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Miss Anne Thrope

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Posts posted by Miss Anne Thrope

  1. 2 hours ago, roamyn said:

    Bobby married her first and they had two sons.  David claimed he fell in love with her, while watching them.  When Bobby & Patti divorced, David divorced his wife Karen (who he met on the HCTB set), and they had three sons - Brandon, Timothy & Andrew.

    Good lord, that's some drama.  

    • Like 7
  2. On 1/1/2024 at 10:26 PM, JAYJAY1979 said:

    I viewed ATWT as the  reserved soap...a bit cold and unapproachable.  Their most consistent headwriter Marland was also kind of reserved...very New England.

    Guiding Light had this energy and warmth especially during the Pam Long and Nancy Curlee days.  You felt invited and part of the family.


    I think both GL and ATWT were set in the midwest, but I agree about the different tones in the writing.  The Bauer kitchen (and BBQ!) were warm and inviting, but the Hughes house was like the living room kids weren't allowed to enter.  My memory of ATWT may not represent the show well, though, because I mostly recall things about it from when I was very young, since it was on during school hours. 


    8 hours ago, cleo said:

    I will probably give it a try, but I'm not sure when. Sometime later this year. Mostly bc I think that and OLTL are the only other two I have any interest in. If available. 

    I'm just starting 1993 and I'm struggling with a lot of the storylines other than Blake and Ross. I read 1993 and 1994 aren't very good.

    -I hate baby storylines, (and I hate Nadine), so the stuff with Nadine pretending to be pregnant isn't of much interest. I'm looking forward to Billy dumping her though. 


    I thought Bridget was a hoot and really enjoyed Melissa Hayden's work, so found the fake baby storyline amusing at least -- but I like crazy/silly stories, oft-married characters, etc.  The clone storyline and twins  with different fathers, for example, are a bridge too far for me, but I'll go about 80% of the way down that road and enjoy the trip.

    • Like 2
  3. Also a fan of Remember the Night.  (Holiday Affair looks to be on again today/tomorrow, so may check it out again.)  And also remember Gimbels -- though we shopped at a Gimbels (in Bridgeport, CT), not the Gimbels.  

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  4. I'd call ATWT a sister soap to GL in that they were both Procter & Gamble soaps. A lot of the same themes, I think some writers crossed back and forth -- that is, changed jobs, didn't write for GL one week, ATWT the next -- but there was no relationship between GL in Springfield and ATWT in Oakdale.  At least as far as I recall -- my mom watched both shows forever, so I did osmosis -- no characters crossed over or visited, like I believe Y&R and B&B have done.

    I'd call ATWT about as well written as GL, with many remarkable/ oustanding characters like Dr. John Dixon, James Stenbeck, Lucinda Walsh, and of course Lisa Miller Hughes Eldridge Shea Colman McColl Mitchell Grimaldi Chedwyn. 

    They also had a good eye for talent, casting young Meg Ryan, Julianne Moore,  James Earl Jones, Marisa Tomei, and I'm sure others who went on to bigger things.   Potential bonus:  no cloning storylines. 

    • Like 1
  5. 13 hours ago, Driad said:

    When any f**tb*ll occurs, my local station airs Jeopardy later, when I am enjoying my nightly glass of wine.  This week it happened twice, and I got FJ both evenings.  Hmm ...

    The never-ending debate of correlation vs coincidence.  Clearly more testing is in order.  Cheers!

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  6. Miss Anne Thrope's Hulu Saga Update:  Thank you all for your counsel and assistance.  I signed up for the Hulu deal at work today -- it took about 30 seconds and I'm good to go.  Still can't get past the landing screen on my home computer, but no longer care.  

    Again, thank you all for your suggestions.  I don't know why signing up did or didn't work in all the different scenarios, I'm just happy to be in! 

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  7. 9 hours ago, oliviabenson said:

    Get a new email/use a different credit card.

    Thank you for the suggestion, but I can't even get that far -- the process stops at the landing page where you click "get the offer" or whatever the language is.  I do keep a collection of email addresses for occasions such as this. 

    Maybe it's picking up my IP address (? I dunno, semi-Luddite here), so I mayl try it from a work computer this weekend. 

    • Useful 1
  8. 18 minutes ago, ABay said:

    Firefox was the only browser that worked for me. The Hulu deal page wouldn't load for me in either Chrome or Edge.

    Thanks for the tip -- unfortunately, it didn't work for me.  I've cleared cookies, history, etc.   It's not a big deal, and I might try doing it at work, making sure to use a spare address.  

    I did get the Paramount Plus deal -- thank you all for mentioning that, I look forward to using the crap out of that at least.  

    • Hugs 1
  9. I've been a Hulu subscriber in the past but not since at least April 2023.  They sent me an email re the Black Friday offer of $.99/month;  I clicked on the "Get this deal"  button with no result.  I read the fine print and it sure looks like I qualify for the offer. 

    It turns out many others on various internet fora are in the same boat.  Did anyone here run into this issue and find a workaround?  (It's certainly not the end of the world but it's made me kind of pissy.)


  10. 8 hours ago, MissAlmond said:

    In other news, CBS is set to air a celebration of Dick Van Dyke's 98th birthday on December 21. Good luck with that, Dick! Seems to me every time one of these Celebrating X Birthday! is announced for a future date, The Grim Reaper comes a knocking first. 




    4 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

    Now I'm nervous for Dick Van Dyke. 

    Betty White died just before a documentary about her was to be released on her 100th birthday. 


    Will they ever learn?  

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  11. I liked The Landlord too, and it appears to be growing on me (seen it 2x).  While it is dated and/or clunky at times, I think a lot of the satire is still relevant and bitterly funny. The luminous Diana Sands was largely the heart of the story and carried it well.   I've always had a soft spot for Beau Bridges so consider the source; but I thought he (and writer Bill Gunn and director Hal Ashby by extension) achieved a good balance  -- getting involved with his tenants rather than going with the original plan to evict everyone, but not getting excessively warm and fuzzy and retaining a good measure of the jerkiness that comes with being a rich, somewhat callous, white guy.  Pearl Bailey and Lee Grant were also wonderful, especially together, IMO --  as noted, I clearly enjoyed The Landlord a lot the second time around!

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  12. They did provide some extra stuff behind the paywall, but a fair amount was BTS in addition to spooky stuff.

    The site abruptly refused payment of any kind from a bunch of people (including moi) kicking them out completely.  The hosting company was unresponsive to both subscribers and the Fear crew --  which was apparently just one of the woes encountered, and they're changing over to a new one.   Not sure I plan to reenlist.  


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  13. 8 hours ago, anniebird said:

    I’ve seen a lot of things on OPL but this is the first time I’ve seen a middle-aged woman walking down a city street at 9 o’clock on a Saturday night completely naked. 


    5 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    From other reports, it's not illegal, and the woman is a well-known character in the area.  


    Daytona Beach?  Wilkes-Barre?   Dang, I knew I should have checked in last night.


    ETA: Thanks, CIA!



    • LOL 1
  14. I love Night Nurse, but I really enjoy pre-Code* so consider the source.  Stanwyck is excellent as always, as is Joan Blondell; and the story moves right along, with a (IMO) satisfying ending.  

    *So seriously looking forward to Loretta Young Day....

    • Like 4
  15. I went to bob then immediately to bobbysox.  It may help that my father played Sinatra allllll the time -- bobbysoxers positively swooned over him -- or more likely the impact that Sinatra parodies in Looney Tunes made on young, impressionable me.

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  16. 4 minutes ago, Blergh said:

    While, of course, it's sad that the elder Mr. Field passed away (and my condolences to his loved ones), I can't help but imagine that his son Storm, at best, would have had to have worked to have made peace with being tagged that  (if not at some point outrightly having resented his parents for tagging him that as a weatherman's son).  Still, since the younger Mr. Storm himself wound up becoming a weatherman, I suppose he made his peace and/or decided resistance was futile.

    Storm's given name was Elliott David Field, so maybe Storm wasn't such a bad nickname. 

    I too grew up with Dr, Frank Field and then Storm (at different staitons). Storm was quite the hot young weatherman at the time.  In the crowd I ran with, anyway. 

    Going to 100 is a good run.  Thank you, Dr. Frank, and RIP.

    • Useful 6
  17. The second part of the first trip dropped yesterday  -- so as mentioned somewhere above, it is like they're doing what we are accustomed to seeing as one episode into two parts.  I could also live with less of the ancillary yelling (like while selecting sleep locations; legitimate screams and yips are no problem), but overall I liked it.  They got some good stuff.  

    Perhaps my favorite part: 


    Alex running and yellling "I'm coming for ya, Chelsea" when really he's fleeing his assigned space (though Chelsea was freaking a bit, but so was he.  Alot.).  Chivalry, thy name is Alex. 


    • LOL 2
  18. 18 hours ago, ForumLou said:

    Is that you Jeff Fisher? 🙃. Heehee I jest

    Anyway the whole charging thang pisses me off. i think it's a big old money grab. They make tons on the Kickstarters and now are asking for more? Hell no. It's too much too soon.  Maybe down the road some but not yet.  Go thru the KS $$ first


    If I knew who Jeff Fisher is, I might be offended.  Luckily I am blissfully ignorant (on this and many topics!).  

    • Wink 1
  19. 1 hour ago, iRarelyWatchTV36 said:

    Okay, after checking out the ProjectFearYT subreddit, it seems that they are breaking each full episode up in to 2 parts, and the 2nd part is a week after the first one.  Not quite sure on that part, though.

    Also, the 'paywall' part is something they call the Fear Club;  sounds like its separate from the YT page.  Its a $9.99/mo subscription where among other stuff they put at least some, if not all, of the best evidence captures from these new locations/new visits to old locations.

    I will likely end up caving and paying that $10/mo to see said evidence captures - because that's what I'm here for and having liked the past 4 seasons of DF - but its really disappointing.  They raised nearly $400K to kickstart/fund this YT venture, and now are charging so people can see the real reason for watching?  Don't get me wrong, I like the format and their reactions to things & interactions with each other, but I watch 'paranormal hunting' shows for the - at least supposed - evidence captures.


    Even with a good startup fund from the Kickstarter campaign, it costs money to make the show.  Travel, lodging, and food expenses can add up pretty quickly; and they each probably draw some kind of salary even if it appears Dakota does most of the work (at least the editing, it looks like).  The Fear Club will probably help to keep operating income coming in -- even if it does feel kind of like a ripoff.


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