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Posts posted by rur

  1. 14 minutes ago, Back Atcha said:

    She also didn't  arouse much sympathy initially when she told us how HOT she is (comparing herself to other females onboard).  She's an average-looking girl with a cute figure and  good  at her deckhand job.  Apparently she's looking for love wherever she works...and is instantly jealous of any other women.  Can't she just do her job, have a little fun and forget about ROMANCE?  

    Seriously! This is a 6-week job. No time at all out of anyone's life, and a very short time for anyone who works on non-televised yachts for a (real) season. Keep your head down, your pants on, and be grateful that you're making more than your counterparts who aren't on TV. Forget the dicks that you work with. (pun intended)

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  2. 1 hour ago, PaperTree said:

    Camille & Alissa both have points, Both horrible in their own way, but threatening to go whine to the Captain and get her fired was bound to set her off.


    Didn't Camille low-key threaten Fraser a couple of episodes back about being able to go to "her captain"? 

    Since we've seen that  it only takes a few minutes for everyone on the boat to know about every issue that everyone has, I thought Alissa's going-to-the-captain comment was probably a way of throwing Camille's words back in her face. (Which Camille didn't like, of course.)

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  3. 1 hour ago, racked said:


     Still can’t tell which of these babies will be a tok and then stolen. Actually wonder if all the custody talks around Esme’s baby are so that Nina/Carly start to convince themselves there’s no one suitable to raise that baby so it’s not so bad if they steal it and give it a good loving home with Michael and Willow. I could even see them doing this together in some really messed up truce. 

    In a perfect world, we'd see Nik leave town after kidnapping both babies. Then Drew could go offscreen, maybe with PI Sam, to hunt for them. For many years.

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  4. Maybe he's exercising hard enough that he's getting an endorphin buzz. That can keep a person calm for quite a while, and it could help him believe he's able to do his work better if he starts his shift feeling good. 

    Or maybe he's just a young guy who thinks working out it important for his image, and the producers are encouraging him to make a big deal about it. 

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  5. I definitely enjoyed Drew yelling at Carly for a second day. I imagine that hoping he'll say that her actions have put an end to them as a couple is too much to hope for. (On a side note, I did start wondering if, when he signed on, he thought he was going to get much more of a bad boy role -- something that would let him stretch a bit from  his Hallmark image. After all, we've all read the interviews where people said they were promised something that didn't occur.) 

    I don't give two hoots about Michael and Willow. The only thing that would make the story interesting would be if someone would have to make a decision -- save the baby although it would mean certain death for Willow, or save Willow although it would mean certain death for the baby, especially since at least two people now know that Nina would be the blood relative who would have to make the decision. Fiancés don't get the final say. Who would speak up then?  That would be soapy.

    I think Gladys went to Sonny to sound him out about selling the garage because she's so deeply in debt from gambling. It wasn't a social visit. 

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  6. 50 minutes ago, Llywela said:

    I mean, I was also posting from memory, it's just that my memory said April. But people here were saying Sara so I got confused and doubted myself! Maybe she was called something else entirely! Not that it matters. Anyway, it was her, whoever she was.

    Add one more seat to the bad memory table. I couldn't remember any names, but when I saw a name, I thought, "Well, that must be it; I'm glad someone knows!" 

    Yours truly, 

    A brown-haired girl 😉


    • LOL 4
  7. 1 hour ago, DearEvette said:

    My one question about this ep was how did the Leverage team get the job?  It sounds like the original victim, Sara didn't know they were on the job since she thanked the two regular employees for helping her, not the team?  I am wondering if she sought them out and they were on recon and hadn't officially accepted the job when they realized the new plucky assistant was doing all their work for them and they decided to 'help' her out?

    Sara, the girl we saw getting fired at the beginning of the episode,  later in the episode told the new assistant that someone else had contacted a lawyer named Harry, but she didn't know what came of it. So the team was already there, including "Lethbridge-Stewart" Sophie, because of the contact with someone the audience never saw. When the team realized what the new assistant was doing, they decided to help her. Sara never knew that the team was there. 

    • Like 8
  8. 7 hours ago, aghst said:


    Did they really want them or encouraged to push setting them up?  On the one hand, they want to try to act like kids 30 years younger on spring break with the twerking and constant drinking.  OTOH they want to bring their Indian culture on board with the hookahs and the sarongs and Bollywood theme party.  The latter sounds like something the producers want because is it easy to pack a couple of hookahs?

    So far Rachel served Mexican and Spanish after bragging about studying Indian cuisine.


    I can understand drinking, being loud, and dancing, but I think all the smoking was producer driven. I call shenanigans on anyone bringing a hookah on a transatlantic flight, and I don't think any of those men had smoked a cigar before since none of them knew which end to light. This group was obnoxious enough on their own without any Bravo-added drama. 

    Ditto all the comments about the food. I expected to see Indian food at least for dinner on the first day. Maybe Rachel has lost some of her zing because of the bad layout of her work area. Or maybe, since I just googled her age and she's almost 40, she's getting tired of yacht life. 

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  9. 4 minutes ago, Lurk said:

    Didn't they show another beach that was secluded and Sandy vetoed that in favor of the other beach with trees? (and horses and dogs and people and cars and poop)


    In their defense, when they went to look at beaches, the one they chose was empty and looked inviting. Several hours later, not so much. Interestingly, on WWHL, when asked if she regretted choosing the beach, Sandy said she didn't choose it. Hmmm😉

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  10. 1 hour ago, pasdetrois said:


    The chief stew seems like a lightweight compared to some other BD stews. Perhaps that's why "nobody respects her." That, and her preoccupation with her appearance (the real reason she doesn't want to get wet).  The helpless "Ooh I'm scared" crap during the canyoning event was cringe worthy.

    I'm going to give her a pass on that water plunge. I've eagerly done lot of things that other people thought were pretty daring, but just looking at that Grand Canyon glass walkway freaks me out. So, being expected to just grab on to a crossbar at a height-- when I don't know how long it would be before my arms gave out --  and there are sharp rocks below me and water of uncertain depth? I was getting the heebie jeebies just watching her. I totally understood  physically freezing and saying "I can't".

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  11. A long time ago, when Esme was talking with Ryan, she told him she'd come up with a way to use the hooker to further their plans. That makes me think there are probably at least two culprits . . . which will mean Heather, if caught by the PCPD, will be able to get off since at least one of the attacks will have occurred when there was proof she was . . . contained. 

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  12. Heather is so dangerous that people visiting her are locked in a room with her while the guard stands safely outside, but she's only dangerous around visitors, since she's apparently been able to leave the facility at least a couple of times to travel to Port Charles and hook people without being missed? 

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  13. In Camille's defense (and I'm kind of embarrassed to be saying this), Capt. Sandy did tell her to take a break. I don't think it ever dawned on her that she was being politely told to get the heck off the bridge, because it never dawned on her that letting your boss know you'd come up to chill while you weren't working isn't very smart. And because of that lack of situational awareness, she took Sandy literally and went on a break, although the 30-minute embellishment was all on her.


    Sandy had already tried reasoning with her a couple times;  and she should have been much more explicit when dealing with her -- she backpedaled a bit, too, when stating what she had told her. It might have been what she meant, but it wasn't what Camille heard. 

    That said, though, it mystifies me how anyone could be as clueless as she is about how to work. Apparently she's managed to get though many life situations by crying so that other people do whatever she was supposed to be doing just to finish the task or shut her up because they didn't want to hear about how she was being wronged. 


    In other news, I'm loving Rachel. She's a great chef, and I really enjoy her sense of humor. She's become one of the few voices of sanity on the crew. 

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  14. As soon as I saw the little feet, I knew/feared it was Capt. Sandy. The only surprise to me is that Bravo didn't already have a new, previously unknown captain locked and loaded and waiting for a franchise that they could plug into the gap. It seems like a bit of a missed opportunity for them, since they had to at least suspect that Capt. Lee might not make it for the full length of the show.  

    That said, I do think her approach to dealing with Camille showed some good managerial skills . We'll see whether it works or not. 

    On the other hand, it was made to appear that she was micromanaging the deck crew. IMO, it would have made more sense to give the bosun a schedule that she'd like him to follow, including anchor watches, but let him decide who to plug into the slots since he'd know his crew. But it's possible (probable?) that the producers had her make the schedule to create more drama. (rme)

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  15. 6 hours ago, aghst said:

    First thing the women talked about the new guy was his looks and height, not his experience, how he might help alleviate the work load they have. . . .

    Faye said she was going to pay the bill so they could leave.  Well in Norway, meals are very expensive.  So it'd be surprising if she's picking up the check for everyone.  It would eat up most of her tip.  My guess is production pays because they arrange with the restaurants to set up space and lighting for the film crew.

    To be fair, if I were as young as them and I'd just met someone, I'd probably talk about his looks, too. (I guess I just outed myself as being both old and that shallow. 😉)

    In an earlier season of OG Below Deck, Kate mentioned to someone (who had been blackout drunk the night before) that she or Ben usually paid the bill. So I think you're right that production pays for the dinner. They probably give one of the (few) crew members who seems responsible the corporate card. 

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  16. 42 minutes ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

    This show is going through the stage where the crew are simply wanna be reality celebs who are acting out a successful character they have witnessed in past seasons or on another version:

    * Ross is trying to one-up Gary from BDSY, who was the well liked horn dog who couldn't keep it in his pants, no matter how hard he tried.

    You're probably on to something, and that got me thinking. For example, Gary was/is definitely a horn dog, but he also demonstrated that he's  a decent person -- we saw instances where he was concerned for he other people on the boat --  and he also had a sense of humor. Most of the crew that we're seeing now seem much more one-dimensional, and that might be why so many of us are thinking the show is becoming more and more lackluster.  

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  17. 1 hour ago, Blackie said:

    Austin saying everyone whispering in her ear to cut bait, or did Maxie say that? I forget already but either way that seems like a new developement.

    Well, there was that time many  months ago that Georgie was rude to him . . . 

  18. 18 hours ago, statsgirl said:

    I'm starting to like Sonny around Nina but when it's mob business MB goes all tough buy and it's not believable at all. Or entertaining.

    Although others have talked about it before, MB's looking offstage at cue cards instead of the person he's supposed to be talking to onstage is getting so bad that even I'm noticing it, and it's taking me out of most of his scenes, Nina or no Nina. 

    10 hours ago, DanaK said:

    I keep laughing when someone visits Heather and the guards leave them alone. She’s a killer and unbalanced, why are you leaving people alone with her?

    The other day when the guard said, "She's dangerous, so we're going to lock you in the room with her," I was, "Say wha-a-at???" 

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  19. 2 hours ago, KittenPokerCheater said:

    Was Wally anti-vax and I didn’t know it?

    Wally could appear on both shows because he was on recurring status on both, which left him free to do other work. It wasn't because of vaccine issues. 

    In other news, I think we can mark GH safe from Steve Burton for a while: 


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  20. 2 hours ago, KittenPokerCheater said:

    I think it should be on contract and become the next "Annabelle."


    I kept wondering why they didn't just chase it outside. Domestic turkeys can't fly, so it could have just wandered the Q grounds in perpetuity. 

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  21. 3 hours ago, Oosala said:

    Why weren't they cycling in single file?  The had vehicles stacking up behind them.  Drinking game - every time Jess says 'cooler box.'

    I thought those vehicles belonged to the production company. Since they encountered no traffic on the (country's most famous) road, I figured it must have been blocked off. 

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  22. 2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

    She tried—she offered him three times his day rate? (Something financial.) The chef said no.

    5 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    I thought she offered that amount to the chef at the place she ordered the turkey? Either way, it was a stupid subplot. The only thing I enjoyed was seeing the turkey go "gobble! gobble!"

    I thought she offered the hotel chef 3 times his rate to kill her turkey. 

    But I don't think she ever said, "Send me enough already cooked turkey (which you must be serving in the hotel dining room if the chef is at work) to serve my family." 

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