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Everything posted by Grizzly

  1. Atlata, GA. At the end of house 2 where she said she was open minded, I snorted. Open minded is the last thing she is. Try picky and unreasonable. Did the townhouse have a living room? And what's up with her not liking cats? I would take house 1.
  2. I'm liking Philippe, Jody, Richard and Sabrina. So funny when Jody asked Jesse if he wrote the jokes himself. Marilyn seems like a great baker but I think her personality will become annoying. The donuts all sounded good tasting and the apple/cheese desserts were creative.
  3. I got the impression McGee likes Parker. Parker is taking an interest in them, is sociable. All the things they wished Gibbs did. It just takes some getting used to. Torres is pretty much a dick but watching him get in that ice bath was hilarious. They need to give Knight more to do.
  4. The final pieces were not that impressive. And didn't have much to do with Halloween. A Wild West theme would not be my pick. At least the winning team had creatures from the west. The werecat was good but the front end of the hound did not look right at all. I was so worried when the judges were scarfing down the cake that they'd pick that team. But I've been fans of Ed, Thierry, and the woman who's name I'm ashamed I'm not sure of, from the beginning. They were fans of each other from the get go. And there was no drama, just camaraderie. So glad they won.
  5. Ok. I would hate being alone in the house at night if we didn't have the dog.
  6. Marlborough District, New Zealand. That stinks about them having to live apart. But Kevin is obsessed about having to clean those other 2 bedrooms. Just shut the door and don't worry about it unless guests are coming. The small cottage is practical for what they need right now. They can always get a bigger place when Simon lives there permanently.
  7. Charlotte, NC. Grandeur and Cape Cod/Craftsman don't really go together. Don't like the won't compromise attitude. But at least they are both seeing things they like in the homes. So tiresome when one is determined to be negative. And they did compromise with no pool or guest house.
  8. OMG Jeff Probst is here and I'm not wearing pants!
  9. I was very surprised Adina's cake leaned since they showed her putting dowels in it. She knew it needed support.
  10. Alicante, Spain. Getting to see Nick more often is nice. This area of Spain is so picturesque! I was surprised the apartment by the sea was on budget. Maybe that construction was a factor. I prefer the castle view. And was it me or did the kid seem to have a British accent?
  11. Houston, TX. House #1 must have had a great location because the price wasn't due to the amount of land you got. The houses were too close together. House #2, all of a sudden Seema is spending money left and right on knocking out walls. House was ok. #3 is way too expensive for what you're getting. #1 had more of a yard. Dogs need more than fresh air. After seeing the others, #1 made the most sense.
  12. It's probably small comfort to Adina that she correctly pegged John as the killer. As far as the least liked ingredient, as Renee went up to get her box she said something about it could be this, this, or sauerkraut. So maybe the contestants gave a few and the producers picked.
  13. They have 2 guest rooms and a dining room they never use and this guy needs an office for his 1 day a week he works from home? And since when is 1985 considered historic? That powder room didn't need updating. When I saw the dog bed at the new house, I knew they were listing it. They've stopped doing the dramatic pause before making their decision known.
  14. I was rooting for Ryan and am not sure why he won. Titus had the best piece in my opinion. Couldn't understand the criticism of no movement. His pumpkin was on wheels and his rocket moved. I liked Ryan's dragon but he would've been in the weeds if Titus hadn't told him to make the remote a weapon. Too funny when they showed the clock ticking away as he explained his first piece. I didn't want William to win only because that was a huge advantage he got.
  15. And if the judge makes a suggestion, you darn well better follow it.
  16. As soon as the teams described their pieces, I knew goat yoga vampire was winning. I loved it. And Aarti was so cute at how happy she was pulling off her beet pun. Hate that Travis and his team went home over Lillian. But there was no hobby, and nowhere to incorporate his sugar work. The ladies had nice dresses tonight and I wish my hair was curly like Aarti's.
  17. This! I was disturbed to see the packages, especially the fragile ones, being thrown around and squished into the truck. Makes you wonder how we receive anything intact.
  18. How come no one is yelling at Hazel for leaving without telling her dad? I was a little surprised and pleased to see Ariana be supportive of her brother. And leave it to Lizzie to have seen Mo in action.
  19. Xalapa, Mexico. Not another holistic retreat leader wannabe. House #2, that volcanic rock sink was so unique! Too bad the property didn't have more pieces like that. It would be awesome as a shower.
  20. Atlanta, GA. Are they adopting these future kids? They met in college 20 years ago so they are now 40ish. I want to see her chase after 2 small children up and down two stories. All of the houses looked nice. A grand entrance is just a waste of space. I'm glad they bought #1, that space for his business was unbeatable.
  21. This is a show about overcoming hardships to succeed. The people afraid of heights have to do the height challenges. People with knee problems still had to do the stairs. Hanger would not want to be coddled. He must have to read a measuring tape for his job as a carpenter. I wonder if there was a rule about not being able to put the boxes in numerical order at your first stop to make the other stops easier? Great to see Freight Train!
  22. I don't understand how Shan and Ricard think they are going to rule the game after the merge. The 2 of them will be picked off first. If they even make it that far. Shan has the better chance with Lianna.
  23. I'm rooting for Guillermo and Adina. John and Adina are giving me the John & Lindsay vibe so maybe that's a good sign for her.
  24. Sydney, Australia. He is hot. Ugh on the realtor's eyebrows. I hate dark brows with lighter hair. Places by the beach must be more expensive. Tiresome how they call each other Babe. Did he just complain that an area had too young of a vibe? He must have an old soul. I thought for sure she'd use the standard I moved halfway around the world to get the beach place. She just used it to claim the guest room.
  25. I didn't like how they portrayed the main suspect. I would have used sociopath instead of psychopath as a label but I'm not sure if that even fit. Sometimes she acted like she was on the spectrum and other times she was all SWF with her Japanese roommate.
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