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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. The problem isn't so much that they can't do it it's that Mark Zuckerberg doesn't want to do it. As Sara said he wants FB to get even bigger. My opinion is MZ finds any criticism of FB as simply people not understanding what he says FB is meant to be. For years he kept saying FB was way to bring people together. If he still continues to believe that he is delusional. If he can't see the disinformation disseminated on his platform is causing so much damage to society he is either blind or complicit.
  2. Is this not the same person who said she would not be sharing pics of her child? Her publicist must have People magazine on speed dial. They are constantly doing stories about Meghan.
  3. I 100% believe this. Meghan so wanted to be part of a power couple. Maybe she thought if they were friends with Jarvanka her and Ben would be power couple adjacent.
  4. Really did not like the woman on the bottom row. She was very dismissive of the View viewers. Said viewers didn't know most of the on air fighting was exaggerated. They also said Joy wasn't representative of the left. I'm pretty sure Joy doesn't consider herself that and I don't think viewers see her that way either. They also said the cohosts don't discuss politics in the right way. I can only speak for myself but I don't watch the View to hear political discussions the way I would hear on political discussions on Meet the Press. Not that the View was a shining light on a hill before Meghan McCain joined but her (almost) four years as a cohost really contributed to the negative response that a lot of people have towards the show.
  5. From the article: After Donald Trump won the presidential election in 2016, McCain stated that Goldberg, along with the rest of the cast and staff, began to turn on her due to her party identity as a Republican. Meghan joined the View in the fall of 2017. Almost a year after Trump was elected.
  6. In 2002 Sara started working at the Today show as a production coordinator. That would have been a couple years after one of Lauer's accusers says she was a victim of sexual harassment. Katie said she is very self aware. I'm going to disagree with her about that. I haven't read her book yet but I do plan to. She kept saying she is being honest and wanted people to know how she felt about things. You can write a book and be honest without writing things that will hurt people. Katie is either lying or being the opposite of self aware when she says she is surprised by the reaction to the book.
  7. When Katie was talking about Matt Lauer she said she didn't really notice anything going on because she had two little girls and a dying husband. Her first husband died in 1996. When the allegations against Lauer became public the earliest instance of any sort of sexual misconduct was 2000. The more recent allegations were alleged to have happened in 2014 long after Katie had left NBC. Makes me think Katie was aware of things that happened earlier than has been reported. And am I the only person who thinks Sara looked uncomfortable when talking that time period at the Today show?
  8. I do have to say for people who thought Katie went after Palin too hard this must be a delicious piece of irony.
  9. I read an interview with her in People magazine and she speaks so highly of herself. Says she has a high emotional intelligence. I think she is clearly wrong about that.
  10. Meghan didn't need to say when she miscarried by saying it was a day after her "disaster" interview with Seth. I watched her for four years on the View to know she deliberately mentioned the timing. She knew what the headline would probably be. Meghan is an expert at framing things to make her appear to be the victim.
  11. https://news.yahoo.com/meghan-mccain-says-she-suffered-163127521.html So I guess she is implying the stress of being asked to elaborate on things she had said previously caused her miscarriage. I always knew Meghan would want to run for office. Really doubt she would win though. She is not well liked on either side. And each side has a treasure trove of past remarks (with video from the View!) to use against her.
  12. Her delusions continue. Who would want to display her book?
  13. He is listening to the book so we don't have to.
  14. People like Meghan never think that will happen. She has always had a way overinflated ego so I'm sure she thought all her revelations about her time on the View would be met with "oh you poor thing" and/or "you go girl". But I have yet to see anyone supporting her recollection of her View tenure. It's not like she had a lot of employment opportunities before this but now that she has shown she will say just about anything to make herself look like a victim I doubt anyone will want to hire her. She went from using her grief about her father as her excuse for everything to using her post partum depression as her excuse for everything. Over the past four years I have not seen Meghan take ownership of any of her obnoxious behavior. She was always wanting others to take some accountability but refuses to do so herself.
  15. When Meghan McCain was hired she did not have a reputation for being an obnoxious loud mouthed brat. Arguably her greatest claim to fame was getting owned by Paul Begala on Bill Maher's show. I don't believe ABC foresaw her becoming what she became and causing such a toxic work environment HR was involved.
  16. Meghan wanted to snipe at people but if someone fought back she would melt like the snowflake she is. Any bets that she was the bratty girl on the playground bullying kids but as soon as someone fought back she would cry "I'm telling".
  17. Regarding the death penalty topic: I am against the death penalty, however my son's father was murdered when my son was 3 years old. I would have made an exception for that. My problem with the death penalty is it is not applied equally. Two different people can commit the same crime and one can be sentenced to death and the other one not. And I agree with Ana. How many more children have to be gunned down before something is done? It is shameful.
  18. I don't want to go off topic but just let me say Condoleeza Rice served in the GW Bush administration. Enough said.
  19. This is pretty much what most of us here have thought. Meghan will of course use this to add to her victimhood.
  20. The flip side of that is how many people aren't hired because they are labeled difficult because they rebuff someone's (Harvey Weinstein) romantic advances? Or aren't hired because someone (Katie Couric) felt threatened by you?
  21. You aren't the only one. That is by far my favorite scene in the movie. I actually liked pretty much all the scenes that didn't include Ferris.
  22. And if the reasons they aren't together isn't overly contrived. For me the gold standard is Sam & Diane on Cheers. I also liked the build up to Ross and Rachel on Friends.
  23. I do think Monica became self aware of her own actions. You are right. We don't always see what we are doing objectively. I do have to say I think Monica learned from what happened. Pretty sure Bill Clinton did not.
  24. When I was going to school (mid 70s to mid 80s) history was factual. We were told these things happened. In high school we did have civics which explained how our government works. So to now have history being taught differently in different states and in some cases different school districts is crazy to me. I'm not sure letting parents (and sometimes it's just a minority of parents) decide what they want taught or not taught is a good thing. Yes it is a dog whistle. Much like "war on Christmas".
  25. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/meghan-mccain-andy-cohen-memoir_n_617126cce4b010d9330caf90 I never thought I would say this but thank you Andy Cohen. He asked her if she thought she was a hypocrite for writing a tell all after criticizing others for writing tell alls. I so hope Mary Trump tweets something.
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