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Everything posted by Grizzly

  1. I know we all made fun of the cheesy song they would play at the end during reception scenes. But gosh, I really miss it.
  2. Sunshine Coast, Australia. KK is a pain in the ass. You could do a drinking game with the word "far". Nancy seems like a cool chick. I'm really liking Lucas. Yay, she stayed on budget. So that lift she added to the garage. How do you get the car down if the motorcycles are parked below it?
  3. Philly. Good thing this is a young couple, all they're looking at is townhouses with a lot of stairs. Wonder what kind of wedding they'll have, if there's any money left. I'm not crazy about the facade of any of these. The roof space is pretty cool. Don't like how dismissive she was of his opinion. Really like Paul's dad. Wish he was the episode.
  4. I watched the first half and then turned it. Kitchen witch should not have seen the light of day. What the f, having the waiter come feed him? Too slow, having the 2 other chefs was bizarre, and Kal was made to say really boring drivel.
  5. Cumbria, England. The daughter is pretty but needs to butt out. She's not the one paying or living there. Prue has made it this far in life without daughter's advice. The realtor is another silver fox. Natayla is worried #1 will have expensive upkeep but doesn't bat an eye at #2 being 180k over budget? I'm glad Prue got what she wanted. She seems like a good egg, as the British might say.
  6. Charlotte, NC. I feel sorry for the son that they made his mom's storyline all about dating. First house would have them on top of each other. Funky place though. She wants to learn to live with less? She can start with her car. And how many pairs of glasses does she own? I just ordered 1 new pair since mine are 61/2 years old. $700! But I am blind as a bat. The townhouse could be customized to how they want it. $12,000 more for him to have some yard, I would say no.
  7. Malaga, Spain. Wow to that first apartment. Does Amara even speak Spanish? Or is that not a job criteria? We're seeing a lot of spoiled young ladies looking for adventure lately. Surprising trend during a pandemic. She'll make friends at work. These apartments are really spacious for Europe or is it because this isn't a major city? Glad she chose the beach, people will come to her.
  8. Justin Long must be making the game show rounds, he's on Celebrity Family Feud this Sunday.
  9. I really liked the first dress the chef tried on. Not as impressed with Randy's. But she liked it, so that's what matters. The bride who wanted a black dress should've shopped at a Halloween store. At least she picked a dress that didn't have her boobs hanging out. 😒
  10. Not that there's anything wrong with being an only child and living at your parents' till you're 24. 😉
  11. Amsterdam. I'm not sure I'd leave Hawaii to live in Amsterdam. But I guess when you're young and unencumbered, try it. Is Allison wearing mom jeans? It's fun how well she and Sarah get along. Can't believe she thinks she could make that cramped boat work. #3 had the best space but those stairs. I was thinking she could get a job to pay the extra $100.
  12. New Jersey. House #1 is cute, I did love the blue and the front porch. But yeah, Ian didn't fit in it. #2 was ok but didn't have some things they wanted. #3 seemed their best bet but in a couple of years, they will not want their bedroom on a different floor from the bathroom. Won over by a basement, they weren't the worst musicians we've heard on this show.
  13. Can we keep Jordan as a judge? Pretty, please?
  14. Ok. Love is love. But when Carly's mom was like this is my wedding too, I've never been married. I'm thinking, legally your daughter isn't going to be either. And I was so curious as to who the other 2 women were. Was one Paulo's mom?Dresses were gorgeous. English version. I get so upset with these entourages that think their opinion matters more than the bride's. At least these brides stood up for what they wanted.
  15. Valencia, Spain. Wow, what a back story. You'd think Katharine would concentrate on what would make him happy. All the places seem lovely. The realtor really made this episode. "This is Steve happy 😶 and this is Steve unhappy 😶." Glad Steve was good humored and played along.
  16. Virginia Beach. I did like the style of that first Victorian. But my practical side agreed with him that old houses can hide big problems. Wouldn't a home inspection turn up that sort of thing? Hope they don't buy #2, that whole house was a gut job except the fireplace. I liked #3, those ceiling details were nice. She needs to outgrow the goth phase or is that her way of assuring the girls don't go goth. Of course contractor goes for total gut.
  17. Josh is so cute. I'd be fine with him being the third Property Brother. I wish we could have heard him sing some more. Outdoor renovations was probably the best bet for filming during a pandemic. I'll take it because It's better than nothing. It's a nice change from white kitchens.
  18. I did not find Ali to be funny or attractive. She kept acting like she's so hot. I was shaking my head the whole time just embarrassed for her. What is she known for besides who she married? And which Marvel show is Mike on, because I need to see more of him!
  19. Nottingham, England. Darn, I was hoping for Richard. How brave of them to take on that reno without knowing what they're doing. I guess it is all about location.
  20. Long Beach, CA. This couple seems realistic. Most HHs would turn their nose up at that first fixer upper. Liam is cute. You'd think Bill the realtor might dress up a little for being on tv. Wow, I can't believe what a coat of paint did for that place. And how far they had to go over asking price, that's crazy.
  21. It's the first time I've seen this set. I like it but maybe they should give the chefs 5 more minutes since things are further apart. It's brighter. And James is the best judge they've ever had.
  22. No pausing for dramatic effect allowed, that's for sure.
  23. Buddy's team was clearly going to win tonight. Didn't like Duff's concept or execution. Anna and Ralph were the mvps. That horse was amazing, I loved her technique for the mane. And the crystal details Anna added was something Buddy wouldn't have thought of. Ralph made a great face as always. This second hour is kind of what we wanted, no Buddy or Duff.
  24. Tonight was very funny. Tyrone gives his best answer when it didn't count ("masturbate") and then freezes when it was his turn. Steve was just brutal with him but in a hilarious way. Paul Reubens had the most diverse team of people I like but had nothing in common. Wish we had seen more of them. Is it true that everyone in Hollywood knows each other?
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