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Everything posted by Grizzly

  1. Derbyshire, England. Richard, out in the country. The modern place was fine, the character place would be hard to beat (why is there a lobster under the tub?). Guessing it will be easy to find work there. The on budget place could suit their needs. Joe is right, decorations will make it homey. Wow, they didn't go over budget. Let's hope she likes his family.
  2. Morgantown, WV. How refreshing to have a young couple who doesn't want a ultra modern, ultra updated home. With that said, I did like the third house best. Even though it's not like the house I grew up in. 😉 Except maybe the driveway. Their dog was adorable.
  3. We've seen plenty of whiny straight people on this show. Part of the problem was he didn't have a friend or relative with him to talk to. So all comments were directed at the agent.
  4. Amsterdam. We're seeing a lot of the same countries. I've never heard of Noosa, Australia and we've been there twice in 3 weeks. Now we're back for more Dutch charm. Yes, probably due to Covid. Sarah and Courtney got on like a house afire. I wouldn't be surprised if they still hang out. Sweet how concerned Sarah was that Courtney find the right place. I am so jealous of Courtney's figure. Maybe I should find a place 5 flights up. Hope her husband is able to come visit.
  5. That was very nice of chef Bret to say how much seeing Ted on tv inspired him. I think I would've picked his dessert. Hers didn't look all that appetizing.
  6. Noosa, Australia. This is an interesting dynamic. We don't usually hear this much from the realtor. That first place was the most modern studio apartment I've ever seen. Perfect for a young woman. Glad she chose #2 over AJ. I couldn't share a house with a bunch of guys. Bad enough living with one (smiles at husband). That is definitely worth the drive.
  7. Dallas. Pretty sure Brandon's parents weren't shocked when he came out. He is so whiny. It doesn't have the amenities, the HOA is too high, where's my tub, I want my friends to sit at an island. His agent was probably wishing her baby came early in order to get out of this.
  8. And with an 8k budget, mama must be pretty good at pastoring. Why isn't the wedding happening at her church?
  9. There better be a big comeback in the future or Michael may never appear on tv again.
  10. I was disappointed that we didn't get to meet her team. Is Marvin her husband?
  11. Anyone else expecting Bailey Bellamy's top to fall down?
  12. Cabo. I think I could do the 1 bed, 1 bath to be that close to the beach. You live outside. And I thought the kitchen was fairly updated. Glenn and I don't stay at the same hotels. Never had that much space. I'm glad she was able to overlook her aversion to the tiled kitchen. Especially since the same time in the bathrooms was a ok. Mr Grizzly did not like her voice.
  13. Huntsville, Alabama. I hear all the time about service families having to live on food stamps and yet this family can put up half a mil. Is it due to their 20 years of service? Huh, I thought they'd go for #3 not #1.
  14. Rob and Joe were in fine form tonight. When they were pretending to call a horse race, so good. We had a lot of good putts and several obstacles were successfully avoided. Two windmills, one flipper and one pecker. Don't think we had that many in all of season 2.
  15. The Hague, Netherlands. Yay, it's Floor. Which is it, do you want Dutch charm or have all the things you're used to? A garage is not a European feature. Ok he dropped that pretty quick. Lovely place but the dog loses out.
  16. New Rochelle, NY. Why do I get the feeling BJ doesn't want to do projects with her dad? Maybe BJ isn't handy and feels inadequate around her dad. Or the 2 men don't get along. I love the realtor asking if they like each other. Died laughing when BJ considered that cathedral ceiling and huge stone fireplace as modern. No, mine was on time.
  17. Same at birthdays, showers, anniversary parties etc. And it better not have fruit in it!
  18. Zug, Switzerland. Don't people realize that once you bring your personal items to a home, it will make it more cozy? That was a huge balcony at #2. I didn't think the kitchen was that small. Nice to see they're making it work.
  19. Another "Washington DC". The baby is cute. Glad they were smart enough to get a neutral realtor. 2700 square feet isn't big enough to expand their family? Are they going for a baseball team? (Because their kids probably won't be tall enough to play basketball.) New build was a good choice.
  20. I had never seen Chef Eric before and now this is the third Food Network show I've seen him on in a week. Not that I'm complaining, but where did he come from?
  21. Bryan picked the better "team" for sure. They stuck together to eliminate one of Michael's chefs. Michael's team turned on each other as soon as they could. I felt bad for Anthony since Michael dictated the whole dish but Anthony got the criticism. It was interesting to hear what the brothers looked for in picking a chef.
  22. My husband and I were wondering who the heck scratches their car with their phone. Felt bad Deon's team missed it by 1 point. But those were not good answers to the church question. Justin Long's team was very good and the people were enjoyable.
  23. It took me a few minutes to place Deon. Is he the guy on the Old Spice body wash commercials?
  24. The pictures they showed of the red haired bride as a brunette, I thought she was very attractive. The emotions that she displayed really got to me.
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