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Posts posted by lovetowrite73

  1. On 8/11/2020 at 2:54 AM, LotusFlower said:

    I think the show’s considered a hit.  It does pretty well in the ratings, and I think it rates even higher than Below Deck OG.  (Don’t get it).  It’ll be interesting to see if the ratings fall after this week, though.  Tons of SM posts from angry ppl. saying they’re done with the show, but are they?  People always say that, but do they stop watching?  

    For me, the answer would be yes. I never watched last week's episode after reading the reactions in here. I'm done with this show (at least this season) but will read what's happening by continuing to check in here.

    • Love 9
  2. 4 hours ago, Yeah No said:

    I read the interview, and Iris says absolutely nothing to convince me of her "sexual maturity" in it.  Like the audience, Keith isn't basing that opinion of her on her lack of sexual experience, but her entire attitude.  Even in this interview she says things to confirm that immature attitude.  She expects Keith to "break down her walls" by showering her with words of affirmation or whatever.  She sees herself as the princess in the tower that the valiant knight has to come rescue.  Barf, go back and watch your Disney movies little girl.  This man wants a grown up, not a Pygmalion project.

    She also said that basically he didn't romance her. We all have our love languages and when they aren't being spoken, the relationship goes nowhere.

    • Love 3
  3. On 8/3/2019 at 9:01 AM, humbleopinion said:

    Iris and her extensions are giving us her best badass death stare

    On 8/3/2019 at 9:19 AM, sarkygal said:

    I wish Iris didn’t get the long extensions. Her features stood out more with short hair.

    I definitely do not think she has extensions. Natural hair is infamous for shrinkage. Getting a silk press will make it appear twice as long at times (and Iris's hair, IMO, has never been short).

    • Useful 2
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  4. 17 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

    My feeling on Iris becoming upset about the sex questions is, she really doesn't know how to answer, is flustered about being asked these kinds of questions as a virgin - & with a camera in front of her - & she's feeling the gravity of this situation from Keith's perspective. She's starting to realize he's not feeling this the way she is & the painful reality he would've preferred someone with experience, so now she's starting to fear the marriage ending because of her virgin status, & rightfully so. One could say Iris shouldn't have applied, but the 'experts' (or whatever powers that be) should not have chosen her for this reason. 

    Yes, I agree 100% with this!

    17 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

    Add me to the group that thinks that Iris has some real issues around sex and physical intimacy. If it were purely religious, I think the fact that she was married would make her feel almost obligated to have sex (isn't that horrible Duggar woman always droning on and on about how it's a wife's duty to have sex with her husband whenever he wants it and the whole point of marriage is procreation???). I wouldn't be surprised if there was some sort of abuse or trauma in her past that has made her so repulsed by sex. I think she will need intensive counseling to get past it, if she ever does.

    Personally, Iris has been a virgin for X amount of years (I'm not sure how old she is) and she's only known Keith for 2 weeks. So, religious or not, why should she give it to someone that soon? I get why she wouldn't want to lose her virginity until after Decision Day. I think some of her histrionics are ridiculous but I get why she's hesitant about sharing that part of herself.

    • Love 9
  5. 21 minutes ago, seawind said:

    I am so profoundly disappointed in the show, I can't even process what I'm feeling right now. Everything that happened the second after Dany flew the dragons DIRECTLY OVER KING'S LANDING IN BROAD DAYLIGHT WHEN THEY KNOW THAT CERSEI HAS WEAPONS THAT FUCKING KILL DRAGONS and everything that happened AFTER THEY SAILED RIGHT UP TO KING'S LANDING IN BROAD DAYLIGHT was a complete waste. There is absolutely NO WAY IN HELL, NOT IN ANY UNIVERSE, that that would have been something that Dany or Tyrion or any of them would have done. This was just the show forcing things in order to kill another dragon and then Missandei, two more things Dany loves, so that we could get the "mad queen Dany." I can't even be sad about Rhaegal and Missandei, because THEY SHOULDN'T HAVE DIED BECAUSE THE WAY THEY CAME UPON THE CAPITAL WAS ASININE.

    Show, you did something far, far worse than anything you may have done in The Long Night. You broke my heart. 😞

    She was on her way to Dragonstone and not near KL. 

    • Love 1
  6. 1 hour ago, ShadowFacts said:

    Yes, and doing the whole Randall's family history on her first night in the house was for his benefit, not Deja's.  Too much info, too soon.  She doesn't need to hear that she's a "project".  I was putting myself in her place, and wow, she needs less intensity, not more. 

    Was it her first night in the house though? I thought the social worker said that she'd send the full case file once she got it. Would she have gotten it on the first day? I'm just wondering.

    Seeing Deja's plastic bag full of her belongings reminded me of a charity that I support and the reality of foster kids traveling from home to home with just that. The charity has you decorate bags for foster children so they can at least have their things in something decent. The plastic bag was all too real. :(

    • Love 4
  7. No, no, no, HELL NO to that conversation between Claire and Sandy. That just goes to show that Frank used his own version of what was going on to tell Sandy. Sandy doesn't get to blame Claire for Frank staying in that marriage. That was Frank's choice and his alone. I wish that scene wasn't in the episode.

    • Love 11
  8. On 10/4/2017 at 3:54 AM, Racj82 said:

    I'm sure that would go over well with Kate...and a lot of the viewers.

    So, she figures it out on her own? We all know she's not self-aware enough for that. See last week's episode, audition scene.

    • Love 1
  9. 13 hours ago, WatchrTina said:

    I am downright ANGRY about the quick-cut from Jamie’s anguished face following Rupert’s death to the face of Tobias Menzies.  I don’t say “Frank” because for a moment – a deliberately LONG moment – we the viewers aren’t sure if we’ve gone back to Boston or if Jamie is having a flash-back to Black Jack Randall and I just RESENT that note being introduced into such a lovely, touching moment (Jamie’s remorse over Rupert’s fate.)  Not cool, show-runners.  Not cool.

    YES to this! I said to my boyfriend, OH, that's Frank, not Black Jack. Grr...

    • Love 2
  10. 23 hours ago, Winston Wolfe said:

    Did he really though?  By no means am I being a judgmental prude, but Issa has been working hard to give up the cookie - to any guy who appears marginally interested - for awhile now.  Interestingly enough, Lawrence doesn't know everything we do, or he would have really unloaded on her.

    But, like you said, Lawrence doesn't know what else she's doing. He called her that based off of, I believe, ONE picture he saw of her and Daniel. And not only that, he then accused her of sleeping with other people throughout their relationship. That is some real fuckboi shit. 

    • Love 7
  11. 49 minutes ago, Palomar said:

    I'm really liking Sheila more and more and how she handles herself.  For one thing her MIL should be happy that Sheila is very nurturing to her teenage son, letting him live with them.  She definitely knows how to roll with the punches.  I think Nate is falling in love with her but just hope he is mature enough to keep it together.

    That's not Nate's mother's son -- it's his father's son.

    • Love 1
  12. 24 minutes ago, dinkysquid said:

    Couldn't agree more!! Acting wise, she has never impressed me. She seemed to play a very similar character on "Girls" and I'm wondering if she is indeed a one-trick pony. Can she only portray a free-spirit, hippy-dippy chick, who looks like she's on her way to Cochella? And I don't know if this is caused by her lack of acting chops but I too get zero insight as to who this Bonnie person is supposed to be. With the other characters, I get a distinct sense of who they are and what they are about. I don't get that with Bonnie at all. She's not interesting, faceted or even slightly complicated. She's just some little Earth Mama floating around in her gauzy 60s flower child gear, probably smelling of patchouli oil. I know people have been voicing some opinions about Jane's acting (guilty as charged) but I think she is way better than Zoe. 

    She was in X-Men: First Class.

  13. Last night's episode pissed me all the way off. The wife's insistence on Reggie rewriting the thank you note then groveling to get the old note back was a bit much. I get that they're social climbers but to lose your self-respect in the process...And then to have the woman send a note back and call Julius Julian was hilarious. Serves the wife right.

    I'm glad that Cassie showed up at M-Chuck's therapy session. I hope it helps whatever M-Chuck is going through.

  14. 8 hours ago, lucindabelle said:

    but I don't understand the complaint was trying to get money out of that he was charging of quite reasonable flat fee if you look at any high-profile criminal case the lawyers were certainly paid I didn't feel. that was wrong at all I just think he should have explained better.

    I think they were more put off by Stone talking about a plea deal. 50k to plea guilty...hmm. And his card said "No Fee Until You're Free." I don't get why he wanted retainer money then.

    • Love 1
  15. 5 minutes ago, topanga said:

    I enjoyed the episode. Some great performances from RonReaco Lee, Tichina Arnold, and Erica Ash (M-Chuck). 

    But I wish we would have found out during the episode that the accident occurred because the uncle was reaching to the floor for his weed pipe and ran a red light. It would have possibly distilled some of M-Chuck's unnecessary anger toward the new girlfriend. Not to mention the girlfriend's unfounded guilt. And Cam wouldn't have torched the new car. 

    We did find out that he ran a red light and that weed was found in his car...

    I really wasn't feeling any emotion from Tichina Arnold in this episode, to be honest. For some reason, I just felt like she was acting and it took me out of the scene (though I love her relationship with her boo). But Cam, M-Chuck and Reggie's performances were great. 

    • Love 2
  16. So, I just read the "Daddy" chapter and I was SO pissed at how Claire reacted to Laoghaire (I think that's how you spell it) and her daughters. She even reminds herself that Jamie doesn't know about her role in Claire being detained and put on trial for being a witch. At least give him the decency of hearing him out. But, of course, something had to happen in order for Young Ian to find her to let her know Laoghaire shot Jamie...On to the next chapter. :-)

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