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Everything posted by Grizzly

  1. Amsterdam, Netherlands. Guess we can see why Sarah hasn't been used lately. Another person who wants charm, maybe she should keep traveling. I guess if you're used to living out of a suitcase, a studio must feel like enough space.
  2. Indianapolis, IN. I like that they were thinking about how owning a home does come with expenses they weren't used to on base. Too bad house #3 had that spa bathroom upstairs. If that house only had 1 floor, I think they would've picked it. But a new build will give them less upkeep worries.
  3. I hope Grissom and Sarah come back for season 2 but I think I'll watch it even if they don't. Vegas gives a much more interesting pool of possible crimes than Miami ever did. To sink Wix, all they have to do is pull his fingerprints off the water bottle he gave Hodges.
  4. Knew the toy store would win since it was the only one that met the challenge. As soon as the guy explained his idea to Breegan, I'm like you're not winning. And can someone really not be able to tell royal icing from buttercream?
  5. Amsterdam, Netherlands. Floor looks nice. I did not know about the Dutch/South African connection. Always think of S. A. as a British colony. Good educational moment. Not sure about these apartments. Agree #2 had too many windows on the street. But that shower was bigger than the bedroom! Leo looks like he enjoys the bicycle rides.
  6. Knight has distinguished herself from the rest of the agents. Instead of having daddy issues, she has mommy issues.
  7. Duff lost because he refused to put Santa in the scene. As one of the judges said, that could be anyone's workshop. It was a great idea showing how the train was made, and masterfully done. It just needed an arm or hand or a Santa hat on the floor. Ugh on the linoleum, she didn't need 4 different colors. Buddy's piece was a cliche but in a classic way. It would fit into an old time Coke ad. Ralph is so awesome. Not sure how much help Sofia was.
  8. The turtles would have sold me. And then I would hope for manatees. Could sit on the dock and watch them all day.
  9. The doctor as the killer made no sense. I can see the woman being accidently killed but then how does doc manage both bodies? No one sees him bringing them to his car? And then he burns the husband alive, that's just cold. My problem with shows like this, people who have never killed and didn't intend to kill seem to do it with ease, barely leave a trace and don't arouse suspicion when questioned. I never cared for the Hodges character but the actor is doing a great job in this series. I'm really feeling his world crumble around him. It was so poignant when he pulled out that clump of hair. Killing Sarah or Gil might show that Hodges is innocent.
  10. That was unexpected. Mike fit the type who've won the first 2 seasons, thought he would take it. Not that I wanted him to. I'd like to see a woman win and Elizabeth & Lia are quite capable. But Quincy and Jerome are also likable and capable. Watching the tasks was kind of boring. I didn't like the team challenge coming down to individual head to head competitions.
  11. Los Cabos, Mexico. Nice to see that good looking places can be had for a decent price. I understand they need space for the business, but that 1 bed/bath had great views and amenities. And Jasmine and Miruka are believable as a couple. They have a nice yin and yang. Glad they went with under budget. It's easy to add charm.
  12. Eddie didn't get the memo that it was purple night. Loved Ron's jacket. As was said, lots of familiar faces. Everyone had good concepts. Renee's team executed the bonus bake the best. The spa was so well done. Knew they would win.
  13. I thought the unpleasant baking component would sink the greenhouse team but I guess the baking part doesn't count? Am in the minority but I liked the Alex display. Thought the baking element would give them the win. Maybe she should've named her character Tiny Tim.
  14. I love the color Carla is wearing. It borders on looking like a pajama top but that green is so striking on her. And her hair is in a nice style. The Hanukkah challenge seemed to throw nearly everyone. Maybe do some research when going on a Holiday show. In the second round, not to sound like Nancy but the decorations did not seem holidayish. Adam is killing it.
  15. Duff's characters were more static and their poses had nothing to do with the actual show except Snoopy. Wonder if those ugly trees are what doomed Buddy? Ralph tells it like it is, don't put the trees on the display. And I didn't like Buddy's Linus. Couldn't really tell who it was. Anna is very talented but kind of full of herself.
  16. How unusual, no one had their cake fall apart. I really liked the tree of the losing team. It was so intricate and looked like it took a lot of skill to assemble. Their character was fun. I understand that their sugar dome didn't match whatever that was holding it up, but I'm not sure it was bad enough to send them home. Perhaps if they had left it off completely, they'd be staying? The rest of the pieces were good but all the cake combos sounded awful. The ladies all had nice, holiday outfits but still look like they're in the middle of summer.
  17. Sunshine Coast, Australia. Ian gets all the polar opposites. She wants country to have her horse nearby (am so wondering where in Singapore she kept Eddy. Thanks show for answering so quickly.) and he wants modern by the beach. At least they have a healthy budget but it still might not get them everything. Jeremy has aged well. The pictures from when they met, he was very cute and now he's getting into silver fox territory. Lol, Eddy isn't compromising.
  18. Hampton Roads, Virginia. She has 3 boys, why does he want a designer house that they might destroy? House #1 seemed fine to me. #2 was very spacious but I didn't like the exterior. Where's the front? And the model has no yard. #3 was ok. Even my husband thought Mike was condescending. Laura should run from this guy who dismisses her opinion so easily. Glad they went with her choice.
  19. Did Eddie and Riley have a dance off? I would have been pissed if the team that just covered a remote control helicopter with fondant had won. Ditch the buildings and make your own helicopter. But their figurines looked like dolls. The rocketship was a good idea and well executed. I was rooting for the hotrod but they didn't have any details on their mountain. Loved RBI's blazer.
  20. Wow. I guess not everything was roses when it came to Star Trek. The venom Harold Livingston had for Gene Rodenberry after all these years was startling. I can't believe these movies were made by the seat of their pants. So glad commentary from Nimoy was able to be included. Not sure why they say IV is the least Trekky of the movies. To me it was classic Star Trek with all the humor. Things don't have to be esoteric to be Star Trek. Hope the rest of these episodes can be found On Demand since we don't have streaming.
  21. Yay, Jody won immunity. I thought they would give the win to Jose. Sorry Phillipe went home. But making bread was a good change of pace from desserts. Felt sorry for Marilyn having to churn her own butter. But again, it was a different sort of task than the usual fare.
  22. The correct team went home. And the correct team won. That snowboarding reindeer was nearly flawless. Ninja ginga was a close second. The elves were so expressive. And I forget which team made the chocolate peppermint cake but I want it!
  23. I didn't understand the whole Folsom bought the horse thing. Where is he going to board it? Horses are not cheap and just buying the horse had to cost thousands if not hundreds of thousands considering the bloodlines.
  24. Anybody but Bella. I couldn't stand her. Avner really shot up. Some of those cakes looked really sad underneath the frosting. Like they were pushed together. Surprised the judges didn't comment on how rough some of the pieces were. I liked Abby as a judge. Yay Jonah! His tsunami effect really redeemed his cake. I also liked Miabella's tsunami with the sprinkles.
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