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Posts posted by ifionlyknew

  1. 20 minutes ago, TheGreenKnight said:

    I watched the first half hour even though Joy wasn't there because it was nice to see Sara again. I like this new Sara, she's got backbone without ever being hateful or raising her voice. You can tell McCain hates her (but who doesn't she hate, really?). Sara made her comments about Fauci not being a political figure like Rand Paul right after McCain tried to attack and discredit him, and you could see via camera that McCain was huffing and puffing.

    Sara is genuinely liked by people.  Meghan is not.  I'm sure that bothers her so much. 

    And Meghan is now back to being her team's most vocal cheerleader. Her agreeing with Rand Paul was typical of Meghan.   If Joy had been there I'm sure she would have had something to say about that. 

    • Love 16
  2. 1 hour ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

    Most writers don't have a lot of money, and they write to earn their money.  So Carrie eventually wrote, as we found out.  If a writer or anyone else who has a trade or skill that makes them money wants to move to another country, I say go ahead and do it.  I'm not even sure why maturity factors in.  It's more about whether you have the personality to take risks and rely on yourself.  

    But Carrie had a habit of relying on other people.  She moved to Paris to be with Alek. She was relying on him to give her a purpose in Paris. I understand her wanting to move on in life just as her friends had but the choice she made wasn't well thought out.

    • Love 7
  3. 20 minutes ago, Enero said:

    Several have made the assumption that Bebe will now be living out of her car with the baby. Though she doesn't have access to a potentially lucrative income like Mia, I don't think that final shot of Bebe means she's going to be living out of her car with the baby. Niagara Falls is about a three hour drive from Shaker Heights. I'm thinking she drove as far as she could, before having to stop to change and/or feed the baby.  What happens after that is anyone's guess. For all we know Mia could've loaned her a stash of cash to make run for it. Despite Mia's epiphany, I don't think that would be above her to do, to "help" Bebe take her baby. 



    It doesn't matter where Bebe lives with the baby. She is still a kidnapper and a fugitive. 



    20 minutes ago, Enero said:



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  4. 11 minutes ago, ThePurpleArcher said:

    I wonder if it's hard to book guests these days. I mean, the topic of every conversation will be COVID 19, no doubt. I'm wondering if different celebs are afraid to voice their opinions and concerns, since no matter what they say they will be ridiculed all over social media ?

    And by the looks of what transpired over the past week at FOX, I don't think they will be welcoming Dr. OZ or Dr. Phil back anytime soon.  I doubt they'll even bring them up in Hot Topics going forward - which they should, since they had both of them on their show very recently. I think they owe it to their viewers. 

    Ellen Pompeo is due to be on Friday and she made her opinion about the tv doctors very public. But I won't be surprised if the show doesn't acknowledgement what they said. And when the heat dies down they will probably have them back on as guests.

    • Love 3
  5. On 4/15/2020 at 7:13 PM, leighdear said:


    Slattery isn't aging very well, sad to say.  I had a huge crush on Roger Sterling of "Mad Men".  (I know, time is a bitch!)


    I think he might have makeup on.  He was in Amazon Prime's Modern Love last year and he didn't look that old.

    • Love 6
  6. 2 hours ago, Bastet said:

    Reese is a wonderful character, and Hal Holbrook delivers his lines so well.  Thank goodness Linda Bloodworth-Thomason talked him into taking the role.

    It never fails to strike me just how incredible a half hour of television "They Shoot Fat Women, Don't They?" is.  Delta went into Linda's office and said it's time to address the weight gain on the show, and practically overnight Linda churned out this script that explores the ubiquity of weight shaming and its effect (Suzanne's face at the first night of the reunion says it all, and then the conversation with Julia makes it explicit), juxtaposed with the staggering number of people worldwide who literally starve to death. 

    Delta's sole request, that she get the jokes, not be the butt of them, is honored beautifully, because that scene where Suzanne shows Julia and Mary Jo the dresses is fantastic - they mean well, but they're patronizing, and she gets to call them on it.  "I know I've put on a few pounds, but you all act like I should be ordering fabric at Georgia Tent and Awning" and "Okay, that's it.  I'm leaving - that is, if you think the streets of Atlanta can take the weight of me and my Mercedes" are great.

    And Suzanne's acceptance speech is heartfelt yet still sounds like Suzanne.  I love the little "for one thing, because I love trophies" before she says she earned it, no matter what they intended by it -- she has changed.

    I love that Elizabeth Taylor wrote Delta Burke a note of thanks and support after the episode aired, that became one of her most-prized possessions (right up there with all those crowns 🙂 ).



    I remember when that episode originally aired and so many reviewers thought Delta Burke would win an Emmy. She didn't but she deserved one.

    • Love 7
  7. 3 hours ago, andromeda331 said:

    That is something they need to do. It really doesn't seem like they were together a year by that point. It really did seem like a couple months which makes Carrie come off ridiculous. If it really was a year they need to do more to show that more time had passed. 

    I hated that they did that too. Samantha spent most of season one way too desperate and coming off like she's having a midlife crisis. She's so different from the much cooler Samantha that we got for the rest of the series. 

    With the exception of Carrie I think all the women were written better after season 2.  Their characters became more fleshed out and the writers got a more consistent handle on their personalities. 

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  8. 2 hours ago, After7Only said:

    I’m thinking they aren’t talking about RNs,  but maybe CNAs or some LPNs who make a lot less than a RN

    But to get unemployment you have to be laid off.  You can't just quit a job and collect unemployment. And right now there aren't going to be any health care workers being laid off.  Newt just wants to demonize working people. 

    • Love 10
  9. 2 hours ago, Tammee said:

    I just have the feeling that his inner self is feeding his ego saying 'thats right, do all this and when its over its YOU they'll thank for saving the world!'

    Yeah he is like an arsonist who sets a fire to a house and then after putting it out says I saved the house.

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