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  1. If only that were Chainsaw. From the poster glimpsed as the man in white walked out, it was a snuff film festival. Creepy as hell.
  2. Ohhhh that CAR! It was love at first sight as my husband and I squealed like hamsters at a One Direction concert. Husband: "It's so fabulous and stupid at the same time!" Me: "It's this show turned into a car!" If I saw correctly that was a Studebaker Avanti, and a quick Googly says it's from 1963
  3. Great observations, love that the show is closing in on the comic a little more. One other thing. I feel like they might be setting up Sasha to take over the Andrea comics role. She's badass and pretty good with a gun
  4. Stupid capitalism... ;P I picked up the comics shortly after the show started, and wait for the periodic compilations to catch up. I am fascinated with what Kirkman (to the extent that he has shaped things in the series) et al have done vs the comics: New characters (Daryl in particular), "Do-overs" (extending Shane's arc to the farm, Carol as bad-ass), what has remained the same (Rick and Michonne, to some extent), and twists on comic stories (Lizzy the psycho, the TV version of the Ben and Billy story- and well done IMO) I did feel there was a conscious pull to bring the series more in line with the comic's overall arc, though Terminus is a bit of a twist on what they did in the comics, it would appear. I guess we'll see if "Safe Haven" is represented (and all the huge story arcs implied therein), if they head north towards DC at some point.
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