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Posts posted by rur

  1. 32 minutes ago, PaperTree said:

    Why couldn't the woman sleep in her cabin? claustrophobic?


    I suspect it might be that she didn't want to share a bed with someone else, but rather than say that, she said she couldn't sleep below. 

    How much real time passed between last week's warning to Alissa and this week's firing? (I believe she should have been fired, but I still think the "Sandy . . . Captain Sandy" response was an attempt to show the respect she'd just been chewed out about.) It looked to me like Sandy Captain Sandy was still pissed off, so she decided to fire her, then called Rachel up for validation.

    Bravo really is having to scrape the bottom of the barrel to find guests for the show, aren't they? I wonder how much the bill will be for the gold Rachel will have to put on the steak? 

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  2. 7 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

    I don't get why "the Hook" snuck into Wydemere that way. How could she/they have known Franco...er....Austin would be there and making a call (besides a plot point.) He was inside and all doors were closed.


    I think this version of The Hook is Heather. She'd want to get rid of Ava. 

    If she kills Franco, er, Austin, er Todd while trying to get to her, it's fine with me. 

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  3. 22 hours ago, aghst said:


    But having to go drinking together seems like it would be required, like the volleyball thing, because production had bothered to set up cameras and lighting and blocked out what kind of shots they wanted to film.  So if the cast members were free to skip these events and do their own thing, producers probably wouldn't be happy.


    I think the "team building" was producer-driven, since no other group of workers has ever done it. 

    I recently read an interview with Eddie, who's been outspoken about how little the BD crews are paid compared to other "Bravolebrities"* and therefore  knows he won't be coming back to the show. He said that people working on actual yachts do not go out eating and drinking together or  spend a day off at a resort together. In fact, he, and other people who work in the industry say if they have time off, they usually try to catch up on their sleep.  


    * Who the heck knew (besides, maybe, Andy Warhol) that there would be a TV channel devoted to turning disgusting people  into idiots that other people looked up to and wanted to emulate?

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  4. 10 minutes ago, Desperado said:

    I don’t see why Trina wants to take down her mom in public, it’s not as if she hates Curtis or has a conflict filked relationship with her.


    After Auntie Stella NOT saying, "It's none of your business," but talking cryptically about a secret that Curtis and Trina needed to know, I would have left thinking my mother had some terrible disease -- you know, the kind of thing that I'd want to ask her about in private. But this way, I guess a petulant Trina will bring the "drama."

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  5. 20 minutes ago, driver18 said:

    Agreed @CeChase I don't really care much for Portia and Curtis, but I thought the wedding was beautiful, and it was so, so nice seeing a proper soap opera wedding. Everyone gathered, mostly people who made sense there at the wedding. Beautiful gowns 

    I think we're on the same page (although I thought Terry was going to be a bridesmaid, too). 

    Portia looked lovely in her gown. And, as someone who has spent quite a few years watching Say Yes to the Dress and critiquing the gowns and the people who wear them, I'll say that Brook Kerr has the figure to wear that dress. She looked lovely.

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  6. I didn't follow or even pay much attention to  the Spice Girls, and I could probably come up with at least 3 of their names, especially if I'd been talking about someone who could list all of the names. Anyone even at least marginally aware of pop culture would know something about them. Writers, this is the litmus test you're having these ace detectives use? 

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  7. 24 minutes ago, howiveaddict said:

    Captain Lee took the crew to clean up beach trash.   He went to an elephant sanctuary in Thailand.   No stupid volleyball to set up his chief stew.   Because Sandy was planning to shit on Frazer hurt foot or not.   The foot just made it worse. 


    19 minutes ago, aghst said:

    The captain isn’t choosing these activities.

    I think  Production chooses the activities, but I also think Sandy was going to find fault with Fraser, no matter what. 


    And good leaders don't build a team by telling all the underlings to do the activity while they stand, observe, and don't participate. 

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  8. As said above, Capt. Sandy has managed to unite the team -- in dislike of her. Having suffered through mandatory team building exercises myself, I'm not surprised. Nothing like being forced into that kind of crap on what is supposed to be your down time. And way to be part of the team, Sandy -- stand on the side. It might have been more effective if you'd played for the interior team since Fraser couldn't. 

    While I pretty much think Alyssa deserved everything that was said to her, I don't think her saying, "Sandy . . . Captain Sandy," was an insult. I think she caught herself and was correcting what she said. Sandy (or production) has it in for the interior crew. 

    FWIW, Fraser clearly can be heard telling them that when they finished their tasks they could go tan. Whether or not they really asked the new guy if he needed help is another issue, but I can understand thinking, "I'm done!" and not wondering how someone else is doing. 

    And, this seems a good place to put this quote from Hannah since it supports both what others have said about Capt. Sandy in the past:

     "But what had happened is she’d watched the show before she came on, and she’d made her decision about me on a few things had happened. … I think it was like about 45 seconds from our first introduction they had to stop production and be like, ‘Sandy, you can’t talk to her like that,’ like straight off the bat. … It was something where I’d literally pronounced a dish wrong or something when the chef hadn’t told me and given me enough notice to remember. And also, it’s that competitiveness, wanting to kind of be the fan favorite."

    The article I took that from can be found here: https://www.yahoo.com/now/below-deck-mediterranean-hannah-ferrier-131625392.html but I've seen basically the same thing in other articles. 

    Katie rationalizing giving Ross another chance because she didn't want to give Alyssa the power was just pitiful. She already looks like an idiot. We need someone to slap her upside the head and say, "Snap out of it!"


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  9. If Willow dies, who will get Amelia? Michael may be the father, but he  isn't married to her. Her closest relative is Nina. That conflict could be soapy. 

    So I think that means a donor will be found. 

    And by the way, have Carly or Michael made any indication that they've had their bone marrow tested or do they expect a compatible match to fall from the sky in a machine???? 

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  10. 26 minutes ago, Book Junkie said:

    I can't believe how many of you don't like Capt. Kerry. He's my favorite captain, with Glenn from BDSY as either a tie or a close 2nd. 

    It looks like you'll be seeing more of him, since he'll be taking over for Capt. Lee on the next season of Below Deck https://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/captain-kerry-replaces-captain-lee-for-below-deck-season-11/

    I don't know if this means that BDA was a one-off, or that they'll find another captain for another locale.

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  11. I think they had to take the show in a slightly new direction because Timothy Hutton wasn't there. I imagine the producers knew that the new series would be compared to the old, and  changing things slightly because it wasn't the same crew would probably avoid some initial complaints about how the show wasn't the same without him. 

    Personally, I'm enjoying the redemption of the characters, and I look forward to another season, although I suspect it'll begin with them coming home from completing the NASA job. 

    (I'm also glad we at least got a Sterling shout out.)

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  12. How hard would it have been for Sandy  to ask Fraser to stay for a minute after the pref sheet meeting and talk some specifics with him then instead of calling him out in front of his peers? And how hard would it have been to give him some specifics instead of saying, "Turn them around"? 

    Katie, Katie, Katie . . . you revealed that you'd already been with a cheater before. Stop letting Ross walk all over you. He had a chance to redeem himself and didn't. You're better than this. 

    Alissa's actions on WWH made it pretty clear that she wasn't there to work, no matter what she said. She wanted to develop a career in something other than yachting. 

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  13. 36 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    These writers (and I say that loosely), are so damned creatively bankrupt.

    I love Vernee Watson, but the constant yelling that Stella does is starting to hurt my ears.

    I think the actress deserves better than the trope of being the nosy old auntie who yells and interferes in everyone's business. And that makes me tired of seeing her character on screen (which isn't fair to the actress, IMO). I'm also getting tired of the writers using her nosiness to move stagnant plots along. Try something new, guys.

    But if you're going to maintain the status quo, writers, then at least have her interfere with the Cassedines and get that long-stagnant Ice Princess plot either killed or wrapped up.

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  14. If I were working under Capt. Sandy, I would want her to use fewer platitudes when giving me direction. Most recently, she  gave Camille one more charter to show she was "in it to win it". What exactly does that mean? I'd rather have her say, "I want to see you doing A, B, and C,"  and I think it would give the people she's talking to, who are often not the sharpest knives in the drawer, a clear understanding of what she expects. She's used this vague motivational talk throughout the seasons of the show, using other cliches, and every time, I've thought , "What is she saying that she wants?"

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  15. On 1/28/2023 at 5:01 PM, MyMaui said:

    Why not bring them on board for their pizza meal?  I thought they wanted pizza.  There is no way the pizza would have traveled well. It was a small space where they were. too  Just travel to the boat for food.  That's what makes me crazy with Faye.  Why make them stay there in that small space when they wanted a lunch.  That barn  was not equipped for a lunch just snacks.  Give them a drink they want, what if someone didn't want a bloody mary?

    I understand wanting a little something before going back to the boat for lunch, so I can't fault Faye for that, and I'd guess that Bloody Marys are a pretty safe drink to offer, but she did say there was also cider and beer. If someone had bothered to find out how long the horse trip was going to take, things might have gone better. (Faye, looking at you.)

    • Like 2
  16. 9 hours ago, Daisy said:


    But why didn't she have it in the 2nd trimester? (or she was told that too?)

    We saw her having a treatment once it became her second trimester. But apparently in GH land, patients only need one. But then, her second trimester was much shorter than her first.

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  17. 1 hour ago, Blackie said:

    When Dex asked Sonny if there was anything he could do to help Willow, I thought Sonny might ask him to get tested as a donor. Then Dex finds out he is a match and Nina's son, Nina had triplets!!!! and Joss is in love with the hated Nina spawn !!!  

    That would be classically soapy, so it won't happen. 

    But I'd love it if it did. 

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  18. 3 hours ago, MyMaui said:


    Captain Kerry - is he related to Capt Sandy?  I found how he told Jess he would talk to Faye and then it was time we see him tell Faye he would be down in the galley to keep an eye on things.  That is something Sandy from BDM would do.   The way he acted with the chef, I thought, was completely wrong.  I would have quit too and I hope she did. 

    Actually, Captain Lee did it once when there were issues between the chef and the chief stew.(I don't remember which season, but it was probably Kate and someone.) He sat next to the galley all during service and was very clear about why he was doing it. I will give props to Captain Kerry for helping with the washing up, but I have issues with him telling Faye things in the galley were "hectic." I don't think that word means what he thinks it means. What he said to Jess about the way she was treating some of the others was pretty accurate, though. Maybe he pays more attention than it seems. 

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  19. I watched this episode again, and want to thank @aghst for pointing out the late diners were not the horseback riders. (which means that group basically took a boat to go horseback riding) But on second watch, Jess turned out to be the bigger jerk, IMO. I still think the guest complaints about the food were producer driven since Faye told them snacks at the barn then lunch on the boat, but perhaps Jess could have been convinced to make some food for the excursion, since that is her job, if someone had bothered to find out how long the horsie adventure would take.

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  20. 53 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

    The guests had a pretty healthy looking charcuterie board and a Bloody Mary bar, it was around 6:30ish when they got back to the barn with the horses and the guests while eating kept saying something about lunch and how they were hungry, they had tons of nibbles in front of them, they were going back to the boat for dinner, WTF did they want? 

    This is why I think the complaints were producer driven. If they were so hungry that they were complaining about not having. meal, why the heck were they two hours late when food was being served?

    And, if the dresses fit the the stews, which I imagine they will, will the Norwegian alterations specialist get any credit?😉

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  21. I think the guest complaints after the horse excursion were producer driven. If I were coming back from an outing, I would like something to eat or drink, but I wouldn't necessarily expect a meal, if I hadn't been told I'd have one. I would think returning to a barn, after what was apparently several hours, would make it rather clear that there were no facilities to prepare and present a full hot meal. I put some blame on Faye for this and some on Jess for her refusal to provide anything, but I don't think it would have been as much of an issue if the guests hadn't been instructed to complain. 

    Also, they're in Norway! Do they not sell thermoses there? While I'd never turn down a well-made Bloody Mary, I'd probably also welcome a warm drink after trotting around the cold countryside on a horse. 

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