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Posts posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. 31 minutes ago, irisheyes said:

    I may be wrong, but I think they went in for an U/S (either scheduled or because she wasn’t feeling movement), and there was no heartbeat, so they induced labor. I would hope that it would still be the same, but . . .

    I think they were going in for the gender check and found out that Annabel had died. 

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  2. She would have had to take the kids. The Duggars, including Boobchelle, Jana, Jason, James, and Jenni (assuming they didn't leave Hannie or Josie, just didn't see them in pictures) traveled to Cincinnati for a wedding yesterday. I doubt Anna made her "road trip" wherever she was going all in one day. Unless she was already at her destination before her post and she actually made it home in time to be part of the Duggars' caravan. Maybe Olivia Collingsworth (the bride) is the "bestie," and there was never a trip to OK or TX in hopes of seeing the FF (which we now know is currently impossible).

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  3. 1 hour ago, ginger90 said:



    That explains why I momentarily saw that Jill had posted. It was a picture of her and Derelict from when she was still a brunette. I assume it was an anniversary post. Weird that she can't post. I hope she gets this straightened out soon.

  4. 1 hour ago, Absolom said:

    You're in California also, right?  We're used to the state rules to protect LTC residents.  

    The Caldwells are dreadful and must have been disruptive on multiple occasions if the police were called. 

    Yes, I am in California. There have always been masks required at MIL's place, but now with the county wide mask mandate, they're just in line with everyone else. 

    It's not that hard, Paul. Protect your sick mother from your trash! 

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  5. I thought I heard that Danni wasn't coming back. I never heard anything about Madison and Pringle. In the previews, she flashed a good size rock, so she gets engaged to *somebody.* 

    Good lord, Kathryn gets worse every season. 

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  6. 47 minutes ago, Zella said:

    Agreed. I'd argued before the trial that the best way for her to have a chance of breaking free on her own and not being dependent on Jim Bob's financial support was via a tell-all, but having seen the way she's doubled-down, I realize that that is never going to happen. I think somehow in her mind it is preferable to be absolutely miserable as Josh's wife than admit to anyone, let alone herself, that she was ever wrong about him or their marriage or anything. 

    Co-signed. And wanted to add that she would tie this into her Gothardite upbringing and current beliefs. But what's unclear is what Gothard has to say about an incarcerated husband. All I have to go by is when another religious leader (Kent Hovind, IIRC) was in jail. Boob and other men maintained his innocence, but we never heard about his wife. But given the way this guy was martyred, I would guess that the wife dutifully waited for him. I don't think money was an issue in her support, as it might become in Anna's. 

    I hope there is a lot of real estate stashed away in all those LLCs.

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  7. 2 minutes ago, Zella said:

    I'm not denying that people lose weight in custody. I am just pointing out that it isn't the universal experience people often make it out to be. The opposite is actually more common. 

    Thank you!

    I actually agree about the weight gain. I just wanted to point out that weight loss is attainable if one dedicates oneself to it. Smuggar has demonstrated that he has no impulse control, so I expect he will gain substantially.

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  8. 38 minutes ago, Peanut6711 said:

    I have no doubt that Carlin would give Evan's right nut for a show of their own.  But the big question is still what caused BUB to be cancelled in the first place. Presumably something nasty or they wouldn't have scrapped and eaten the cost on the season already filmed.  So, beaucoup followers or not, they'd need to find a network that isn't skittish about a potential controversy and the Bates name. 

    Agreed. TLC takes on bigoted lowlifes, but the Bateses already had a go with them. Not sure if they'd go with this. Maybe E!? 

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  9. 2 minutes ago, Zella said:

    Isn't the baby due in early July? Maybe he's making an early appearance. 

    I thought that a few days ago when she didn't post on Father's Day. But now, she also missed their anniversary. It has to be the baby 

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  10. 1 hour ago, isalicat said:

    We pick 28th...but apparently may be trading that away...the draft is really unimportant for the Warriors this year as we already have so many young guys to try and keep (and pay!).

    Bob Myers has stated that he wants to keep everyone. A healthy James Wiseman would be a huge help down low. Looney and Two Way Wiggs can't do it all.

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