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Miss Anne Thrope

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Posts posted by Miss Anne Thrope

  1. 26 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

    Instaget FJ for me tonight.  

    I also got the TS of High Life, Gilda Radner, Key West, 8th, and Mexico.

    I didn't understand Mayim's comments about Ryan being cool before it was cool to be a Queen fan.  Wasn't it cool to be a Queen fan before Wayne's World came out?  (I admit I do the head-bobbing thing that they did when I hear "Bohemian Rhapsody", though.)

    I thought so, but I'm old.  

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  2. @zoey1996, that is so awesome.  We moved east from Michigan when I was tiny, and one of the early family trips was to Virginia Beach and environs, including Chincoteague.  A pony took a kick  at me -- just a lazy "buzz off, kid" swing of the back leg --  and it was love at first non-contact!  Totally  my fault, got too close to a grazing mare and (IIRC) foal. My parents tried to quash the horsey love at every turn, so no more family visits to Chincoteague.  I'm so glad you were able to visit multiple times and have the memories to take back with you. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, Annber03 said:

    I saw them back in 2007, when they opened for Crowded House. Up to that point all I'd known from them was "Stacy's Mom", but their set got me to check out more of their work. They were really entertaining live. 

    Schlesinger also worked on the music for Stephen Colbert's Christmas special. A very huge loss to the TV/film/music world, indeed. 

    I loved his work on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend too - he wrote crazy brilliant songs, sometimes about semi-taboo topics, that were both hilarious and well-crafted .  Given the loss his family experienced, I feel guilty mourning the loss of his future music compositions, but he was freakin' amazing.  IMO, of course. 

    • Love 6
  4. 2 hours ago, Tom Holmberg said:

    I DVRed "New York Ninja" but haven't watched it yet.  Apparently it was made in the 1980s, but not finished until 2021!

    I caught most of it last night, and it was pretty hilarious and eye-roll worthy -- in other words, quite enjoyable.  If anyone is familiar with Joe Bob Briggs' Drive-In Theater ('80s era The Movie Channel), he would definitely have shown New York Ninja

    • Love 3
  5. 38 minutes ago, Bastet said:


    Yikes.  I had quit watching before the kids came along, and I had no idea she had so many.

    There was a set of twins, so she wasn't perpetually pregnant.  Well, by soap opera standards anyway.  

  6. Final Jeopardy! was an instaget because of "Sic semper tyrannis."  It being Latin, I went right to Julius Caesar.  

    Loved the "Okay, football for $200" said with some degree of.... trepidation?  Resignation?  

    • Love 2
  7. 37 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    I grew up on The Guiding Light, but I can’t recall Ross…..maybe, he joined after I didn’t watch as much.  Who was he related to?  

    IIRC -- and it's been a while -- Ross showed up in Springfield to defend Roger Thorpe against charges for raping Holly.  Late '70s, early 80s?  His brother, Dr.  Justin Marler, was the real father of Philip Spaulding in a big storyline around then; and he seemed to date every available woman in Springfield --  Vanessa Chamberlain (and her fur coat), Trish Lewis, Holly Norris Thorpe, and many more.  Somewhere in there he married the mentally unbalanced  Carrie Todd and fathered Dinah Marler (Vanessa C being the mother, though they never married.) 

    He was the DA of Springfield seemingly forever, and ran (successfully?) for Senate.  He ended up flinging it with and marrying Blake Thorpe despite having just been dating her mother, Holly.  The big Springfield blackout played a role -- Ross and Blake were trapped in an elevator, I think, or something like that -- and from then on, it was pretty much Blake and Ross.  Until he was unceremoniously written off the show, anyway.   

    I might have timelines out of whack and possibly left out some big stuff; anyone is of course welcome to correct my recollections. 

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  8. 2 hours ago, Hiyo said:

    Jerry verDorn, Who Played Ross on Guiding Light, Dead at 72.

    He joined the cast of Guiding Light in March 1979 as attorney Ross Marler, a role he played until 2005, and for which he earned two Daytime Emmys and four additional nominations.

    In 2005, verDorn moved to One Life to Live, recreating the role of Clint Buchanan (originally played by Clint Ritchie) until that ABC serial and its online revival ended in 2013. He then retired after 34 years on daytime television.

    Oh, this breaks my heart.  He was so wonderful as an actor and a person -- basing the personal estimation on the many fundraising events in which he participated in his career an in retirement.  

    • Love 9
  9. 6 hours ago, PBnJay said:

    I guess @Browncoat and I (and my "friend") are the only ones who know and can recognize the very recognizable Friesian horse. And B+W dairy cattle are Holsteins in North America, while the term Friesians is often used in the UK and Ireland. And since Jeopardy and this site are in North America and not UK or Ireland ... Holsteins they are.

    I know Friesian horses too -- worked with a Friesian cross at an equine rescue, and my mom's family hailed from Friesland (way back when).  That answer was a cinch at my house. 


    Friesian Perch ring.jpg

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  10. 1 minute ago, scarletine said:

    As far as I know, Amy and Adam still have their own show, "Kindred Spirits" with Chip Coffey. I haven't heard anything about it being cancelled. 

    I agree and have also not heard any cancellation news for KS.  (And I kind of like the show, so hope that's the case.) 

    It looks like the formula for this Ghost Hunters (after two episodes, so I could be wildly wrong) is to have on some guest hunters to fill out the crew.  Last week, Amy and Adam; and last night three of the Destination: Fear group.  (Unfortunately, they left out the best DF person, Chelsea.)  I can't imagine they would ever combine Ghost Hunters and Ghost Adventures team members, but it could be a memorable sh--show / testosterone battle between Jason and Zak. 

    • Love 4
  11. 12 hours ago, dgpolo said:


    Meant to ask, Mattea reminds me of someone but I can't place her, any ideas?


    I see a little Tracy Gold (Carol on Growing Pains) and a little Yeardley Smith. 





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  12. 6 hours ago, hiisa said:

    When I started this rewatch I was planning on watching to the end. I never made it to Booth and Bones hooking up. I was looking forward to it. Now, I think I'll make it to the end of season 1 and drop it again. I really don't like any of the characters except for Goodman, Angela and Zack. Sometimes Hodgins. But I cannot stand Brennan and Booth. I think they are both serious assholes. I don't suppose Dr. Sweets makes it to season one does he? I really liked him. 

    I think Sweets shows up early in Season 3.  While I like Cam just fine, I really liked Dr. Goodman a lot and would love to somehow have had both of them on. 

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  13. On 3/31/2022 at 8:49 AM, EtheltoTillie said:

    Same for me, that I can quote the movie and became a fan of Cage.   I have a plot quibble:  The boob exposure and the hookup between Loryn and Tommy is unpleasant/disloyal.  Will be curious to hear the explanation.



    This is just my take -- I'm not claiming to speak for Ms Coolidge, nor have I watched any extras.  I thought the hookup was a little jarring, but not unusual based on my teen years.  Your friends aren't always good friends; and Tommy was sought after more as a status symbol than a good mate or a nice guy. He's kind of a tool, but one who ranks high in the social pecking order.  Loryn, knowing there might be an opening for a new girlfriend, goes for it and is duped by Tommy into thinking she could be his next objet d'amour. 

    If assigning blame, it gets fuzzy.  Loryn is not a loyal friend to Julie, but she also knows Julie wants to move on with Randy.  So in her mind, she may not be betraying her friend.   As for Tommy, while getting dumped is humiliating, he's going to capitalize on the situation and mope about the breakup as long as it gets him the desired attention.  That would be girls lining up to comfort him and hopefully become the new queen of the high school social scene; I don't think he'd pick a new girlfriend terribly quickly as long as there is all that fruit on the tree waiting to be picked, so to speak.  (Is my complete disdain for Tommy showing? Plus, I may have given this way too much thought.) 

    Anyway, just my opinion, mileage may vary, etc. 

    • Love 2
  14. Also a fan of Valley Girl.  Really good chemistry between Cage and Foreman, and sweet and funny without being exploitative (looking at you, just about every other 80s teen sex comedy).  Not to mention a great soundtrack. 

    Julie's hippie parents (Frederic Forrest and Colleen Camp) were both in the Apocalypse Now scene where the Playmates are fooling around with some soldiers, so I think it's funny they're together again.  Did they fall in love at the mini-orgy? Was Julie conceived on the Playmates' Vietnam tour? 



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  15. 57 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

    Yeah, TV writers back in the day REALLY loved their slow burns :D. Like you said, there was a reason behind it - the fear of the "curse" - but still, it's funny to think of how long some of these ships dragged out. That's why I get a kick out of people who get frustrated nowadays when their ship isn't together by, like, season 2. They would've been tearing their hair out were they around watching TV back in the '90s or earlier :p. 

    Most of the ships listed here, I haven't seen the shows they're from, either. But there are a few of my favorites in there (I smiled a bit at LIzzie/Gordo from "Lizzie McGuire" showing up - that was a cute surprise). I'm kind of surprised Niles/Daphne is midway through the list, I would've thought they'd be a little higher up. Though regarding the blurb on them, I don't recall Niles sniffing Daphne's hair when they first met. It did become a recurring thing with him, yes, but in the episode where they first properly met, Frasier introduces them, and Niles simply shakes her hand as he kinda fumbles out an awkward hello. 

    I'm also surprised that Max and 99 from "Get Smart" aren't in here, given some of the other pairings from shows in the '60s and '70s that are in here. Or Morticia/Gomez. 

    Morticia and Gomez were definitely a romance for the ages, I agree.



    • Love 18
  16. 56 minutes ago, 853fisher said:

    Just for fun, the Best Actor and Supporting Actor that year were Robert Donat ("Goodbye, Mr. Chips" - health problems limited his career) and Thomas Mitchell ("Stagecoach" - he also did four other films that year).  Gable may not have brought home the trophy but I think there's no doubt he is the best remembered today.

    including GWTW, as Scarlett's father.  1939 was a good year for Thomas Mitchell (and clearly for movies).

  17. 3 hours ago, Bastet said:

    In a recent Esquire interview,* Anthony Edwards said he and Mare Winningham eloped at the end of last year, just the two of them and an old friend to officiate:

    They meet when screen testing for The Sure Thing (which neither got) and became friends when filming Miracle Mile together.  It's not noted in the article, but while he was on ER, she had a guest arc as a psycho who invented a romantic relationship with him.

    *He discusses sexual abuse in that interview, so don't read if that will upset you.  There's a People article that just talks about the marriage revelation.

    Edwards did get a  part in The Sure Thing as John Cusack's friend who sets him up with Nicolette Sheridan; maybe he tried for the lead and didn't get it.   

    He lived in CT a few years ago, but I'm guessing he's moved on.  I once went to get the mail with camera in hand (for fox, coyote, deer, etc.) and he rode by on his bike giving me the big fisheye.  I understand why, but the camera is all about the critters. 

    • Love 3
  18. 7 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

    I haven't been a regular viewer in awhile and know she's had her scary moments on the show. But when I watched, she still came across very sharp. If she can't do her show anymore, that's one thing. But it is heartbreaking for someone as young as her to not be well. 

    I agree -- early on I enjoyed her show because although she was green in some ways, she would ask some hard questions that we all wanted the answers to; and when she goofed up, it was kind of funny, no harm done. In the last few years, though, her health and/or wellness has been an issue -- plus she had an ugly divorce from her husband, also a producer of the show -- and it has  been hard to watch her deal, or not deal, or deal poorly with all of these issues.  I do hope WW can find health and peace with the breathing room this turn of events may have provided.   

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  19. They showed some Ghost Hunters 2.0 (cast lineup 2.0, not S2) episodes on either Travel or FYI a while back, so these episodes may eventually find their way to a non-premium channel as well. 

    From the promo -- TAPS returns, plus the 15-year reference -- I thought Grant may have rejoined the group. But apparently, the Ghost Hunters name  was sold to Discovery+ and the Ghost Nation cast plugged into the show.  The Grant and Jay fallout of several years back must have been epic.


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  20. On 2/1/2022 at 9:32 PM, SoMuchTV said:

    I just saw a Folgers commercial with the Freaks and Geeks theme - Bad Reputation. Not quite sure what I think about that. 

    I'm liking it so far, and it's a massive improvement over the screechy "best part of waking up" spots they've been running.  JMO. 

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