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Everything posted by Grizzly

  1. The difference, which my husband points out to me every damn time, is how the contestants sit on the horse. We've mostly seen people sit side saddle-both legs on same side of horse, which makes it much easier to fall off. There have been a few, like the 2 last night, that have ridden with legs around the horse. The far superior technique.
  2. I liked that most of them dressed up for the finale. Would it have killed Joel to wear a suit jacket? Really loved Natalie's top but her leather pants were too baggy. I'm ok with her and Luis winning. They had the best decorated cake. Their trophy said Season 1 Winner so I'm hopeful we'll get another one. All the contestants were making comments when everyone brought out their desserts. I had no problem with Thomas. He loves his mom.
  3. For the butter question, I didn't think of bread at all. I came up with baked potato and tub of popcorn. Sorry Antonio but that straight is not what goes with jacket. You want strait.
  4. I don't think I even saw the rotisserie chickens this last ep.
  5. He has gotten much more comfortable in front of the camera. The first time I saw him, he was so monotone and wooden. Now I enjoy seeing him.
  6. Brisbane, Aus. How old is she? She's worried about falls? When she's not trying to be a teenager. Instead of worrying about having space for a renter, why not scale back on her budget? I can't be too hard on her, she loves ice cream. And she didn't give in to her kids. To her credit, they were not bratty.
  7. Livermore, CA. Their kid is so cute. I love that he named the house Frank. Did they say what price they closed at?
  8. I've never seen Darren in anything but I knew he'd been in Glee. He is a real cutie. I too wondered where the stuff from the garage went. Thought they could put a small shed in the back but hot tub is a better idea. I don't understand the pavers with grass between them. Doesn't that make it easier to trip on the pavers?
  9. I'd watch Natalie versus Ralph. They are both so talented and seem to be the power behind the figureheads.
  10. Season 3 is off to a good start. All the animals were phenomenal! And there's a more congenial relationship between the teams. Buddy's team spent too much time on those flowers. Could have used the time on the rhino. When I think safari, I don't think flowers. And I wasn't wowed by the water. Duff could have used a little blood or a claw mark on the antelope. The judging was a unique set up. Definitely recognized some of the judges from other shows. Pretty fair way to determine a winner.
  11. Joe T has a great smile! Every week I find something more to love about him. Being an animal lover is great but the howling was so annoying. Really preferred the zoo keeper. He came the closest we've seen to getting by the fish. All the putts weren't memorable. Liked that the 2 guys didn't make the wedding hole awkward. And all the contestants really seem to get along and show good sportsmanship.
  12. Loved Shark Trek last night. Josh was so funny with his fan-girling and Trek lines. Bill is in incredible shape for 90. I liked how he was apprehensive about the sharks but did it anyway without much fuss, unlike the other celebs they get on Shark week. That might have been for show since I remember last year him talking about swimming with a whale shark and being in awe. It was funny and educational, well done episode.
  13. Marcus always looks fly but that green suit was enchanting.
  14. I know you are referring to Hunter, but the same question could be asked of Nancy Silverton.
  15. Frankfurt, Germany. They waited until the last possible second to show us Kevin. Place #1 wife has the nerve to hate the rug pattern while wearing that loud, hideous dress. Place #2 brought the nature inside. I actually liked that floral wallpaper but I can understand if a guy didn't. How could they make that work with a medium sized dog? #1 made the most sense. Not enough Kevin.
  16. Cleveland. He's 40, I wonder how old she is? Did the totally modern house have any doors? I would say no to it, they couldn't fit a child and guests in there comfortably. The compromise house should be the pick. That finished space over the garage was awesome. She should let him have it for all his music stuff so it's out of the house. I don't like her snippy comments to him. He doesn't like her style but was never mean about it.
  17. Only a little, because we won't know it's you. We'll have to come up with a secret wave you can give us, or a code word. And pray they don't edit it out. Or take your chances knowing there'll be an ahole on the next episode.
  18. Wife is not winning me over. But they did get a good deal.
  19. Zap2it shows this Wednesday's episode is in Frankfurt, Germany! Fingers crossed for Kevin!
  20. Perth, Australia. Why was 4 bedrooms so important? Keep the baby in your room and then when older, the kids can share when they have guests. Missed which house they picked.
  21. Charlotte, NC. I missed the very beginning, why does this unmarried couple with grown children need a huge house? I'm not an architect expert, but house #2 has to be the biggest Cape Cod I've ever seen. Glad the dog is enjoying the yard.
  22. Did I hear correctly? Some lady came up and ordered 4 taste of the trucks? Was she the mother of someone on Lime Truck? Her and what army was carrying all that food away? Wish we had seen people eating that food. Found it curious that there weren't any customer testimonials. We just heard from the guest judge how great everything was. I liked that Waffle Love was the truck of choice for nursing homes. Their price point was never going to get them the overall win.
  23. Did like the floor tile Leanne helped install in the bathroom. They were funny comparing arms at the beginning of demo. Drew is usually the one showing off his "muscles".
  24. I liked #3 as well for them. But this episode leaves me with so many questions that have nothing to do with houses and are none of my business. Were they a couple before he lost his job? Were they both homeless? What was his relationship with his mother like? If she was sitting on all this money, why couldn't she prevent him from being homeless? At the end, the girlfriend mentioned grandkids. Are they hers, his or theirs? He seemed to personify socially awkward, wonder why he decided to be on tv?
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