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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. This has happened already unfortunately. People have used Apple Air Tags to stalk unsuspecting victims. Technology is a double edged sword for sure.
  2. I watch a lot of “Murder Shows”, maybe too many. When I see the stories with these seemingly “perfect family, perfect marriage”, I already know the spouse did it. The “perfect” or “happy” label is the giveaway at this point. Husband did it, no doubt. That foreign male DNA in the car could have come from a mechanic or car wash detail. It should be investigated to rule it in/out, but my money is on the jealous, illegal antler poaching, avid chipmunk and elk hunting guy with a tranquilizer gun. Cool info on the car computer tracking info being used to investigate crimes. Just like cell tower hits for phones, this is new tech that can help police. I know it may make some people concerned about Big Brother or Government encroachment, but honestly, we are all already being ‘tracked’ on a daily basis. Cell phones, computers, credit cards, EZ-Pass logs, ATM’s and bank records, traffic and store surveillance cameras… even Alexa, Apple TV and Netflix know more about you than your best friend does.
  3. Oh, most definitely! I’m not sure if the footage of her talking about her beloved son Alex’s funeral was used in a previous 20/20 or on 48 Hours or Dateline, but her comment confirms the whole Cox clan (minus Adam maybe) is completely demented. She said they didn’t invite/want anyone at Alex’s funeral who thought he was a murderer, “so it was a very small service”. YES! Because everyone outside of your effed up family KNOWS he was a murderer!! Criminally crazy runs deep with this crew. How many deaths /disappearances within your family, in such a short span of time would it take to make Mamma Cox hit pause, and say “hmmmm, another person that I know Lori, Chad and Alex know is suddenly dead? Quite the co-inky dink, no?” I am not a religious person, but when the Cox family dies, and when they ascend to whatever version of heaven they think is awaiting them, I hope their God greets them at the gate with a hearty “OH FUCK NO!”
  4. I had no idea who the model was. Her long slim silhouette is striking and is definitely made for modeling. Her face looks like a cartoon drawing of Cruella DeVille in her twenties. So many sharp angles! But…DAMN, Coco can rock a photo shoot. I didn’t love any of the designs. That yellow lace dress Coral looked like Big Bird’s skinny little sister was molting. Christina’s just didn’t work as an outfit, although I liked the colors. Chasity’s was awful IMO. A bad 80’s Dynasty-esque gown. Bones should’ve left Coco’s doo rag in the workroom. Fugly AF Shantal’s was OK. I can see how she won, and she picked the right prop to help her case. Coco’s dress for judging was giving me Moira Rose in “The Crows Have Eyes 3” vibes.
  5. My tv froze when they were getting the tip. It unfroze when Heather was waving her cash. What’d they get? I felt awful for charter guest Melissa. Earaches are no joke. And she missed the vow renewal too. I am really over Nakey-Jakey. I don’t think he’s charming or sexy. He could be physically attractive without the Snidely Whiplash mustache, but not my type at all. Even in my younger drunker party days, Jake is the kind of guy I would try to move away from at a club. Kaylee seems nice. She’s much prettier than Heather.
  6. Just finished binging. I am sad it’s over, but a great finale. I really liked Anne’s definition of angels…very appropriate and true. Gotta go get another box of tissues now…i
  7. I knew Tony would turn out to be a cop of some kind. I was wondering why he had the postal worker picked up when he certainly has more than enough evidence to just bust Deanna and the nail shop crew now? Uncle Daddy character is just gross, and I hate the actor playing him. Too bad Virginia couldn’t have run him over on her way to “take care” of Georgia. So how many people has Desna and her crew killed now? I have lost track over the seasons, but the count is pretty high, right?
  8. The whole Murdaugh clan is morally bankrupt. Alex and his sons were involved with so many crimes ( not “allegedly”, most definitely). But Alex’s brothers are guilty of covering up sh** too, IMO. The settlement for the Satterfield family, offering legal services in the death of Steven Smith, the embezzlement at the law firm, protecting Paul by saying what a good kid he was…I get wanting to protect your family, and your legacy. But in the face of ALL the criminal activity associated with Alex, I think the family name would be more salvageable if they came forward and made a statement that they will step back and let independent, non-Hampton County authorities do full investigations into all the accusations. “While we will support our brother and nephews during this difficult time, we want justice for all of the victims.” Buster should be investigated as well. The two sons and Alex look like weasels with their beady little eyes. The gene pool was definitely more shallow on that side of the family tree. I don’t know how weasel-face Paul was attractive to any girl, other than the money and power behind him.
  9. I truly do not understand what Eddie and Captain Lee said or did that was so upsetting to Rayna (& Wes). The reprimand about eye rolling and texting was completely within a boss’s or manager’s purview to call out as unacceptable. Then Eddie and Captain Lee wanted to “start fresh” and allow Rayna to do the anchor to show the crew a) it’s a new day, b) give out some real responsibility and opportunities to learn c) show these employees how professional work environments operate: you get critical feedback for bad performance and positive feedback for good. She apparently did a very good job with the anchor, and received praise for it, yet she STILL was a grumpy pouty twelve year old. Did I miss some egregious behavior on the part of her managers?? Even Wes seemed pissed about “how they were treated”. Did Wes and Rayna grow up with parents & teachers who never provided negative feedback?? Have they never had superiors or leaders on a job site? Is this their very first job ever? Maybe it’s the stereotypical millennial behavior?
  10. Yes! There definitely will be some weird twist with that guy. I have been mighty suspicious of Tony too. Strictly speculation, but I think he has ties to Desna’s dead doctor ex-husband and is out for revenge. Or, he’s a Fed like others have proposed, and he will take her and the drug business down. I also will be very upset if drug-addled Jen and Tony hook up. I don’t think Desna or any of her crew is destined for a “happily ever after” unfortunately.
  11. I’m confused…in the US, S1 Ep7 ended with Christmas, Helen calling off the wedding and walking out of the church with James. I assume that was “the Christmas Special”. Then S2 started here on 1/9 and it’s Easter. James and Helen are barely speaking. Was there another episode we didn’t get in the US? Did Helen stay locked down on her farm from Dec 26 until March/April? I know James went home to Scotland for a 2 week holiday for Easter, but what happened between Jan and James going home? There just seems to be a piece missing. Or dis American PBS cur scenes like they do for Call the Midwife? I think little Scruff is adorable, but is he an Irish Setter or a mix? If so, then I question how quickly Scruff could be trained. My cousins had 2 Irish Setters and both were sweet, beautiful and good companions, but both were very ‘challenged’ when it came to training. One was kicked out of a training course in the 80’s because he just wasn’t getting it. They got the 2nd dog a few years after the first past away in the early 2000’s. He wasn’t from the same breeder, so no known genetic connection to his predecessor. He had trouble with commands too, and had to be constantly reminded where his bed was.
  12. I Now Pronounce You Dead - I agree with all that’s been said so far. I don’t get how this ruse went on for so long. In SEVEN YEARS of dating and being engaged: - Molly never went to James’ house or apartment? She didn’t think it was odd she never saw where he lived? Unless I zoned out and missed the part where James had a 2nd address for his fake life, how do you know someone that long and never see where they live? - When Molly met James daughter, he introduced her as a ‘friend’ who could make a costume. Didn’t Molly ever let it slip that she and James were dating? Did James tell Molly not to mention their relationship? - Didn’t Molly and James go on vacation together? How did he explain long absences from home? Fishing trips with his buddies? James doesn’t seem like the kind of guy who had buddies. - If a friend or fiancé tells me his ex died, I would ask for funeral info so I could send condolences, especially if I had met my future stepdaughter. I would look up obituaries and see what arrangements were planned. I guess Molly didn’t do any casual Googling? Neither did her family? They were all kind of sketchy about James, so why didn’t any of them do a little investigation? Does no one in the “Show Me State” watch 20/20 or Dateline or 48 Hours or Snapped or anything on the ID Channel???
  13. Watched this with my teenager and she immediately wanted the Snactiv thingy. She Googled it, and they want $15 for one pair. Then she looked on Amazon, and although this brand wasn’t listed, there were at least 5 very similar products, and they were selling multi packs for $15 or less. I am still not giving her my credit card to buy any of them because I learned from Rain Man that a 3 cent toothpick works for cheese puffs (her snack of choice). I knew the NASA tire guys weren’t getting a deal because their pitch was bad. Plus the cost was crazy. What is the space age material? Is it recyclable? Or will it end up in a landfill too? I do not get the Candi biz. Isn’t that what Cameo is, but just a longer conversation? Personally, there isn’t any celeb I am willing to pay hundreds to for a 5 min chat. I really liked the concept of Black Sands. I am glad they got a deal with Kevin Hart. My daughter is into anime and she thought the animation in the sample they showed was horrible. I didn’t think it looked so great either. Maybe some of Kevin’s cash can help with that.
  14. My wish for the end of this once-great escapism show? All of them end up in jail, except Virginia and Dean. Maybe Georgia too since she’s new to this band of psychos. I never liked Big Daddy as a character but now I loathe when he’s on screen. His ridiculous Lair of Lunatics is just so stupid. Yes, Clay is a freak show, but I feel like the writers all got together to smoke weed, eat hash brownies and wash it all down with LSD smoothies before trying to create the most bizarre underworld they could dream up. Jen won’t turn to alcohol as a way to deal with her girls being removed, because she knows she’s a recovering alcoholic. But popping Oxy is not an issue for her-eventhough her husband is a recovering addict?? Mmkay. Makes as much sense as anything else in this show. I was a little sad when I heard 2 of my former favorite shows were ending this year, but Claws and This is Us have become more about hate watching and despising characters that were so well written for a few early seasons.
  15. Rayna has every right to be upset that the N word was used. Her concern over being seen as the “aggressive Black woman” if she speaks up or goes off is valid. I can’t imagine having to be concerned over what I can say, when to say it, how to say it, how will it be perceived by an audience of white people. If she isn’t willing to accept Heather’s apologies, that’s OK. It isn’t Rayna’s job to make Heather feel better about her poor judgement by pretending “sorry” fixes everything. It also isn’t Rayna’s job to educate a grown ass white woman on the history and lasting damage of using the N word. However, if you tell someone to their face several times that you accept the apology, and “it’s all good, let’s move on”, then you can’t expect the other person to know you are still pissed as if the “I’m sorry” never happened. If Rayna wasn’t ready to be over it, then she should have said something like, “I know you regret saying that word. I don’t think you had any ill will toward me or anyone when you said it. As a white person, you don’t have to think about the repercussions of saying some words. As a Black person, I do. That word is atrocious and ugly and damaging. Hearing it from a white person has a visceral effect on many POC, including me. It really upset me and I’m not ready to accept an apology now. I hope you can appreciate my position and we can finish this season in a professional manner.” Then Heather can choose to move on or be sulky and pouty because Rayna hurt her poor widdle feewings. Personally, I don’t like hearing anyone say “n*****”, regardless of gender or race. I live down the street from the high school, and I hear that word shouted between Hispanic, Black, Asian and white kids constantly when they walk to and from school. Usually it’s in ‘joking’ or casual conversation vs. in a threatening or angry tone. Usually accompanied by “ F******”, “bitch” and “Ho” .
  16. I have a feeling the charter may have been scheduled before the “bike accident” and wiring of the jaw? If that is the case, and not Bravo produced drahhhma, then the woman should have brought along some of her own shakes and smoothies to supplement her ravenous appetite. And didn’t they have a meeting pre-charter about the guests wants/ food preferences? So Rachel should have stocked up on Jello, protein shakes, extra broth, maybe a 2nd or 3rd blender/juicer etc when she called in the provisions order to make her job a tad easier. But then there’d be no drahhhma of a disgruntled primary Princess Poutyface with no self awareness of how her entitled toddler tantrums would come across to an audience. Primary’s sister and her horde of sycophants have obviously been dealing with these ‘freak outs’ all her life. Their main job seems to be to talk Princess Poutyface off the ledge of whatever imagined slight sent her to the roof. I hope future employers and coworkers will have watched this season before signing on board to any charters with Heather. She may be good at handing out warm towels and smiling cute for guests, but she is a shitty leader and teammate. Her party planning skills are subpar too. That “Pink Party”?? A few sad pink balloons from the Dollar Store + a swatch of pink leftover fabric from Joann’s clearance bin + a tacky centerpiece crafted at a Hobby Lobby class does not scream opulence, glam or wealth. Eddie thinks the “Wiccan” guest is the reason the deck crew is having problems?? Umm, there have been issues since the first charter. Hard to blame all his and his crew’s lack of attention over several charters on a delusional attention seeker, no?
  17. This was a very good episode! I love Olivia Colman and need to make time to watch The Landscapers when I’m on vacation next week. She is just so much fun on chat shows. I have a huuuge crush on Jack Whitehall, so as dumb as the Clifford movie looks, I may have to offer to take a niece to see it. I loved his story about his dad being asked to do “Strictly”, and how he fancied himself a good enough dancer to “skip rehearsals “ and just show up for the judging! Cynthia Erivo has a great voice! I loved that Graham asked her to “open her gob” and just sing. Amazing. Never was a huge fan of Keanu’s movies, but he is always thoughtful and entertaining as a chat show guest or in his interviews. Class act. As usual, I had no clue about the musical guest. I’m sure he’s very talented and successful, but facial tattoos just make me squirm. I do not like them!
  18. This is a dull, disconnected season. Feels like the new interior and deck crew were all hired from a casting call of aimless, jobless, malcontented babies. Rachel is still an amazing chef, and I’m liking her more sober, but I’m over the titties and labia and puke and diarrhea mentions. Eddie is in over his head. His “promotion” was purely for tv. Heather is a twit with more self confidence than she has earned. She’s a mean girl who thinks she’s still in high school. Fraiser his Heather’s tattletale puppet and a little too insecure and immature for his age. Wes is so out of place on this deck crew, this yacht, and this tv show. He’s nice enough, but just sooo awkward. Jake wants to be a party f*** boi, but I don’t think he’s as charming as he believes himself to be. Rayna just wants to complain. About everything. To everyone. All the time. Jess appears to have been kidnapped and forced to interact with other humans against her will. Surely someone so introverted and so antisocial, with so little ability to don a personality, would never voluntarily sign up to live with strangers in a confined space for several weeks to do a job that requires 24 hour ‘service with a smile”, right?
  19. The shooting on Rust was a different kind of unsafe set, so other than two tragic ‘accidental’ deaths on movie sets, I’m not sure these two incidents should have been presented as similar stories. In the case of Midnight Rider, the director was completely to blame for his decision to use an active train trestle without permission, and without the necessary safety training or required personnel on set. He was a self admitted wild card/loose cannon. He liked to brag about “stealing the shot” often in his career. He was a narcissist who thought getting his movie made the way he want to was the ONLY a thing that mattered.(to stroke his own ego). On the set of Rust, there were some questionable (or completely absent) safety procedures. While Alec Baldwin as Producer may ultimately be held accountable for the death, I don’t think he behaved with the same willful disregard for anyone’s safety. I do think there were some unsafe practices happening. And combined with lack of experience or knowledge on the part of the armorer and prop department, they lead to Halyna’s death. How live rounds made it on the Rust set is the issue to be solved. On the set of Midnight Rider, there was no mystery in cause of death. Bad, thoughtless, cavalier, intentional decisions are what killed Sarah.
  20. Ep. Who Killed Rachael Del Tondo- I am very sorry for her parents that their daughter was murdered. Hopefully they will get resolution if the police continue to investigate. Rachael seemed to be emotionally stunted though. I have no problem believing she was having sex with the young football player (who is suspect #1 in her murder IMO). Rachael was also hanging out with a 17 year old girlfriend, and they liked to “drive around, listening to music”. Thirty-three year old women don’t date, have sex with, or develop friendships with teenagers. Mentorship, camaraderie, positive influence, parental or older sibling figure, sure, but not a side piece for the local High School QB or BFF’s with a student. That town sounds a little messed up too. The police officer that gave Rachael’s ex-fiancé the police report and his superior who said it was ok to do, were not following policy, and that seems like it was blatant negligence. And the officer sounded like he missed a few grades between Kindergarten and graduation…like 6 or 7 of ‘em. Maybe he was doing his Rocky Balboa impersonation?? The ex-fiancé and Rachael’s parents also came across like characters from “Joey & Maria’s Wedding”.
  21. Octavio’s style isn’t anything I’d ever wear, but I’m not fabulous. He seems successful as a designer, so good for him. His brocade sweatshirt dress, minus the sleeve drama, could’ve been OK, but I don’t get the lingerie. At all. If it was a “Dressed for a rave and the possible after party” challenge, then I could see the need to flash the garter and undies. But even in my most depressed, unbalanced, stir crazy moments during COVID lockdown, not once did I feel the urge to get dressed, go outside for a walk, and pull up my dress to expose my sexy undergarments. But, again, I am not a fabulous person going to the cockamamie events the designers dream up. I like Zander, but the seams and fit of the jumpsuit were horrible. The poor model had crotch bunching with every step. And the darts on the boobs were badly done. It wasn’t flattering at all. And the plus size model shouldn’t be blamed for any of it.
  22. Ramona spent 7 days with Michael…greeting them everyday, leading excursions, serving as butler and entertainment coordinator for SEVEN days. And Ramona called him “William” on day 7. WTF is wrong with her?? Does she have alcoholic induced dementia from all her Pinot guzzling? Why can’t she remember names of people she interacts with frequently? Of course Luann had to break out her cabaret act on the beach. I know money can’t buy me class, but can it buy me something to cure my second-hand embarrassment?
  23. My sister is an asst principal at very poor, very diverse, inner city K-8 public school. Some of the stories she tells about the students and their home life are heartbreaking. This show had a lot of hard truth about public education, and the students who are most certainly being “left behind” because of decrepit buildings, lousy food quality, lack of funds, and not enough teachers or programs to handle all the trauma kids bring to school everyday. That was especially true when the veteran teacher listed all the job titles we expect teachers to hold…therapist, counselor, substitute parent. But, it also managed to be pretty funny as well. I will keep watching. I like all of the actors and the format works for me.
  24. Just finished. I’m happy with the winner. But I’m a tad bit happier over who didn’t win. Cool show, and the format was awesome. Helpful judge, amazing challenges with adequate ice allotted. I will be back if there’s another season.
  25. I wasn’t going watch (because, Will Smith). But I did watch, and either I wasn’t paying too much attention (because, Will Smith), or I tuned his parts out, but it felt like Will Smith wasn’t as much of an attention whore as usual. I enjoyed the other guests a lot. Too bad the Big Red Chair segment was cut, but probably ran out of time (because, Will Smith).
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