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Everything posted by SandyToes

  1. MARRY ME, @AngelaHunter! I'll cut Mr. Toes to the ditch and we can run off together with our cheeseballs and wine! And TeeVee. And DVR. Your New Year's Wishes for all of us were just so sweet, and sappy, and heartfelt. My computer has been dead all week, and so I'm catching up on everything. Absolutely dying here, and laughing so hard Mr. Toes may cut ME to the ditch. New Eps this week!! (I think. We've been down this road before.)
  2. Warning: Vodka-infused post ahead.... Today's old rerun of the Granger gaggle: What a bunch of a$$holes that all deserved each other! "I saw him at the gas station and we became very good friends and I loaned him money and then he STOLE from me!" "I met these people through this wonderful (same) guy and we became besties, too!" "But he only has a sixth grade education and I wanted to help him and save him and he deserved a second chance and then he STOLE from us!" And served jail time. "And to help him out, I paid him in cash and didn't report it, and that's why he's never ever filed tax returns!" "I've been WRONGED!" Can't believe Judy awarded them any money. Yeah, he stole from you. I believe that, too. But you were IDIOTS for letting him into your lives in the first place. You got what you deserved. And then Judy gave you a bunch of money. Grrrr..... Next time I'm in need of a best friend I'm for SURE going to the gas station (and not a Shell or Exxon - think I'll try "Gizmo's Quik Stop") In case you are interested: Lemon vodka followed by an orange wedge. Over and over and over again....
  3. Agreed! "You can't have it both ways." Should become the new mantra. Judy should have it printed on a big sign, and then can turn to Byrd and give him the look, and he whips out the sign and holds it up. For all those cases of "I want the thing, and the money back I paid for the thing, because it changed colors (etc) after I bought it. " Great to see Dear Abby. Haven't read that in many, many years.
  4. I daresay.... 2014 repeat today with the teenage daughter who threw a TV remote at mom's boyfriend. He stole a necklace, mom wants his non-wedding band wedding band (just to wear when they are together) back, and JJ says no. So in the hallterview, Mom states: "That ring I've gotten out of the pawn shop quite a bit of times." Wow. Lots of sentiment attached to that thing, I guess. Of course, there was also the K-Mart necklace. (Not to disparage jewelry from K-mart!) I really kind of liked the defendant in that case - guilty as charged, but at least honest about everything.
  5. And as the parent of a 21-year old, it's a law I can get behind. :-) That part of it, anyway! So happy Mocha found his fur-ever home! Thanks for the update!
  6. While the 14-cat couple was a repeat, I was again pleased with how Judy "counseled" them, rather than just blasted them. She really can be very compassionate with people who have disabilities (of the genuine and intellectual sort, at least). They both seemed to be impaired in some way. But they at least were respectful and polite in court! I want to say the two tax ladies were both dismissed, but the lipstick and posturing had me so distracted, it's hard to say what else transpired. Must have really been a party in the hotel - didn't they both have at least two witnesses?
  7. Did anyone else get the feeling they'd seen the two tax preparers before? The guide said it was a new ep, but they sure seemed familiar. Especially the purple-lipsticked (lipstuck?) plaintiff. Haven't watched the dog rescue case yet - had it running while I cooked dinner - but I hate cases that are the whole episode! Usually because JJ throws everybody out.
  8. Old case today of Ms. Boiko who sued her tenant for stealing some un-named items and pain and suffering. "Therapy!" JJ hollers at the Plaintiff. Yes, it was weird that she had videos of defendant/tenant photographing her paper work (looked like a tax return?!), but if you rent out a ROOM in your home, it sounds like "invasion of privacy" is going to come with the territory! One of the best hallterviews ever: Successful defendant says, "I knew she (JJ) had a good B.S. meter, so that's why I came." Exactly. For all the wackos we see and wonder why on Earth they'd come on TV, there are those few who come for precisely that reason. All this talk of the road trip is starting to sound more fun than the actual trip! Dammit! Starting to worry about @AngelaHunter's car. Sounds like more than the insurance may have 'lapped.' We may have to stop with the JJ-style vocabulary. I have lost count of the times I've come THIS close to saying "conversated." Honest to dog. It's going to happen one day, and I will blame all of you!
  9. But look on the bright side! You can at least go VISIT your car! Create some new memories....
  10. This is one of those posts that needs a bigger "like" button - for all three points! When she said there was no fence, I about had a fit. I'm not an expert on electric dog collars, but I'd worry with a big dog. We looked at a perfect house one time, except it was on the "main drag" of the subdivision. I said no, because ALL dogs get out at some point, some how, in my experience, and wouldn't take the risk. And the 60 foot leash - Pookie may be happy, but what if random other dog in the neighborhood wanders by? Being in the Harvey zone myself, I watched to see where Judy was going with her questions to the Def. about other streets in the neighborhood, other houses in the neighborhood, etc. Was ready to come unhinged if she tried to suggest Def.'s house couldn't sustain damage unless everybody else's did, too. But she didn't (whew!). Right call on that one, and I, too, was surprised when she awarded moving expenses. I thought it most likely because of the distances involved, even though the jobs Plaintiff mentioned didn't sound like the "only in that location" kind of jobs. But glad she won and got the cash.
  11. ROAD TRIP! Grab the cheeseballs, someone! @AngelaHunter and I are on for beverages!! But she'll have to drive the first leg because she's not as drunk as I am. I think. And yeah, today's case with the under-the-table-gang was pretty drink-worthy. His stuff!!
  12. Welcome home, GM. You are safe and loved, here, among your own kind.
  13. Missed yesterday's eps, but that sounds like an instant classic! Future Darwin Award winners...
  14. COMPLETELY missed this! OMG! That's hysterical. And yes, the production crew gets top marks for all the special touches (like the long, wide-angle view of Queen Esther's, um, "other" side). They are really getting into the spirit of the show!
  15. Epic, @AZChristian! For those who didn't see it, Judy labeled her Queen Esther - a reference to a Jewish holiday persona?
  16. Loved that the camera crew offered us a view from the back, too, so as to fully appreciate the dizzying array of multi-colored spandex. I am all in for people being comfortable in their own skin, and being confident in their fashion choices. But my best friend and I made a pact about 20 years ago -- if one of us says "No! Thou shalt not be seen in public wearing that!" there will be no questions asked, and the offending garment(s) replaced. I'm thinking more people (Queen Esther) need to make pacts like that... Oh, @Brattinella, we gotta find her for you! Maybe someone has a screen shot. She's actually a reasonably attractive woman, although she did offer up the opportunity for me to explain to Mr. Toes "resting bitch face" pretty well.
  17. Scout around on all your channels. Maybe they've switched 'em up. Mine changed times all over the place. A Judge Judy Scavenger hunt! Visiting the old car - ha. Poor thing. The audience was dying behind her. I did appreciate the broken TV couple - they were so funny, and Judy immediately zeroed in on what the fight started about! Hee! And had figured out the Uber bit, too, early on. I had wondered why she was picking so hard at that! On this, the most stressful day of the year, I am so very thankful for all my dear Judge Judy friends! I do have "real" friends, but they don't make me laugh nearly as much as you all do. Y'all are always a pleasant respite when the need arises. I came in for a break from the kitchen to check in, and you didn't disappoint! Big ol' Texas Hugs to each and every one of you!
  18. ^^ It might be fun to watch with the sound off, just to see the wild arrangement of letters that appear in the litigants "Name" labels. I am anxious to hear why other sister and Mom had to be in court. Family vay-cay! Woo hoo! I laughed at the description of how plaintiff "pulled a knife out of her bosom." Just a great and under-utilized word, in my opinion. And then JJ sneaking around how the plaintiff-girlfriend ended up pregnant - "Was this a planned pregnancy" "We discussed it." "Was this one planned?" "Um, no." JJ astutely concluded that perhaps this is why former girlfriend is an ex and a little miffed! I missed Daisy rain. Dammit.
  19. Spell check must have driven the editors nuts with that one! Scapegoat! OMG! Just watching this one. "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means!" /Inigo Montoya ETA: Holy cow! Queen Esther!!! What a hoot! And again with the spellcheck!! Loved how both Def. and Plaintiff came in wearing almost the same outfits (almost!) in black/white. Neato! More Judge Judy Fashion!
  20. I second the congrats! Pretty cool! (even if it is pink. gah.) I was more intrigued/distracted by Mr. Albert's bow-tie goatee. And I agree with AH about taking fights to the streets. I guess that is the new normal for conflict resolution, but wow. "I felt threatened! So I went outside to confront them!" Get what you deserve in that case, IMHO.
  21. We would see this at the junior high for the 8th grade dance every year. The girls checked out of school at 10:00, went for spray tans, teeth whitening, and then to the salon for mani-pedis and HUGE elaborate up-dos. Arrived in limos. The girls looked fabulous! Dresses slit down to there, up to there, backless, bra-less fabulousness. Until you realized they were 13 and 14. And had braces. My daughter's school, on the other hand, sent out notes saying limos, tuxes, long dresses would be turned away at the door. And they were! She wore a sparkly top, a short, swishy black skirt, all purchased in the junior dept. Looked gorgeous. And 14. I was always campaigning for more appropriate "guidelines," but was told that since many students won't make it to high school prom (being home raising babies, or just not in school), this was their only time to experience it. Huh?! And I guess that's why there were so many babies born 9 months after prom: If you've already done the limo and fancy dress thing, what's left to make real prom "special?" Hmmmmm..... /soapbox. I did enjoy prom mom continually elbowing daughter. Gee, like no one would notice that! Macaroni eyebrows and zinging buttons! You guys are the best!!
  22. And I'd be willing to bet half the people we see on this show would take the money for the kids, too. Grrrrrr.... And did anyone else have a sense of de je vu today?? Another "equitable distribution" of a house case (complete with restraining orders!), but his poor guy is really stuck in it since he graciously/stupidly put her name on the title. Is there a website these gals learn this from?! Or a book?! Jeepers!
  23. Agreed! Another one yesterday (new? rerun? don't remember) about an engagement ring. Byrd gets the ring from female def. Ultimately, it goes back to plaintiff (jilted gentleman looking very dapper in a bright red suit). As Byrd hands it over, idiot defendant spouts: "I'd like my ring back, please!" Um, Sweetie, Judy just gave it back to him! Admire her asking so politely, though.
  24. I've been waiting for you to weigh in on this one! (Ms. Meadows) Spouting "equitable shares" or some nonsense. Yep, if you are MARRIED. Changing the locks does not a transfer of title/deed make, Sweet Pea. The puppy case is kind of a good one: JJ makes Byrd take custody of him during the trial, knowing in advance how things will probably shake out, and he holds it nearly at arms length, reminding Judy to "Hurry up! I don't like dogs!" Hee! And then the puppy schmoozes all over him. Pretty cute. I hope Byrd took him home. (Boy we surely do need a "Where are they now?" follow up show!) There was a dog park/dog bite case later on, that wasn't too bad, and at one point the little Yorkie starts yapping, and her owner tries to shush her. Judy cracks up - guess the pup's trying to terrorize the camera guy going in for a close up. Dad pipes up, "Does this mean we lose the case?" Double Hee! Pup is fine, mom gets a lecture about taking a teeny dog into the BIG DOG side of the park.
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