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Everything posted by KIMBERLYANN11

  1. I may possibly in a thread here somewhere have referred to righties as human garbage. I don't know if I did or not, but it's a term I use so I wouldn't be overly shocked to find out I did. If I did, I won't apologize for it - if people don't like being called human garbage, they shouldn't act like human garbage. I don't use cuck though - it sounds like a baby who isn't mature enough to enunciate "ka-ka" Yes - I know it's short for cuckold - only the right is that paranoid that their sexual prowess isn't good enough to keep a mate that they use it as an insult. Little do they know that that's not the reason they can't keep a mate.
  2. Crap - we still end up with Donald Trump. And he gets the popular vote that way too.
  3. !! I'm a weirdo who loves spiders !! That was awesome.
  4. If you don't count all the B's, C's, D's and F's, Rick Perry got a 4.0 in college.
  5. That was a pretty awesome fantasy. I would like to add Obama yelling "Hawaii! That's where I was born mother-fucker! Say it! Say it you son of a bitch!"
  6. I can understand that you're afraid - but let me present another perspective. I live less than 50 miles from the town with the largest muslim population in the US yet we have had zero terrorist attacks ever. Do you want to know my opinion on why this is? I believe it's because they are treated like they belong. Some of the towns play the call to prayer. The University of MIchigan's Dearborn campus has installed foot washing stations for the students. It's a good school - my daughter thought about going there. Our tour was led by a very sweet muslim girl - the muslim people in our area value education, just as much for the girls as for the boys.. Of course if they try to build a mosque in rednecked Macomb county - the idiots are going to protest it - but in general, the muslims here get treated like anyone else. Now imagine you're a 14 year old boy. Would you be more likely to radicalize if you felt you had a place in society and a chance to be somebody or if you had to register on a list and feared being put into a camp? So - I get the fear. I do. But dealing with it the way that Trump wants to is actually a self-fulfilling prophecy and will make things worse.
  7. Unfortunately, I think that would just get the Dump supporters all excited that "we can say retard again - yay!" Those of us that didn't vote for the orange plague likely never used it to begin with.
  8. I've never had a problem with Merry Christmas either, but I have noticed like some others here, a mean tone to it this year - like daring someone to say something different. I took DD out for brunch Saturday and the waitress, who was a cute little thing about DDs age, must have said it five times. When we paid the bill, she said it again and added "Aren't you excited?". Weird. Excited about what? Christmas? They have it every year. It seemed like she was making it her goal to say it as many times as possible or until people repeated it back. I just said yeah, you too. FWIW, she was an awesome waitress in all other ways so she got a good tip. She was cheerful and spent a lot of time going over the coffee bar offerings with DD. Maybe she was just excited because she was expecting a good gift.
  9. That would be my girl DD. Truth be told, just four days before band camp she ripped two and a half of the three tendons in her right ankle. That required surgery, three weeks no weight bearing and ongoing physical therapy. So... no marching band this year. She went to band camp and the first week of marching band not being able to march, because we thought she might be able to march the last few games, but once the surgeon got in there he said no way. We're hoping next year. She loves marching band. However, she still has her band friends. They took a vote on whether they wanted to accept the invitation to march at the inauguration and it was an overwhelming no. This is not a liberal college at all either (We have buildings with the DeVos name on them) - just kids with a whole lot of integrity. And these kids live for trips.
  10. What astounds me is that this is news and I haven't seen anything about it on the mainstream media. (not that I am glued to mainstream media). There should be outrage. People should be demanding that the POS that did this ends up with his head on a pole (figuratively). Yes, China is a big story, of course, but this story says volumes about the orange man's followers. He's not president yet - he needs to keep his nose out of China for the time being. He should be spending his time telling people that attacks like the one on Kurt are unconscionable and they need to stop immediately. But of course he won't because he approves of it. Because he's a piece of human garbage. And it sounds ridiculous. Like a baby trying to say kaka.
  11. I wasn't sure whether to put this in humor or here. I am putting it here because it's actually more scary than funny. Rick Perry's grades - he got a D in a class called "meats" Okay - I know that A&M isn't a cakewalk, and I am sure that Meats is a very difficult upper level class, but someone on my twitter brought this up a few days ago and I think my twitter peeps are the funniest people in the world. I can't find it now or I would link and share the genius - but I will share a sample solely from my memory: Name these meats: ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham No Rick they are not all ham. Hamburger! No Rick, you are so close though. It's a cheeseburger Giggles insanely at picture of sausages. It's a class you really have to cram for. So that's my twitter peeps and they do it so much funnier. But now the scary part. This guy got two A's in his college career. More D's than B's. I know C's get degrees, but dang Rick. When he got elected to a position in the student government, he had to get off academic probation before he could take it. I am well aware that not everyone is cut out for higher level learning and might have skills elsewhere. If my daughter was doing that crap at college, I would maybe try to steer her toward the local cosmetology school. But the department of energy is a department that requires understanding a lot of complicated science - something that his F in organic chemistry won't help him with.
  12. That's how that type of voter is. They like anything vicious, violent, mean, nasty and I'll throw in cruel and hateful.. They sit at night and think about if an issue helps them or hurts them and then they think about if it hurts someone else. If it hurts someone else then the answer to question one is irrelevant. The people who voted for him and will lose their health benefits are a prime example. They don't care if it hurts them as long as they get to see people locked up, thrown over a wall or put in camps. They are all excited that they can now say the n word because political correctness is dead - yay. And soon you'll be able to discriminate against the gays and turn women into baby-making machines - yee-haw! Heaven forbid he call them deplorable.
  13. n/m just saw your edit and totally concede the point.
  14. That was horrible. When some of his victims came out to share their stories, the (male) cow-orkers at my place of business were all like "oh, so they just forgot about it until now". I was so enraged - but my office is a nepotistic political minefield so you have to keep your mouth shut and your head down. You never ... fucking ... forget about it. The scariest things about him (for me) during the election were the nazis, klansmen and the death threats to reporters. That's not the kind of country I want to live in - and voila -hate crimes are now up 200% from this time last year. That's three times as many. I am amazed at the number of people who weren't aware of the klan and neo-nazi ties prior to the election. I am a minority and I think I'm next in line after the muslims and mexicans.
  15. Wanna know what's sick? I saw the headline and I immediately thought "Has to be Warren" Yep - it is. The wonderful mayor of wonderful Warren Michigan. This is the third largest city in MIchigan and borders Detroit to the north. One of the most racist cities in the state. When I moved to this area in the mid-eighties, there were eight african-americans living in Warren. Eight. If anyone who is reading this lives there - I am generalizing, sure, but of course I know not everyone who lives there is racist. I personally know a few of the non-racist Warrenites and I consider them friends. But the government sure has a racist trend. Of course it's not a huge surprise that the hatred expands to the disabled as well.
  16. And I appreciate your viewpoint. I am glad you don't seem to be taking the last paragraph as being mean or sarcastic. I mean it sincerely. I used to think everyone has a voice and should be heard but the older and more curmudgeonly I get - the more nonchalant I am with the ignore feature. Sometimes I will have a fit of cheerfulness and let some of them out of their cages, but in general I am happy to converse with those like-minded souls who share my views.
  17. My daughter's college marching band was invited - they declined. They knew in the fall they would be invited to the inaugural parade and they were excited. I think that if tubby acted presidential, if he had spoken out about the increasing hate crimes, if he had tried to show that he actually gave a crap about the country, they would gladly have gone. Keep in mind, this isn't some liberal hotbed. The school has a whole building named after the DeVos family.
  18. Yep, some of us don't mind words - we like words. They are a handy way to communicate. I've noticed that the DVR has made it so I'm less likely to pay attention to things - it's something I have to be mindful of when it's not something that can be rewound and reviewed. Likewise, I think the twitter culture makes people lose interest if something requires sustained attention - I've only started using twitter myself, so that's a tendency I'm going to have to be on the lookout for. I think that's part of what's bringing us to where we are today.
  19. Michigan's got it's own problems. Bill Schuette, the one in charge of squashing down our recount, announced he's planned to run for governor in two years. He's an enemy to gay rights, women's rights and medical marijuana. Ronna Romney is a huge ally of his so getting her silly ass out of this state is a coup. I just don't want to see Michigan turn into North Kentucky. (No offense to Kentucky, but dang).
  20. The orange menace would be happy as a pig in shit. He didn't want the damn job - he wanted to have his little Trump TV deal and rake in money from rubes. He wouldn't be expected to do horrible things like read or speak like a mature adult - and those sad, awful Saturday Night Live people wouldn't be all up in his grill stomping his delicate feefees. He could be the twitter king and spend the next eight years obsessed with that nasty woman and how she rigged an election by being a worthy candidate - no Russia required.
  21. Ronna Romney. Her voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard. Glad it gets her silly ass the hell out of Michigan politics. Bye Felicia.
  22. Note that he isn't saying he is a smart person. He's saying he's like a smart person - he just threw a comma in there where it doesn't belong like the not as smart people seem to do. He's like a smart person in that tubby and a smart person both uhh.. wear clothes - that's it. tubby and a smart person also both have two hands - although tubby's hands are probably smaller.
  23. And of course that's exactly what I was referring to. Men seem more able to attack other men on the content of their message, without employing juvenile, grade-school sniping about appearances. Of course there is the occasional "Krispy-Kreme Christy" comment but in general men can attack each other verbally but don't often seem to hit below the belt as much. You want to see a bunch of women rip each other up? Go check out a on-line discussion between stay-at-home moms and working moms. It's brutal. Both sides rip each other up - attacking their mothering skills, their work ethic, everything about each other when all they really need to do is support each other and have some understanding. If it were customary in our culture for men to either choose to stay home or to work, I doubt there would be the amount of hate I see spewed out in those discussions. Support networks would abound. And don't you dare be a middle school girl who has the sheer nerve to develop before the other girls in her class. Most spectacularly I might add. This was only brought up because 52% of white women voted against their best interests and I am told it can't all be attributed to racism. I hear the same type of things said about her that were said about that innocent middle school girl who didn't ask for boobs but got them anyway. Jealousy? The deep-down feeling that maybe we just aren't as good as men? Who knows - but you don't often see that type of self-hatred projected outward by guys (although yes, I'm sure it happens at times).
  24. And it's just not America that will be affected. I was considering an upcoming move to Iceland but Iceland's still in Europe and totally vulnerable. The entire world will get a "comeuppance" they in no way deserve.
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