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Everything posted by Automne

  1. The other thing is wouldn't the defense team need to do more than merely suggest to get the confession thrown out? Like having a doctor, a psychologist, and other objective professionals examine the injuries and taped confession to give an opinion if the injuries could have occurred beforehand, if Joe seemed to be under duress or otherwise coerced to give a confession, Hardy's demeanor, etc.? Letting a mere suggestion be enough to toss out the meat of what would get a child killer and budding pedophile convicted and put behind bars is a little worrisome. They do have a fair bit of circumstantial evidence, don't they? Danny was strangled with Joe's bare hands, so they could do a match with the bruising with his hands. Plus, the shoes, whatever Owen's mother saw, etc. And what would be most effective is taking a timer and just counting down the time it would take to strangle an 11-year old child to death, which would be around 4 minutes (we were shown like 30 seconds, but Danny would have just passed out and spontaneously started breathing again in real life). Four minutes isn't long, but when it's illustrating somebody having their hands wrapped around a child's neck and depriving them of oxygen, it's a very long time. And it's hard to say it was an accident when it takes that long to kill somebody.
  2. Of course, Nigel again flying off the handle and never thinking before he acts and fucking shit up again. You really think Ellie was just going to move back into her house like nothing happened? Rub a couple of brain cells together, you fucking psychopath. Hey, Beth, when you're knocked up, maybe you should keep yourself in check. And again, an unprovoked assault can only get you arrested, no matter your emotional circumstances. You were doing good that Becca hasn't sued you for damages to her property. I just really can't sympathize with Beth because she just acts like a total bitch to everybody, like her pain trumps everybody and everything and excuses her actions and behavior. I really hope Ellie finally lays into her. I personally need that catharsis, let alone Ellie needing to do so. Seriously, Ellie just did exactly what Beth and Mark and most of the town wanted to do. Should she have done it? No, but it was understandable. Poor Hardy. He's seriously the only sane man in a land of idiot toddlers. Now two cases have blown up in his face because of the impulsive nature of the people around him. Especially the mentally deficient jackasses that inhabit Broadchurch. Holy shit. He's going to continually get labeled as a shit cop because people can't get a grip. Getting smaller bugs and cameras that don't make sound obvious to the people you're recording might have been a smart idea, though. I wondered last episode where Beth's mother was. If there was a reference to her death then, I missed it, but it was made obvious this time around. That's too bad because she was the one person in Broadchurch that stayed logical as opposed to allowing her emotions to rule her (something that's clearly not genetic nor was taught, judging Beth's actions). Somebody needs to balance out Beth, or just put her into a straitjacket. I'm amazed the confession got tossed. I'm surprised that in Britain, where Big Brother is always watching, they don't have surveillance cameras in confession rooms like they do in America. Here, everything would have been recorded, so there would have been timestamps of the recording and Ellie beating the crap out of Joe Miller and made it clear that the latter happened after the confession. Joe Miller is truly the worst. Why make a confession and then want backsies? Same goes for the defense barrister. Of course defense lawyers/barristers are almost never sympathetic. The closest was David Tennant's character in The Escape Artist and that was only after things hit too close to home for him. Gah, everybody on this show is pissing me off, except for Hardy and Ellie. I want to give them big hugs, tuck them in cozy beds, and make them soup.
  3. Frank is just a horrible person, guilt-tripping Fiona like that. He of course lacks the awareness that it's been only pure dumb luck none of the kids died under his watch. Fiona just told a story last season about being left on a street for hours and Toddler!Ian become seriously ill and could have died within hours if Kindergarten!Fiona didn't have the maturity to know that he needed to get to the clinic. It was basically Fiona that probably kept away the other kids from Frank and Monica's drugs. And why doesn't Sheila just call the cops on Sammi? Sheila marrying Frank doesn't give carte blanche to Sammi and Chuckie doing whatever in Sheila's home. Breaking and entering is a felony for even blood relatives, let alone bastard stepchildren. Mickey has grown on me. I love how they have a conversation with him about Ian, Mickey pauses to beat the crap out of an abusive john and expose everything to the wife, then resumes the conversation with Lip and Fiona like nothing happened. And what did V expect parenthood to be? People are so desperate to be parents because they're snookered in by the Kodak Moments™ shown on TV, but forget the (literally) shitty reality. I don't really sympathize. I was expecting Jimmy to pop up. Guess it'll be later in the season, though the actor is going to be on Orphan Black now, he probably isn't going to be in Shameless anymore. If that's the case, then why bother having that little shot at the end of last season? It was better having him dead than reopening something that's never going to get resolved.
  4. AFAIK, Broadchurch doesn't have actual episode titles. On Netflix, it's just "Episode One" and so forth.
  5. Well, this is going to be an explosive season. I have no idea why the Latimers need the prosecutor. I guess the family of the victim is the plaintiff as opposed to the state like it is in the USA. And clearly this trial is going to be more a power play between Sharon and Jocelyn (and whatever is in their shared backstory) than a just trial. I guess the defense's main play is discrediting Hardy and the case he built. Most of the work has been done for them, given what happened in Sandbrook and how Hardy's career and reputation was completely ruined thanks to his whoring wife and his need to protect people over reason. I really feel bad for Ellie. Completely ostracized and essentially in exile thanks to her husband, Tom doesn't want to live with her and she gets Beth screaming in her face for something that isn't her fault. The Latimers really need to calm the hell down lest they alienate the people that are on their side. Beth is in no position to be up in Ellie's face about her never knowing anything. How much did Beth know about what was going on under her nose before Hardy and Ellie exposed everything? Her daughter with an older boyfriend and dealing cocaine, her son with two cellphones and cavorting with Joe Miller for months before his death and falling out with Tom, and her husband hitting Danny and fucking Becca (and even doing so on the night his son was murdered and was RIGHT AT THE SCENE mere minutes after his son died). I hope Ellie stops acting like an abused puppy and screams right back in Beth's face outlining all the above. You're not above reproach because you're the mother of a dead kid; a kid who is dead because you weren't paying attention (and didn't put the fear of God into him that would have had him too scared to sneak out. You don't need to beat your kids to have them fearing your wrath enough to stay in line). I figured they were going to make Sandbrook one of the plots. I hope they're not going with the idea that Ashworth(?) isn't the killer. That's just a little too much. There's only 8 episodes (I believe; I haven't heard anything about extending the season this go-round). I don't want too many plot lines running concurrently and then a whole lot of rushing to tie the loose ends at the end of the season. I hate that. Joe Miller is a special little creature. Does all this confessing because he's "tired of hiding," and then pusses out and is willing to put a lot of people through pain because he's too scared to go to prison. The writing and atmosphere of Broadchurch is right on (though they really need to forget what they learned in the Zack Snyder School of Filmmaking and STAHP with the excessive slow motion), so I wonder why Gracepoint was so off the mark. Well, aside from the failed casting choices (with exception to keeping Tennant on) and not taking the time to properly translate the show from British to American, instead doing a near shot-for-shot remake. All that crap about making Gracepoint for those who haven't seen Broadchurch is just that, especially all the reassurances that the ending was going to be different. The American Broadchurch fans comprised most the initial audience and they should have had that in mind.
  6. For the Brits and the impatient non-Brits who aren't going to wait two months for a hacked-up BBC America airing.
  7. Fiona needs to give her vagina a rest. That's how she ended up in her current situation, instead of still working for a company that had room for her to advance, paid decently, and had benefits. I am strangely unsympathetic to the family that owns the company, though. Lip is clearly finding girls who are a lot like his mother - completely unhinged. Sammi and Chuckie really need to go. Sammi has the same entitlement complex as Frank and Chuckie is just a lump that does nothing.
  8. The point of the somewhat convoluted plan was to have plausible deniability while absolutely ensuring Liam dies. There's too much of a risk of just hoping the anaphylactic shock kills him and the fire consumes evidence before emergency services arrive. The trial and Maggie's explanation of how William did the crime and got away with it covers the whole shebang. Basically, it's hard to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that William went after Liam with the full intent of murdering him when he 1.) calls 999 to get aid to ostensibly give Liam his epinephrine drug to counteract the anaphylaxis that was currently killing him, and 2.) carried him out of a burning home AFTER sustaining a head injury from Liam that was enough to knock him unconscious and the fact that Liam is heftier than William and it would have taken considerable effort to carry him out with said head injury and Liam being essentially dead weight. Granted, Maggie's third point in her explanation to Will at the end does bring up a very good point that the localized swelling at the source of the knife wound and the injection site would be cause for a full postmortem blood test to be done to see if epi was even given. Though they would still need a smoking gun because all that would be circumstantial and if Will is the super-barrister he's supposed to be, he'd spin a likely tale. However, all that wasn't needed because Will somehow knew that Liam would be almost immediately cremated. Personally, I'm not too bothered that Will killed Liam with intent. While he was mostly motivated by revenge, he probably did it out of penance, too. If it wasn't for his expert defense, Liam would be in prison for the first murder we see him on trial for and Kate would not have been murdered. He's always going to carry that guilt with him, not to mention the guilt that the first family didn't get justice for their child. Society is much better off without Liam Foyle roaming free, especially with a justice system that let him walk for two different murders, especially with how sloppy he was with Kate's murder.
  9. ITV.com (ITV being the channel Broadchurch airs on in Britain) will be streaming Broadchurch, so I'm not waiting until freaking March for BBCA to air it here. I guess the pushback is so the show finishes its run across the pond before America starts it up. PBS does the same for Downton Abbey. As a total aside, I noticed the ITV player is offering Secret Smile for another 23 days, so if anybody wants to watch a pre-Doctor Who David Tennant be a creepy stalker/rapist/murderer, have at it.
  10. I'm also thinking Sandbrook (and former DI Hardy) will finally get closure. Maybe we'll see his ex-wife and daughter. If so, I want a serious confrontation from Hardy to his ex for her cheating and her royally screwing up the case because she couldn't at the very least get the smoking gun to the evidence locker before having a victory drink and fuck with her extramarital lover and said confrontation had better not be turned on him for "being all about the job and neglecting her" and whatever other excuses that female adulterers in fictional media give to place all the blame on the spouses they cheat on to absolve themselves of all responsibility of their infidelity. That backstory, Hardy getting such a bad rap, his health rapidly declining, and his career destroyed for something that wasn't his fault was just heartbreaking. Quite literally for Hardy. I just want him to get all the negative emotions towards his wife out on her and make sure she understand the enormity of what SHE did, that SHE let a killer go free because SHE couldn't get a hold of her hormones and loins.
  11. Catching up on the thread, I just want to briefly address a few previous points: 1.) Re: David Tennant's acting ability: He's good on Doctor Who, but to really gauge his ability, I suggest seeking out his stage work with the Royal Shakespeare Company, which can be found online. His Hamlet is probably the best interpretation I've ever seen (on PBS: http://video.pbs.org/video/1473795626/). And he and Catherine Tate together in Much Ado About Nothing was nothing short of awesome and hilarious (can't link because I watched through less than legal means). I really want to see his Richard II. 2.) Re: Jack not being on a sex offender list and other U.S. laws that were ignored: Keep in mind that Chris Chibnall is a Brit who was translating his Broadchurch script for U.S. television and did about as much research into another country's laws as your average fanfiction writer. He knew enough that California's age of consent is 18 instead of 16, so Chloe and Dean's relationship is no big deal (15 & 17), but Jack and his student's relationship had to be tweaked because 40 & 16 would still be very much illegal. However, he clearly did not research when CA developed the sex offender list and that it certainly existed in 1984. Megan's Law wouldn't have come into effect for Jack if he had moved to Gracepoint prior to 1994 (when Megan Kanka was murdered and the bills that eventually led to the eponymous law were proposed). Nor the fact that the whole, "We can't release Danny's body until the killer is found" thing rings incredibly ridiculous in the USA (we have too many police procedurals plus an entire channel devoted to true crime/murder that makes it clear that is not the case). 3.) You all bring up a good point that Joe Miller would not spend a very long time in prison. In order to avoid Tom having to testify (which he most likely would have to by the prosecution) and either having to admit his role in Danny's death or commit perjury, Joe would plead guilty and avoid a trial. He'd probably get dinged for involuntary manslaughter, child grooming (maybe), and probably something for moving the body and attempting to cover up the death. He would get something like 20 years, be separated from gen pop because it would be considered cruel and unusual punishment otherwise, and likely serve half the time or less due to "good behavior." If he doesn't get convicted of child grooming, he wouldn't even have to register on the sex offender list since he's legally not a sex offender.
  12. AFAIK, Broadchurch will premiere on BBCA in February, so not too far off from ITV's premiere date.
  13. Oop, ended it on a cliffhanger when there's no way there's going to be a second season. Maybe if they had: 1.) Premiered Gracepoint now, when all the fall shows are in their mid-season hiatuses and there's no competition, and therefore unnecessary to pit the show against Scandal and Thursday Night Football; 2.) Actually promoted the show instead of relying on the Breaking Bad and Doctor Who fandoms doing the promo work for Fox; and 3.) Had David Tennant do the talk show rounds a lot earlier (that is, not when the show is more than halfway through its run) and shell out a few more bucks to get him first guest status (and get him the full time with CraigyFerg because how many Tennant fans have been waiting for that for how long?) Gracepoint would have been far more successful and found a spot as a midseason filler while the fall shows are on pause and before the winter shows premiere. Even with the shoddy writing and plodding pace, it probably could have gotten 3 seasons because once Tennant did his promo rounds, ratings went up quite a bit. That 11th hour twist alone would have been great water cooler talk.
  14. Well done, show. Bait-and-switch. I like it. Yeah, it was an accident. Tom trying to defend his best friend from his (Tom's) father, but ended up killing him instead. Now how are they going to reveal to the town that it was Tom? Or are they not going to do that and let Joe completely take the heat? EDIT: Never mind. And I don't like GP's Beth's delivery of the line "How could you not know?" It sounds vindictive. BC's Beth's delivery was a lot better. More heartbroken for herself and for Ellie while still confused as to how that could happen under Ellie's nose. GP's Beth made me want Ellie to just spit back, "Well, how could you not know that your husband was banging Gemma with your daughter working in the same place? Or not know that your son was dealing drugs and shoplifting? Or not know that your husband hit your son?"
  16. Welp, the killer is exactly the same in Gracepoint as it was in Broadchurch. Only difference is that the manner of death makes more sense than accidental strangulation (you don't accidentally strangle somebody with your bare hands considering how long it takes to kill somebody via that method, even a 12-year old. With the way it was in Broadchurch, Danny would have merely passed out). EDIT: And an 11th hour twist redeems the whole show and vindicates my theory that Tom killed Danny. Ending the series on a cliffhanger was stupid and pompous, given that Fox will cancel shows at the drop of a hat and not give them a chance to tie up loose ends (I'm still so bitter about Dark Angel and it's why I fucking hate Firefly and Firefly fans).
  17. I don't think she knows what the word "agoraphobic" means. Someone who is even mildly agoraphobic isn't going to go on book tours.
  18. Just a quick FYI to those who haven't seen Broadchurch and want to: it'll finally be available on Netflix streaming on December 12. And it's been renewed on ITV for a 3rd season though the second season doesn't even start until January.
  19. I'm positive Tom killed Danny. They've pretty much done the work for Ellie to get the shock of it being a member of her little family. Now they've had her say to Susan, "How could you not know?" in reference to the sexual abuse of her child by her husband. I've said it was Tom since the very beginning and I'm sticking to that. I think both Joe and Vince helped Tom clean and cover it up.
  20. Aaaaaaahhhhhh! I knew they were going to keep Hardy's background from Broadchurch! Ugh, I hated it, it's so heartbreaking (damn near literally for Hardy/Carver). I get he wants to protect his daughter, but honestly, I would never take the heat for destroying a murder case because of my cheating spouse. His ex-wife deserves the public and private shaming and flogging for deciding to stop and have sex with your extramarital lover BEFORE DROPPING OFF THE SMOKING GUN EVIDENCE THAT WILL GUARANTEE A GUILTY VERDICT TO PUT AWAY A SERIAL KILLER FOR LIFE. She deserves her daughter hating her for life for both cheating on her father and letting a killer go loose.
  21. All this slo-mo is making me feel like I'm watching a Zach Snyder flick. So what hospital receptionist was willing to violate HIPPA to give Little Miss Drive A Man To Suicide Then Run Away a story? Mark is such an asshole. Chris Rock really spoke truth when he said that when a man cheats, he begins to distrust his woman (if she doesn't outright dump him) because by cheating on her, he gave her a "Get Some Dick Free" card. Mark knows this and is now acting like a shithead to Beth whenever she goes near Paul the Priest. And why is he being so resistant to bereavement therapy? If you don't want to lose your wife, maybe be a little open? The odds are already stacked against you: even the most stable marriages don't survive a child's death. Add infidelity and divorce is nearly an inevitability. Tom is being a little shit. What street was he living on that gives him the idea he can talk to an adult like that? Since his parents aren't reining him in, somebody has to. Good job, Owen. Blackmail a cop to get an exclusive using health information you shouldn't even know (see aforementioned HIPPA). I'm pretty sure Carver could sue you for that and since you don't have the money for that, thanks to your drug-addled mother, you'll start singing who your sources are.
  22. Honestly, this show should have started airing somewhere between November - January, when most of the fall shows are in their mid-season hiatuses and there wouldn't have been such a scheduling conflict with the World Series on FOX and competing against weeknight football and Thursday night heavyweight champion, Scandal. Then of course, having David Tennant do the promotional tour a few weeks before the show premiere, not near the end of the run. A later premiere date means he wouldn't be in such a time crunch with filming S2 of Broadchurch in England and not being available to go to L.A. (if the original intent was to have him do the talk show circuit earlier). The ratings would have started out a lot higher and while they probably would have dropped off significantly due to the low quality of the show, it would have stayed decent because a fair amount of people would do the same thing I am: watching for the scenery porn of Victoria, B.C. and the novelty of having David Tennant on American TV.
  23. This felt like a filler episode, honestly. Not a lot happened to propel the story forward, which I'm continually amazed how shows with short seasons somehow managed to achieve. Ten episodes and they still manage to waste an episode, which is only going to result in the last two episodes being rushed to shove everything in or have open plot threads that are never resolved. This episode was only good for me watching the pretty that is David Tennant and me being continually jealous of my childhood pen pal who grew up in Victoria, B.C. It's so gorgeous there. Chloe was out of school for six weeks? American students are not given that long for bereavement leave. That length of time is generally reserved for medical reasons and prior arrangements like a tutor and such are made so the student doesn't fall behind. Even then, they're usually looking at summer school and possibly repeating a year. A girl in my French class in high school had bone cancer and missed a lot of school and ended up having to do summer school despite the tutor. I'm glad the town made Renee persona non grata. Kind of bad form to write a story eviscerating Jack and then disappear when the guy kills himself and only come back when another boy goes missing. I'm sure her way of trying to get back into the town's good graces is making Carver the bad guy. Vince sucks. Anybody trying to hurt a dog can go to hell. Even if he didn't go through with it, my heart hurt just seeing him point the gun at the pup. That shattered me in Broadchurch, too. Especially since the dog there seemed to have a pretty good intuition for acting. Dogs are my Achilles' heel. Tom is such a little shit. Six weeks after his friend was murdered and it's still unsolved, he runs off and police time and resources are wasted on finding his sorry ass. It's not like a child killer needs to be found or anything. Though I'm sticking to my theory that Danny's killer is Tom and Joe helped clean and cover it up. Oh, now Mark Solano is all helpful. Now he's concerned about time being wasted looking at the wrong person. He sure didn't mind that when he stonewalled for two days because he decided that not admitting that he was having an affair the night his son was murdered was more important than clearing himself and letting Carver concentrate on other suspects. Now that Mark's insecurities are getting the better of him and he can get a little petty revenge on Paul the Priest, now he's all cooperative with Carver.
  24. I knnnnnooooooooooooowwwwwwwww!!!!! :( I've been rewatching the RTD seasons of Doctor Who and I just can't bring myself to watch Doomsday again because holy shit Rose and Ten's goodbye is so upsetting.
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