show is coming on Nov 9, 2020. https://www.indiewire.com/2020/10/industry-trailer-hbo-drama-series-release-date-1234593532/ The production team is Bad Wolfe, also responsible for His Dark Materials.
  3. Toyota Jan is one of the most polarizing commercial characters. Some of the hate is funny but may be disturbing. commercialsihate.com Don’t know if Lily gets a lot of hate, probably so. But she apparently gets a lot of sexual harassment on social media. tough way to make a living for actresses who’ve only been able to book national commercials.
  4. Poor, poor reviews. https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/the_undoing/s01/reviews?type=top_critics Trying to remember the last HBO show which fared so poorly with reviewers. Maybe they can say it wasn't an HBO show, it was an HBO Max show.😉
  5. Sandy better watch out. If Malia ever learns to park, Bravo will replace Sandy with her as captain since she's more photogenic. Or maybe they will stop making a big deal out of parking and they will let one of the hidden officers do that part while Malia poses on the bridge all the time.
  6. Did they just get unlucky with a taxi driver who didn't know the places as well as the drivers? He didn't have a charger for his phone at first. But they were having trouble finding both the first location where they turned in the emerald or the gold thingy and then to the circus place. Were they finding the directions through the cab driver's phone and dictating them? Maybe they couldn't switch drivers even if the wanted to. At the bell tower, the taxis were already lined up so they didn't have to go find one but maybe they have to use the same one all the way through.
  7. Sandy says one of the first things she liked about Malia was how she challenged Hanna in that first season they were on together. Bravo shows the clip. Obviously they have to arrange this ahead of time, because it's unlikely Sandy could reference a scene from a previous season and they are able to bring that scene up instantly like that. So there's at least some kind of coordination with producers. Whose idea was it to reference that scene, Sandy's idea and the producers found that clip? Or it was the producers idea and they fed her a line about how she admired Malia confronting Hanna that season? This is what raises suspicions about almost every interaction you see on screen.
  8. Or they both kind of agreed she’d be off the show but instead of some quiet, boring (for Bravo) but graceful retirement, they concocted this story about how she wasn’t into it, how she’s clashing with the other crew, how Sandy was dissatisfied with the level of her commitment, how she already had a foot out the door, etc. All to make it more melodramatic than it needed to be.
  9. I missed Hanna's response when Andy pointed out that the vape pen in the photo was for THC, not CBD? Technically was a violation on ships but it's 2020 people.
  10. How did Christina’s immortality spell fail her? Not clear how the snakes from the eyes canceled Christina’s immortality — oh and good thing the snakes didn’t come out of other orifices. Also where did the people from the corn come from? And there was a that multi-tongue monster which menaced Dee but the other one saved her?
  11. Very good show, well-received critically. Not sure what the ratings are. Season 1 was on the Audience Network on DirecTV. In the credit sequence, it's identified as an AT&T original, maybe because they had taken over DirecTV at the time. Season 2 hasn't aired in the US but it did finish it's 10-episode run in August. Show is filmed in the US, though it features some international locations. Loved the Florence scenes at the end of season 1, though it made no sense, he was sprinting around the town and he was covering a lot of distance in short time. Max Irons the lead isn't that well known but they have a lot of well-known character actors, such as Brendan Fraser, Bob Balban and William Hurt. It's suppose to be based on Three Days of the Condor movie with Robert Redford and Faye Dunaway from 1975. It's also based on a spy thriller. It does a terrific job of setting up the sense of threat to the main character and sustaining it through most of the first season. Momentum is great so it's a great binge. Not clear if AT&T will do anything with whatever rights they may retain. Would be great on HBO or HBO Max. I don't know what the UK ratings were like though.
  12. Finished the first season. With that ending, there has to be another season right? I looked up the cast after finishing the episodes and Rachel is played by Holiday Grainger, who was in The Borgias, as that tiny woman. Actually she's 5-1 and she looks taller in the modern clothes. Also watched a Zoom interview with several of the cast and the show creator, who wrote and directed all the episodes. Premise is interesting -- deep fakes are coming -- but would intelligence services really use deep fakes to prosecute terrorism cases? Maybe it's that way in the UK ,that they can't use normal surveillance as evidence, so they "re-enact" what supposedly happened, as Napier put it, to convince the courts. Did the London bombers or other terrorists caught recently in the UK have to be prosecuted through non-intelligence evidence? In any event, I know people have fears of spooks and cynicism about what lengths they would go to. But kill a UK citizen and the UK spies let the American operatives do it with just minimal objection? Finally I have some doubts about the Rachel Carey character as described by other characters. She's ambitious but principled. She's clearly going against her career ambitions by pursuing the case, despite being warned off by Danny and Garland repeatedly. Of course we're suppose to identify with her. Towards the end, she's offered a promotion to join the team so that she can restrain their worst impulses with her "moral compass." Yes she needs to be the guide for her bosses to do the right thing.😁 But is she really the beacon of morality? She has an affair with her boss, which he assumes is about sleeping her way to the top. She says pointedly that she ended the affair and that she actually liked him -- then why did she end it? She has no problems having an affair with a married man so not surprising that she joins the team which is responsible for the murder of the barrister? Of course the suggestion is that she will go in and steer them in the right direction. They put it as the last scene so it seems to be a teaser for a second season. We will see if she's able to make a positive difference. I like them showing off parts of London. Of course they can't film in high-traffic areas like Trafalgar Square though the credit sequence shows nearby Picadilly Circus. Lot of the action takes place in Croydon and other less glamorous parts of the London metropolitan area. But Danny mentioned having to go to some dinner at 1000 feet and Rachel immediately figured he was referring to a fancy restaurant in The Chard and they film some scenes there. They also filmed right out side the new Tottenham Stadium in North London, which involves the minor character Marcus Levy, who's established as a video expert who's also a big Spurs fan. Looks like Season 2 or Series 2 was confirmed by the BBC in early June. Was the highest rated new BBC show in 2019. Now a matter of when they can film and when they could work around pandemic restrictions.
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