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Posts posted by mythoughtis

  1. Nick and Emily are addicted to carfentanil.  Nick’s family has stepped up to care for them 

    Hopefully this won’t merge with the topic description. I think it’s actually a Canadian episode 

    I’m halfway  through the episode.  I have no sympathy for Nick, Emily, or Nick’s mom (the enabler supreme).   I have great sympathy for the rest of the family. Especially Jane and Malia. Malia should not be exposed to Nick and Emily.   That’s one of the reasons I have no sympathy for Nick’s Mom.  She’s not protecting her granddaughter. 

  2. Knight’s father struck me as the kind of guy that wants her to step up and tell him she’s got her own plan, thank you very much. 

    • Like 4
  3. 1 minute ago, christie said:

    Thanks. I really didn't remember.

    P.S. I think you mean Cara came back to take care of her daughter.

    No she came back to take of her mom.  But once her mom died then she had to take care of her daughter. 

    • Like 1
  4. On 4/7/2024 at 11:10 PM, christie said:

    I have one question: where were Cara's parents? We know that, until recently, Genevieve lived with her grandparents who she thought were her parents; we haven't heard anything about them dieing, so where were they? We know that Genevieve is going to go and live with Vince and Sharon 'cause her living with two strangers makes more sense than living with the couple who raised her (eyeroll). 

    I believe they are deceased.   Cara came back last season to take care of her mom.  

    • Like 1
  5. Even if Dan wanted to wait until 70 for his social security, he could have been taking Roseanne's as a widower.  He also had no need to wait until 70 to take his union pension.  I’m sure the pension  would have been set at a lower age than 70 and no increase for  waiting until 70.   Of course doing that  would have rendered  the entire house foreclosure storyline moot.   

  6. The cartel episode- so the drone did what exactly?   It didn’t kill the people it was intended to kill - although it did serve as a distraction.   
    I was  expecting the female CIA agent to be rogue.  She wasn’t very sympathetic… or sane.  

    I was disappointed in Jubal.  He at least did realize what he had done in the end.   He’s delusional about Rina though.  

    • Like 1
  7. Timothy should be paying his own insurance.  He bought a house, lives at that house, and he’s engaged.   
    I find it annoying that  a supposed law abiding “good Christian” ( add any adjectives she’s used to describe her family) woman is driving 15 miles over the speed limit, gets caught and then drives 22 miles over the speed limit two months later.   That’s dangerous to her, anyone in the car and anyone around. 

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  8. Wonderful episode.  I liked the lawyer… but I didn’t think it was realistic that he’d be invited to Ormewood’s house for this dinner after more or less just meeting him.  After being involved with the team while defending a few more people, yes, but not yet. The dinner was about close friends( and Will’s new family member).  The lawyer  didn’t meet that criteria yet.   

    • Like 2
  9. Jill is looking at venues for Nurie’s baby shower.  What?  This is baby number 3 in a short amount of time.  She should have everything she needs- except another car seat, and maybe another crib.   She probably wants some  girly  clothing and blankets- but that should be handled by immediate family members.  It’s not like they don’t have a ton of immediate family.  

    I understand showers for second or more babies - if they arrive a certain number of years after the previous one.   After they’ve already sold everything in a rummage sale 


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  10. Gabriella is the one being inappropriate towards Bode.   He’s respecting her boundaries while still caring for her( but not acting on or speaking about  those feelings).  She’s showing up at the camp and getting all mad when anyone mentions his name to her.   



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  11. I don’t like this Amanda story.  That’s not who she is ( or was).  

    Does a swatting incident end with SWAT just quietly walking away with no words to the victim?  Especially if the victim is law enforcement? 

  12. Can’t Let Go /  the episode where one owner of a car lot hired a hit man to kill the other owner, who was also  his ex-girlfriend. 
    First, the lead detective was clueless.  The other detectives had it right all along, but she bought the male owner’s story hook, line,  and sinker. 
    Second, the male co-owner got 11 months time served, 1 year house arrest and probation.  He was a career criminal!!! And it was conspiracy to commit murder.   Just, no!!!

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  13. Yes, Cade and Conrad are dating.  Yes, he’s denied feelings for Billie in the past.  A person he didn’t feel was available for him ever.  Then Billie gets attacked.  He acted on those feelings and spontaneously kissed her. Then she went inside.  That was it. 

    What happens next determines if Conrad is cheating - or immediately breaking up with Cade.   Sometimes people spontaneously act on their feelings while still involved with a boyfriend/girlfriend.  If they immediately break off the first relationship, it’s part of the reason for break up. If they intentionally begin or continue a new relationship without breaking off the old one, that’s cheating. 

    It also depends on the commitment level of the old relationship - spontaneously acting on your feelings is cheating at engagement or marriage level. You’ve committed to a person  being ‘the one’.  You’ve committed to not spontaneously or intentionally acting on feelings for other people.  We don’t even know if Cafe and Conrad committed to being exclusive.  She sure didn’t seem to want to have anything to do with Gigi.   When did we ever see them together?  

  14. 3 hours ago, oliviabenson said:

    Jill took the youngest 2 to Chuck E Cheese. It looked depressing/just depressing.

    The music she add to her videos, speeding up what she filmed. The girls dressed in extremely outdated outfits.  I feel like I’m watching a combination of Dudley-do-right and The Perils of Pauline.   I got the impression those two girls had never been to a Chuck E Cheese before.   You don’t need to be dressed in pinafores to play at Chuck E Cheese. 

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  15. Conrad told Billie a couple episodes ago that he had trouble talking with her about moving on because she was Nick’s best friend.  He probably has been denying his feelings for her for the same reason.  The entire episode was about denial - his, his patient’s, live forever guy,  Cade’s, Billie’s, Padma’s, etc.  So now Conrad is confronting his own feelings. 

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