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Posts posted by mythoughtis

  1. I read somewhere else ( forgot where) that MyKelti’s house had been the drop-off point for Truely once Christine no longer traveled to Flagstaff for TH interviews.  No idea if that is true or not.   I really can’t believe Kody would travel to Utah when he wouldn’t travel across town to see any of his other kids. 

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  2. ==Wow, what went on between Kody and Maddie?  As I said above, he refused to say anything and the only thing we heard was from Janelle.  I appreciate that Maddie doesn't want her children going through what she did with Kody being around when it was convenient for him==

    Maddie had a TH last season in which she discussed why she wasn’t talking to Kody and why he wasn’t around her kids. There were no specifics but she basically called him unstable. 

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  3. We did see Echo.  It involved a Seal trainer they were all close with.  Adam, I think. 

    I can’t help it.  This season just isn’t cutting it for me.   I miss Clay, Full Metal Jacket, etc.  I miss the overwatch crew as it was at the beginning.   Davis was good at that job, not so much at this one.  Anyone want to bet Davis got sent with the team because someone found out she’s been fraternizing with Sonny? 

  4. 4 minutes ago, emma675 said:

    Why does the bolded part feel like such a passive aggressive sentence by Jill?

    Because she’s seen all the picture on Ellen’s  FB page and she’s just sure Ellen didn’t get permission.  Or she’s mad that Ellen  didn’t need permission. Here’s the thing - Tim and Heidi trust Ellen to post appropriate photos and to not  overstep her boundaries( or the professional  photographers toes). Jill has no boundaries. 

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  5. Actually Christine didn’t tell Robyn that she didn’t want a relationship with her or her kids. Or at least that’s not what was shown in episodes.  She specifically told her she needed some space for a while. It was a while big discussion here at the time. This was also not the last time Robyn saw her before the sprinkle.  We know Robyn saw her at least once more when the awful ‘Goodbye’ episode was filmed.  

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  6. Move on already, it’s halfway through the episode and we’ve only seen talking heads and part of the baby sprinkle. I really don’t care to hear Kody and Robyn’s emotional struggles. 

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  7. 1 hour ago, ginger90 said:

    Admittedly I am not a Mykelti “fan”. 

    It shouldn’t matter what someone asked her, there are multiple ways she could have answered. There was no need to mention the funeral at all, imo. It has made her a hypocrite.

    I’m not a fan either.   This is her normal operating process - give just enough info to start tongues wagging.   In this case though - I think publicly distancing  from Robyn and Kody is the best thing for MyKelti.  Their  validation of her behavior  isn’t in her best interest in the long run. 

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  8. My understanding  is that MyKelti was asked why she hadn’t known Robyn’s home was  for sale since they were so close.  The comment she made is what you quoted.  So she didn’t deflect the question.  I guess that’s honest of her. 

    I hope we do not see these ‘events’ on the show.   The funeral was private and I hope it stays that way.  Appropriate footage of the National Guard Memorial would  be acceptable  to me.  IF it was approved by Janelle along with any PSA she would want. 

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  9. I expect Kody and Robin to go bankrupt because of their spending.  They are not thinking about a rainy day.  They’ve had plenty of rainy days and haven’t  learned from them.   Dayton’s eye wasn’t totally covered by insurance, most of the kids didn’t have insurance on their cars, they bought ground that’s too expensive to develop and they spend like no one’s watching.  Both were poor at least once in their lives, yet learned nothing from it except ‘ must spend money on crap’. 

    The show isn’t going to go on forever.  They aren’t the stars of it anymore. The OG wives can negotiate their own contracts, leaving Kody and Robin without a great position to negotiate salary from.    The adult offspring interested in filling  can negotiate their own contracts too.  

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  10. 1 hour ago, lianau said:

    I just don't get why they call each other ladies instead of women. 

    Ladies was/is the term used in England to refer to a female of a certain social rank- also one of the titles over there ‘Lady Diana before she married Charles, for example’.  Ladies do not bother themselves with the worries of everyday life- that’s for their spouses.  Women ‘bring home the bacon and fry it up in the pan’.  These people are 100 years behind the times. 

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  11. 1 hour ago, libgirl2 said:

    I think Bri will be agreeable until after the wedding. She wants this marriage too much to do anything before. 

    Agreed.  She wants this.  In addition, she and Jill are both in their best behavior in small doses. It will be after the wedding when they spend more time together that she will feel the need to say something.  She’s not necessarily going to like her home being decorated  by Jill and the Jill-ettes.  She also may not believe that Jill gets to order Samuel around once he becomes a husband. 

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  12. 4 hours ago, Lisa418722 said:

    That was for a TV show and Jessa had to prove how modest she was.  Now that they don't have a TV and it wasn't filmed for another show, the modesty standards are no longer as important.  

    I think that is some of it.  However I also think that the underage girls  and Michelle are still following  all the modest/ no pants rules.   So I don’t think JB and Michelle have relaxed their rules.  They just don’t have control of the married daughters.  Those women have realized  that pants/modest shorts do come in female sizes and  shapes and are  therefore acceptable as women’s clothing.  Jana is in her 30s and I think she also  put her foot down and told her parents she was an adult - the court sure treated her as one during her experience there.

    watching daddy find out he didn’t make the rules at Josh’s trial played a part too.  It also made them realize that covering every bit of skin didn’t make Josh behave or that showing your collarbone doesn’t make decent men misbehave  either. 


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  13. 2 hours ago, satrunrose said:

    It totally is. I can understand where the Rod kids get it. They've probably never even met an openly gay person. Heck, they've never met a trusted person who told them that they can have different beliefs from their parents. I don't get the Bris of the world though. How can you be out in the world, have parents and siblings who don't believe your homophobic nonsense, meet enough people to observe that the fundie fear-mongering doesn't match reality and still swallow it hook, line and sinker?

    The same way people raised by loving parents end up in cults, becoming alcoholics, drug addicts, criminals, abandoning their kids, whatever.  it’s inexplicable and yet it happens everyday.  

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  14. 3 hours ago, surfgirl said:

    This family needs grief counseling.

    ETA: I should elaborate. This family over shares everything on social media and on their show, but I don't think posting about this stuff on SM is a healthy substitute for real therapy to process whatever they are feeling. 


    True.  However it’s become common for family members to post things at various times throughout the year when they are feeling particularly blue.  I’ve posted memories that have shown up in my feed about our younger son, whom we lost a year and a half ago.  So I totally get what Janelle and Maddie are doing here.  It’s a way of feeling your message is going out to the universe / the modern equivalent of writing a note and then burning it. Or putting it in a bottle and throwing it onto the ocean. 

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  15. 9 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

    Playing catch up I suppose, or someone complained about the title. I hadn’t even noticed the change. 🤣🤣

    They probably just got to this particular  show forum. The titles on several of the Duggar threads were changed in the spring because they were not respectful of the Duggar’s ‘humanity’.  The forum was told they were on a yellow light basis until posts were deemed respectful enough. 

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  16. 8 minutes ago, BetyBee said:

    IMO, a widowed Jill would be on a manhunt in short order. I bet her preference would be a Florida man, so she could live in her beloved FL near her BFF Nurie.

    I agree on both counts.  Jill needs a man like a fish needs water.  Her culture wouldn’t  let her be a normal person without one. She’d be ‘lesser than’ to them.   That’s why I couldn’t understand her comment about spouses having died in her Hallmark rant.  


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  17. Hallmark isn’t good enough for Jill?   So, a couple of questions come to mind.  

    Does she think that widows/widowers aren’t allowed to date( see her point number 1).   

    She commented that she doesn’t judge people who get divorced for biblical reasons. That implies she does judge people who get divorced for other reasons.  Biblical reasons means adultery and she’s not judging that?   Yet she thinks it’s ok to judge people who get divorced for other reasons? 

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  18. School started up two weeks ago here in the Midwest.  College too.  So the pools switched to weekends only and today will be the last day.  Fall decor is about and harvest will be soon.    The weather here will be warm for a fall wedding.  However long sleeves on a wedding dress would not be considered out of place ( air conditioning!).  Especially if they are all lace. 

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