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Everything posted by natyxg

  1. I totally agree. Plus, it's not even that she's tired of having bad jobs and wants a more stable one or something. Her husband is literally rich. She doesn't even have to work at all if she doesn't want to.
  2. They can't have a Church wedding because Jane married by Church before and is now divorced. In the eyes of the Catholic Church she will always be married to Michael, and therefore her relationship with Rafael is adultery.
  3. I was surprised that she didn't keep the hotel for herself. Sure, Petra is giving her bonuses and a better salary, but owning a hotel would make her rich... or she could get rich by selling the shares. Maybe she does care about Petra, deep down.
  4. This episode felt very odd. The whole season continues to feel so odd, because it feels so weirdly fake and forced. Why the hell would Xo want to be a nurse? There has never been anything ever that pointed to that being her life passion, and even in this episode they don't even bother explaining why she would want to be a nurse. She was a dancer. It's like Jane deciding to become a nurse all of the sudden. Was it supposed to be that she developed that interest while she was sick, because she wants to help people or something? Whatever it is, they need to explain it, or did something get cut or something? I find Jane and Rafael's fake drama so incredibly tedious because it all feels so fake and forced. There's literally no obstacle between them. There never has been, not in the last two seasons anyway. So they came up with all of the Michael mess to come up with some obstacle for them, since it's the final season, and it just doesn't work for me at all. It doesn't ring true to me at all. I saw the original years ago, Juana La Virgen, and I remember that the "last stretch of the show" drama was that Mauricio's (Rafael's counterpart) cancer came back for a bit. I think I would've preferred that over this shallow mess. At least the drama then would've rang truer. And again, Petra continues to be the best thing in the show. Can she and Khrisna (?) have a one night stand? She's a lesbian, right?
  5. I forgot to say that I liked how they closed up the Evil Rivers plot.
  6. I hope that's the case. I'm tired of betrayals. Meh on Jane and Rafael's reconciliation. It felt as flat as their break up. As I was watching I thought that because the whole thing was so forced (I mean the break up and them not getting back together, etc) they had to come up with a whole dance number to try to make it epic, instead of it being epic on its own because the story was good. The bit with Alba saying that she was team Rafael and her team won was just... mean. This season continues to be such an epic fail, it's been quite shocking. Its only saving grace has been Jane and Petra's relationship, which I imagine will get sidelined now.
  7. So, he thought Jane was just going to leave the plate in there when she picked hers up? Just, a lonely plate attracting insects until Alba came home? I find it unlikely.
  8. No. He left it on the table for any woman around to pick it up. It doesn't matter who, it's just not his "job". Jane was there, so he probably figured she'd pick up the table.
  9. Lol and it would parallel Jane's own famous lost dad.
  10. If Alba's mentality is all "man of the house this and that", then the other side of that coin would be that women are the ones who do housework and cooking. So, yes, no way she would play servant to Jane and Xo, and, in fact, teaching them housework stuff would be part of their preparation for marriage.
  11. Because he's the man of the house. *eyeroll* I get that they wanted Jane to decide to leave, but this whole plot was very odd. Like someone said, it's like the writers want to destroy everything likeable this season.
  12. Alba came across as the type of woman who will get into a relationship and then put her man before everyone, even her children (or grandchild this time). She took Jorge's side without even listening to what Jane had to say. I found it very off putting.
  13. I think I've figured out why this season has been so bad (imo). It's because they've gone crazy with the usage of OTT telenovela plots/tropes that they're just forcing in there, even when they make no sense. So, that's why Jane's husband comes back from the dead even though it wasn't needed at all. That's why Rafael acted like an asshole during that and broke up with her and now he's dating, because it's the usual last stretch of the telenovela bump that's supposed to make us fear that they won't get together in the end. That's why Rose does... everything that Rose does, while laughing like an evil maniac. And then in this episode it was Rivers who fell victim to this crap... and Xo as well, I would say. Calling another woman a whore and having an unsavoury catfight over a man might be a very telenovela thing, but I would have expected Xo to be a lot more mature now than she was when the show started. And I LIKED that Rivers had turned out to be a generally decent person, so this villain turn bothers me a lot. I also disliked Alba's plot with Jorge. I guess it's part of the choice feminism that has gotten popular, so now anything that a woman does can't be criticized because she decided to do it. Now, it's a free country, and if Alba wants to have a 50s marriage with Jorge that's her right, but don't try to sell her to me as this STRONG INDEPENDENT WOMAN doing STRONG INDEPENDENT WOMAN things. I see nothing worth applauding in her being Jorge's servant while he puts up his feet and watches TV. And of course, he wants to be the man of the house, but without doing the most traditional "man of the house thing"... being the sole breadwinner. So Alma now has a job outside the house and a job at home, while he works outside the house then gets a maid (and sex). Perfect woman indeed... for him. Perfect arrangement. I was also very irked by Jorge being nice to Jane's face and then being all offended with Alba. I was even more irked by Alba getting so angry at Jane for having a couple of perfectly reasonable requests. And if they didn't find them reasonable, then talk about them, don't be all like that. Really, both Alba and Jorge were very ruined for me in this episode. I felt bad for Mateo in this episode. I felt like they went at the whole thing all wrong. Specially with the running to school thing, what a ridiculous idea, wtf. If you want the kid to burn off energy before school, play with him and do something fun, not this lame run business. Petra has really been the saving grace this season, by herself as well as her relationship with Jane. I really liked the little bit with the ex assistant, too. I love who Petra has become and, as a result, I really like all her relationships, even the one with Rafael. I never could have expected that Petra would become the best thing about this show.
  14. I see. If Jane suspects that he's not her son, then he is, I think. Big reveals like that are usually used as shocking plot twits, people don't see them coming. Thanks.
  15. That would be the logical thing, but this season has been so bad that I wouldn't put anything past them. But still, what prompted this speculation? Is there evidence for it or it is a 100% spec? I feel a little lost.
  16. I just walked in here so I have no idea why you guys are even speculating about this, but Rose did kidnap Mateo right after he was born. If they wanted to they could say she switched babies. It would explain why he is so different from Jane.
  17. I agree with those who said that Petra has been the best thing this season. I really love her arc and what they've done with her. I guess I'm a softie and I enjoy a redemption story, certainly more than I enjoy seeing people get WORSE (which I don't enjoy at all). Her relationship with Jane is, imo, better than their romantic relationships. At this point Luisa should just say "fuck it" and go back to Rose. It's tiring to see her begging and begging and begging for things to always end in the same place. But I guess she went back to Rose to catch her or whatever, to prove to her asshole brother that she really deserves entry into his kingdom. zzzzzz I'm not a fan of writers in shows writing their own lives. It seems so lazy and uninspired. But of course, the telenovela that we're watching has to be Jane's novel, and it will be a big sucess or whatever. I missed the twins. Overall I felt that this episode was mostly filler, which is odd considering that there's so little time left. What? Half a season or something?
  18. I laughed when they repeated with Alba that scene with Jane from the pilot, I think it was, when she was all hot and bothered with Michael and stopped herself when she saw the flower. I was also amused by everyone singing to Alba to go have sex. I was glad she waited until she married, though. She has changed a lot, but that would have been too much. What I didn't enjoy was the plot about how Rogelio paid off the publisher to publish Jane's book. It feels like yet another effort to undermine Jane's past with Michael. So, Jane's lifelong dream came true when she published her book about her love story with Michael... lol no, that doesn't count because Rogelio made it happen. It's like they're trying really hard to make sure that every big moment that Michael got is erased retroactively. If they could re-virgin her so she could have her first time with Rafael I think they would. It all feels so mean spirited and I keep finding it very off putting. I thought Luisa was really cute during this episode and I enjoyed her with Mateo more than I thought I would (i generally dislike that kid), so I groaned inside when the episode ended with Rafael getting that call. This is beyond repetitive at this point, let it go, show. The Rose thing also got old ages ago. My love for Bridget Regan can't save this story. I don't dislike them, but I too have been finding them repetitive. It's the curse of getting couples together too, soon.
  19. No. You'll rage over what they did with Michael's return.
  20. I thought they should have known that he was struggling simply by helping him with his homework. It was odd that they had no idea until the teacher told them. And yes, I too sometimes fear that they will kill off Xo. DON'T YOU DARE, SHOW.
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