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Miss Anne Thrope

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Posts posted by Miss Anne Thrope

  1. 50 minutes ago, UYI said:

    I also LOVED the GL reunion last week with all the Marahs (none of the Shaynes were there after all; frankly, the Marahs were enough). I still adore Laura Bell Bundy (who just recovered from COVID-19 recently, thank goodness!), Lindsey McKeon is brunette now instead of blonde, Kimberly J. Brown looks EXACTLY the same, and Ashley Peldon is now DR. Ashley Peldon--she's a licensed psychologist! 🙂


    I enjoyed the Marahs reunion too.  I loved that Robert Newman and Kim Zimmer seem genuinely fond and proud of all of them (and KZ of Tom Pelphrey as well).  It's been mentioned many times before, but that cast was apparently very tight - which to me seems, if not miraculous, possibly unusual.

    Definitely looking forward to the upcoming one too.

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  2. On 7/14/2020 at 11:05 PM, UYI said:

    I know it's been 25 years now, but I too am shocked/surprised that Frank Beaty agreed to do this. ....

    Just some truly insane shit. Hopefully he's doing well now, though, and he DID get an Emmy nomination for his work. 

    Unfortunately, Frank did not make the interview today; something came up.  Rick Hearst and Sonia Satra were very entertaining thought - he's another good storyteller and spilled a fair amount of info about both GL and the other soaps he's been on.

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  3. Wow, even at a nuisance level, that's creepy.  Thanks for the inside info! Maureen Garrett did one of the reunion interviews (or something like it a while back) and came off as very pleasant but liking her privacy - so sorry she had to deal with crap like that.

    I don't recall Derwin saying why he wanted to be the killer  - whether it was  a personal thing he really wanted to do, or whether certain characters would be eligible to be the killer within the construct of the story, and he was just raising his hand and saying "Pick me, pick me."

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  4. On 6/21/2020 at 9:36 AM, justduckey said:

    New interview with Mark Derwin. Really long but some great stories.


    Thanks for pointing this out. Watched it in pieces, and the host was a little a little green, but Derwin does tell a good story.  I especially enjoyed the one about the actor who lost his storyline because he was a jerk; the writers decided to kill his character and Derwin and Michael Zaslow each wanted to be the one to kill him. Good times!

  5. 1 hour ago, SoMuchTV said:

    I've never actually tried it for this specific purpose, but if you look at the address of your flower-ee in Google maps, then search for "florists", it should give you what's nearby, then you can drill down into the ratings for the ones that look like possibilities.  Not sure how much you can trust the ratings (they are probably just from the owner's relatives and the people who had a horrible experience), but at least you could could get some sense, and skip the fee from the internet overlord.

    That's precisely what I did when my mother lived in Atlanta (I'm in Connecticut), and it worked out well.  It helps if the store has a website - if their site defaulted to one for one of the big services, I skipped it and kept looking.  I got independent confirmation from my sister* that one arrangement in particular was stunning, so that became the go-to flower shop.


    *She lives in the area, but when I asked for a recommendation, her response was "how the hell do I know?"

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  6. 12 hours ago, Bastet said:

    ... Eidetic was a bit surprising, too; I thought that term was better known, especially with the letters spotted by the category.


    11 hours ago, peeayebee said:

    I've certainly heard of it, but I couldn't remember the word.


    All I could think of was Sheldon Cooper's memory but couldn't get the word out in time.

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