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Everything posted by FawnLeibowitz

  1. THAT was the finale?! How was that episode any different than any other? I don't think I can watch another season of this.
  2. This show is only like 10 minutes long if you FF thru commercials and Maci, Bristol, and Cheyenne. The picture of the sloth next to Amber's name is continuing. I'm pretty sure it's been done on every episode. I wonder who she pissed off. Since I don't watch Maci, maybe I read wrong, but are Jen and Larry honestly thinking about college scholarships? Isn't Bentley like 9 or 10? Even if Bentley is a standout now, other kids will catch up with him by high school and it's pretty unlikely that he will get a scholarship. I thought my son was a superstar soccer play at that age and when he got to high school I was like, wow! There are a lot of really good soccer players.
  3. Absolutely. I have never missed an episode of any season, but I might have to bail on this one if they keep ramming this theme down my throat. Enough! As if listening to Natalie talk about how amazing she is ("literally take a bullet for me") wasn't bad enough, I just read their bios and boy, does she have a superiority complex. She mentions that people always think she is 10-15 years younger than she is, and I hate when people say this. I know when anyone asks me to guess their age, I always guess way below what I actually think, and I'm betting many other people do the same.
  4. I'm so glad there is a topic for this show now! I haven't seen all of them, but am just...baffled by these people. At first I was trying very hard to be sympathetic and understand what was going on with them. Then I decided it's all BS and they all have mental issues which may or may not be manifesting themselves physically. After reading all your replies - I don't feel bad for thinking that anymore. How about Carmen wearing the wireless mic all that time and having no problems until her crazy friend pointed it out?? Then Carmen removed it and the friend was all, "See?! Look how much better she looks without that on!"
  5. Yes. The kids were interviewed asking what they wanted in a new house and the first thing they each said was "my own room".
  6. OMG that was really awful. I can't watch this if the kids have to do the talking too. And yeah! You have a 4 Bed house but make your 2 sons share a room?? Not cool.
  7. I can't believe Johnny has the nerve to bitch about Tony not being loyal. I agree that it's nice to see someone stand up for himself and not go along with whatever Johnny says. And I have no idea who Da'vonne in the redemption house is, but if she continues to stay on the show, I might have to stop watching. So obnoxious.
  8. I am only half watching this, and haven't seen the latest episode, but... Come on Jenni. You are a mother of 2 in your 30s. Why are you still threatening to beat people up and yelling in their faces? She's so trashy. I agree with everyone else that this is super dull. All the girls' lips look so weird and ugly that I can't stop staring at them.
  9. I see the "porn is legal" mentioned all the time. I think we all know that it's legal - it's just not exactly respected. And yes, I would be very disappointed and embarrassed if that was the path that any of my kids chose. I have suffered with PCOS since I was a teenager (I'm in my 40s). Maci seems to have very few symptoms of a typical PCOS woman. I don't have all of them either, but far more than she does. I took fertility drugs to get pregnant the first 2 times, then started eating much healthier and working out a lot. I did have a surprise pregnancy a few months later. So IMO it's possible that she has it, but if she does, she's extremely fortunate that she doesn't experience most of the things other women do.
  10. Lol. Because no one cares, Cara.
  11. OMG! He looks like (80s) George Michael in a couple of those pics. I doubt that's what he was going for.
  12. My God, was this boring! I made 2 attempts to watch this episode and finally gave up a little over an hour in. I don't care about the backstory or the grooms. I really hope they go back to the old format.
  13. That's what I thought as well! The curtains were actually hanging below the top of the window frame. I have all mine mounted several inches higher than the window, and I have lots of large rods that are bigger than 1 1/2". I thought the shirts for short men was a GREAT idea. I immediately mentioned to my husband that women have a petite section, so why has no one ever come up with that (with a different name) for men? And...Sure Daymond. You're 5'8". Mmmmhmmm.
  14. It seems like Lori has been told that she doesn't need to ramble on and on if she's going out. Instead of her usual long winded speeches, we just got "This isn't for me. I'm out."
  15. And any one who names her daughter October is more of a cruel parent than cool. She was way too obsessed with being looking cool.
  16. Oh I can! Her own daughter is a horrid person who talks to everyone much worse than what David does.
  17. And with her hair brushed, we can see that she has Catelynn's (and April's) unfortunate hairline.
  18. My daughter has a DS boy in her grade. He's a nice kid and his parents are the exact opposite of Sean's. This boy's sister is on my daughter's sports team and one day the parents marched him up to us at a practice and said "Joey (not his real name) has something to say to you". Joey gave my daughter a very nice apology that he had called her "sweetie pie" earlier that day. My daughter didn't even think twice about it and honestly, I didn't care that he said it either, but his parents were clearly trying to nip that behaviour in the bud so that he doesn't become "a Sean".
  19. They think Tierra Reign is like Michael Kors or something.
  20. I agree that length is flattering, but she needs bangs to cover up that fivehead.
  21. OMG I know! Maci: Are you going to quit, um, your ummmm...other job? And Tyler saying how he doesn't want his clothing like to be as big as JCPenney. Bitch, please. TierraReign will be defunct by September or so.
  22. Yes they are! I wish my kids loved each other that much. I thought it was weird that Deb said that she'd been alone for 10 years. Well, I admit I haven't seen Farrah's 16&p in a while, but weren't Deb and michael married then? Sophia just turned 8. And I give not one shit about Butch. I FF through all his scenes. He's a loser and honestly I'm not sure why he's on the show.
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