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Everything posted by GrammyPammy

  1. Jibri is so unstable. He thinks his talent is going to support their lifestyle as they travel the world? He is in for a big dose of reality and it ain’t gonna be pretty. I am so over this batshit crazy jerk and hope to never see his face/stupid tattooed neck again.
  2. Tatiana is getting on my last nerve. She tried to make Mohammed look bad for talking over her, then turned around and talked over him. And just how stupid is Yve? Had she ever even heard of Muslims before getting with this man? She thought because he had a college girlfriend he wasn’t a virgin, and is surprised he was uncomfortable and felt disrespected when her stupid squad were bulldozing him with explicit questions about his sexual experiences? She is just so clueless about everything…
  3. Emily and Kara’s hormones are upfront and on display! 😂😂😂
  4. Awww, Geez…Bilal doing the “older mentor that has it all together and dispenses wisdom to the younger generation” thing. No one should take any advice from that sociopathic narcissist.
  5. We got you! Lean on us, your Primetimer peeps. We won't let you down. I appreciate your support!🥰 It just makes me sad how much I used to love the show/franchise, couldn’t wait until it came on every Sunday night…now it almost seems like a chore. But I definitely would NOT still be here without all of you delightful snarkers!!!
  6. Here we go…Part Two! Lord…I don’t know if I can slog through another season😩
  7. Of course Chris and Jibri are instant bosom buddies.
  8. I get the feeling he is squeezing pretty damn hard, too…
  9. Shaheeda is a real ass the way she threw Shaeda under the bus about her reaction to that shitty prank house. What a cheap shot!!!
  10. Jibri, the uneducated, untrained therapist has life advice for everyone on the show! I am still processing the fact that Daveed beat him up/put him in a coma and Mahala responded by SENDING HIM TO MILITARY SCHOOL!
  11. Kudos to Shaun for shining the light on that ridiculous pre-nup. It had no protection at all for Shaeda.
  12. Did this d-bag even go to high school? His grammar is atrocious! He does not sound professional at all.
  13. Patrick should talk…he balked at letting Thais buy that stupid vase at the furniture store!
  14. Even Bini jumped on the red pantsuit train! mioni’s plastic earrings look like they came from Dollar General or Walmart.
  15. Joining late and landing smack-dab into the middle of Patrick retelling his erectional dysfunction story of why technically he didn’t cheat. Ugh.
  16. Jibri is seeming more and more unstable every episode. He was a gigantic jerk on this. GENIUS to put Tim and Kenny as backstage color commentators, LOL! I love it! Emily just had a baby so I cut her slack on her weight. She is still obnoxious, though… The first look seemed somewhat disjointed but I think we are in for some fireworks! I think Thais looked pregnant, I’m guessing the other pregnant one could be Kara. That was A TON of commercials but I really liked the Subaru one with the golden retrievers and dachshunds at the Weenie Hut! And dang, those DQ burgers looked great, unfortunately I live in Texas where the DQ grill menu is totally different. 😒
  17. Yes! I love it! Although, as a dental hygienist some of the teeth on these Brits are hard to take…
  18. In the Tell-All preview, Shaeda looked shocked and covered her eyes😂
  19. Tim said that. Oh, right. Well, it was last week and I’ve slept since then, ha!
  20. Maybe Jibri can have Space Cash or whatever his name is on alert backstage to help him fight off John and Bini. They are both wayyyyy stronger and tougher than Baby Jibri.
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