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Everything posted by proserpina65

  1. Bugs!?!?! Why did it have to be bugs?????!!!!! Other than that, I enjoyed this episode, and I'm really loving Bill. She's like the anti-Clara. One quibble, though: when the house was destroyed, didn't she and her housemates lose all their possessions? Which sucks.
  2. Frances is entitled to her feelings. This is an entirely different situation than it would be if Noah had been the product of a previous marriage because she would've known about that. She had no idea about the affair until it was too late to vent any anger onto her husband and his mistress, and as long as she's not being unkind to Noah - which she isn't - I've got no problem with her not wanting to be around him. And I was rather hoping it would stay that way, but alas, warm cuddly feelings are being forced in by the writers.
  3. I'm pretty sure they did have an onscreen kiss, in season 4 or maybe early season 5, but perhaps it was a scene PBS cut. A friend and I marathoned all 5 seasons in preparation for this season.
  4. The vaporetti are much less expensive, but they have a set route and, like busses on dry land, you have to wait for them. But they're good for meeting other people.
  5. Yeah, that's what I thought would be the real difficulty in the luggage task. I tried to find a restaurant recommended by my guidebook when I was in Venice, and it took me forever. I was starving by the time I got there, but the gnocchi really were divine. I'm actually glad not to have all that other drama. That's not part of what makes AR entertaining for me. So I'm enjoying this season quite a bit.
  6. And apparently there are no other lesbians in this large hospital with whom Arizona might actually have some chemistry? I mean, when she first pursued Callie, she talked about all the other hospital employees she'd dated, so surely there has to be someone besides Minnick. Unless Arizona has already dumped every lesbian in a five mile radius of Seattle Mercy Grey Sloane Death.
  7. I'm pretty sure Brett is the older Asian guy who was out in the parking lot collecting carts while the tornado was coming. Those scenes of him still at it while the storm got worse and worse made me think "yeah, Walmart would totally make the cart guys finish that, even in a tornado".
  8. You mean I missed a whole category about admirals on Wednesday? Which I would've easily run? Damn you, uncooperative feral cats!! (Missed last night's Jeopardy because of them, too.) I didn't know Wednesday's FJ, but I would've gotten A Tale of Two Cities from last night's clue. Oh man, I missed on opera category, too? Damn it.
  9. It's fascinating how this show handles the subject of counseling. Izzie had to get it, and I presume Shane did, but Alex, whose reinstatement absolutely should've included anger management counseling at the very least, apparently isn't required to do anything. It's a mystery, wrapped in an enigma, covered in bad writing.
  10. Exactly. The patient didn't really want Maggie's miracle surgery, but she and Mere kind of bullied her into it. Then it turns out that it wouldn't work. You'd think some of their fancy scanning equipment would've shown how extensively the tumor had infiltrated her body. I have to admit, though, Minnick was right to be surprised that Stephanie had just come immediately back to work without any counseling after her boyfriend died. Doesn't surprise me, given some of the other crap that's happened at this hospital, but still. Hate to agree with Minnick about anything.
  11. Absolutely. Yes, state law may require that they respect adult patients' religious views regarding their own treatment, but different standards apply when the patient is a minor, and the parents don't want to allow life-saving medical treatment due to their religion. There have been many cases on just this subject over the past few years, and I highly doubt the state of Washington would prevent a hospital from attempting to get a court order for treatment in a case like this. Yet another situation where Shonda and her writers demonstrate how little they actual know about the law.
  12. I don't think I would've gotten FJ last night if I'd seen the show. The date of the movie meant nothing, and I can't really hear the music for the WB logo in my head.
  13. Personally, I was thinking multiple seasons, with time jumps between each one, but as long as it was well-done, I take aging up, too. I wouldn't actually miss F'lessan at all (never liked that particular character) but I'd miss Jaxom, and would have to find a way to fit him in. I've always been less fond of The White Dragon than I am of Dragonflight and Dragonquest, and really like one of the prominent support characters in Dragonsong, but this would work. I'd take whatever I could get, as long as it wasn't done like a CW series.
  14. I actually said that aloud. I got those, and FJ, but then mythology is a good category for me. As much as I wanted Alan to lose, I was really hoping Amish Beard would lose, too. I think I'd have kept Alan instead of him. Glad woman on the end was the winner. I've noticed that the picture on the sweepstakes page tends to prominently include the word of the day, too.
  15. I've never seen Gentlemen's Agreement, but am familiar enough with the plot to figure out the quote. The only horse clue I didn't get was Eohippus, because I couldn't remember the "eo" part. There was only one Carson who was a frontiersman and only one Nehru who was Prime Minister of India, but that didn't keep the judges from requiring a first name on either of them, while not requiring it for Presidents Adams, Roosevelt, and Johnson. They need to be consistent; either require the first name or don't, but don't keep switching between the two.
  16. Damn! So close! I had no clue on FJ. The Supreme Court definitely isn't in my wheelhouse. I said Thurgood Marshall, but only because he's my stock answer. Unless we're talking the early years, in which case my answer is either John Marshall or John Jay. (And it usually is one of the two.) I was torn between the Netherlands and Germany because I couldn't remember exactly where Friesia is, but I knew it wasn't Belgium. I did get the others, though. I didn't have a visceral negative reaction to Alan, but more and more he strikes me as a smug smarty-pants. I will confess, though, that I often end up feeling that way about champions who win more than a couple of games, unless they are someone I really like a lot to start with. I like change, I think. (Except when I'm resistant to it.)
  17. I didn't think it was hours later. He'd said he was going to try and check on Reggie during the day, so I assumed it wasn't that long after Reggie left. Just long enough for the smell of gas to be everywhere but not long enough for something to have set it off.
  18. Please, no! I hated his Master.
  19. I was on the verge of giving up on this show, and then they have a episode like this. As benteen said, very disturbing, but really good.
  20. If it weren't for the Galapagos sweepstakes, I'd be out until Alan loses. I've gone from "he's okay" to "I can't stand him" pretty quickly. As it is, I may just tune in near the end just to catch the word of the day.
  21. Personally, I would blend the first two books of the original trilogy (Dragonflight, Dragonquest) with the first two Harper Hall ones (Dragonsong, Dragonsinger). Those four fit fairly neatly together, imo. And then The White Dragon and Dragondrums fit together. Beyond that, the series starts to get spotty as far as quality is concerned, although Dragonsdawn worked really well as an origin story. I'm particularly fond of Moreta and Nerilka's Story, as well, although that's probably way more than I could hope for. The mating thing never really bothered me even though I got it right away, but I can see where it could be problematic. But you're right about the opportunity for diversity, especially in Dragonsdawn.
  22. I actually liked Tara speaking Italian not just for functional reasons but because she knows Italian and obviously enjoys the language.
  23. While we're supposed to think that's what's going on, I thought the bit at the end where the car was rocking because the kids were jumping around sort of implied that it wasn't sex happening in the car. Or, not every time, at least. But I could be wrong. I think we can all agree on that.
  24. Vera would be able to train as a midwife, even though she isn't currently qualified, whereas a male nurse would not be able to train as a midwife at all. I thought she did, and Trixie persuaded Marnie to let her in by complaining about her time and not wanting to have to come back later.
  25. I will say, that as a tv personality, Bobby Flay is okay, for me. Unlike, say, Richard Blais, who's freaking obnoxious. And Anthony Bourdain, who I find both pretentious and annoying as shit.
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