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Everything posted by lasu

  1. I think there are plenty of reasons to not like Lala and plenty of things to call her out for, and certainly the way she fat-shamed others is a huge one. My only (original) issue was a poster using how many people Lala has gone down on as an insult to Lala.
  2. Yes, you can. I just find slut shaming to be out of bounds, and will call it out when I see it. But no, I can't require anyone to agree with me, and it's not important that they do.
  3. I don't think there's anything wrong with using these apps, you just want to make sure A) the restaurant is a willing participant, and B) you tip and rate you driver well. In addition to often being able to get delivery cheaper than I could get it myself, I also am night-blind so I can't drive after dark. Uber/Lyft & delivery apps make a HUGE difference in my life, especially in winter. It's safer these days that pizza delivery used to be, because everything comes in sealed packaging. If you're not into eating out, these would seem baffling. However, as I've mentioned, I usually get food delivered cheaper than I could go get it myself, and I do enjoy eating out (I hate cooking and love good food & live in a city FULL of good food, so I'll save my money elsewhere) so it's not at all a waste of money from that point of view.
  4. Perhaps Ariana didn't max out what she could afford, and Scheana and Lala are overextending themselves? Plus, Scheana has Brock (at least his VPR money) and I assume Lala is getting child support? Past that, I got nothing.
  5. I was honestly surprised how much I enjoyed this show, even knowing I'm a sucker for "surreal life" type shows where they mix up reality show people. This one was a lot of fun! I'm unsure if they can recreate the magic, but I'll fully admit, I'm in. I'm no Theresa fan, but she's a pretty big get, and I am interested to see how she'll do outside the Housewives universe. I'm also VERY interested to see if Wes will be able to ingratiate himself to New York and Tre, but I'm kinda hoping he tries and fails. I generally like Wes, but I'm in love with the idea of trying to watch him outmaneuver those two, or watching him try to deal with their absolute insanity if they decide they hate him. Wes is at his best when he's at someone else's mercy. Richard Hatch and Jessie from BB are two people I would have said I'm uninterested in, but it's been long enough that it turns out I'm mildly interested. I watched a few seasons of Bad Girls Club (I knew Tanisha) and I think I remember Camilla, but I'll need a refresher to be sure. The rest are shows I don't watch, but this is about the same mix I had for the first season.
  6. I'm unmoved. We should be past slut shaming, and that's what using Lala's sexuality against her is, hard stop.
  7. I was honestly surprised at how hard Gizelle went for Candiace. I don't care what Candiace said, she's not responsible for death threats. The only ones responsible for that are the deranged loonies sitting in their mom's basement. If Candiace had said something like, "I hope internet trolls kill you and your family," sure, I can hold her accountable for that. But otherwise, no. She's not responsible for other people's misactions. I hope that this was Gizelle's awfulness turned up to an 11 because of her dad's death. It was as ugly as I've seen her. She also refused to admit that saying "asked me to go into a dressing room" is FAR from "made me go into a bedroom and shut the door behind us." While I disagree that is an accusation of sexual assault, it's DEFINITELY an accusation of wrong doing on the part of a man by a woman, and she needs to be far more careful with her words. Not that I think she will be. I actually don't feel bad for Gordon. I mean, I do, because he's a human being and I don't want to see anyone hurt, but this is also someone who bought a stripper for a wife, fucked around with his family's money & businesses and lost it all, and brought up his own child's paternity on camera as a weapon against his wife. He's a sleaze ball too, not just some innocent man who had bad luck befall him through no fault of his own, only to have his wife up and leave him. No, he bought a wife, and someone else took over her payments when he couldn't. She's gross, he's gross.
  8. I don't care if you talk shit about Lala - I only have a problem with the slut shaming. It's 2024. Call her an asshole, but leave her sexuality out of it unless it's actually relevant. Saying she probably gives producers blow jobs because she will "put her mouth anything" is slut shaming, and I think it's BS and we should be better than that.
  9. LOL, I am wrong, Musk is the second richest person in the world as of earlier this year. But no, while the Rothschild family's money is certainly OLDER than Musk's, it's spread out among way too many people (literal hundreds of people) to be comparable. The Rothschilds aren't even listed as the top 10 withiest families in the world anymore, though I'd sure marry into it if I could! My point still stands: there are no trillionaires, and Elon Musk, while I have nothing nice to say about him, is the second richest person in the world.
  10. Can't we not like Lala without giving into BS like this?
  11. This isn't a big deal, but there aren't any trillionaires. Musk is the richest person in the world and he's *just* a billionaire. LOL.
  12. The problem is that they will move the goalposts. Evidence is only seen as further cover up. There's no winning, and I don't think anyone should have to dig up their dead kids to prove they have dead kids. (Not that I think you are recommending this.) It's so gross, I can't stand it.
  13. I use the hell out of food delivery apps. Even with jumped up prices, you can get deals that make it cheaper to order through the app than it would be to go get the food in person (coupons for 40-75% off, or $10 off of $25, are frequent). But I do tip well, and I always leave good reviews. One thing that John didn't mention but I think is VERY IMPORTANT - ONLY 5 stars is considered a good rating. I think this is bullshit, because 4 out of 5 stars is a great rating, but a driver would be terminated way before he every got a 4 star rating. ONLY five stars is good - four stars and under is considered a terrible review that could get a driver fired.
  14. And Candiace is out. Let's see where the shake up lands us.
  15. Please note that in the past 125 years, NC has only voted in THREE republican governors. I very much hope we don't pick a fourth. We could be in trouble because our current (Democrat) governor can't run again, but Robinson will run against Josh Stein, our current AG, which is the same path our current Governor took. North Carolina has a decades long trend of voting locally blue, and nationally red (and we still went blue for Obama in 2008). It has been a long source of ire to me that NC never voted Helms out of office (but again, that's national), but we did get Bathroom Bill Pat McCrory out after one idiotic term. I'm not saying that Robinson won't win, anymore than I'm going to say Trump won't win again. But I obviously take umbrage that it is more likely to happen in North Carolina, because we're the "perfect state" for it. We are getting dragged down the same way the REST OF THE COUNTRY is, and it's just as upsetting here as it is anywhere else.
  16. While I hated Young CT, he's like an opposite Superman/Clark Kent for me. The second he showed up on The Challenge wearing glasses I forget everything wrong thing he'd ever done. And I've legit enjoyed watching him mature into a decent guy. I'm not underestimating him when I say I'm bewildered by him not choosing Trishelle, it's BECAUSE I think he's generally a smart and savvy player, and (from the outside with the information we've been given) I cannot for the life of me understand this decision. If anything, this could have actually been very bad play, because it is so weird. If Trishelle is now killed this round, I (as a player) might wonder if the reason CT didn't save her is he is one of the traitors and they wanted her next.
  17. Especially when you factor in that Chris considered Gizelle a real life friend AND Eddie's interaction was filmed and therefor played for us to judge, not just he said/she said. There are STILL people on this board and elsewhere who feel Chris did something wrong to Gizelle. Happy Eddie is actually a good name, especially for edibles.
  18. I didn't mind the twist of no one going home, BUT nothing would have made me happier than Sandra's plan working out. If Peter had not been murdered by the traitors, but betrayed and banished by his own faithful, I would have been so VERY delighted. I honestly don't understand CT's decision. I can't see a single advantage for him saving John over Trishelle, and as much as I don't care for her, I understand why she was embarrassed and hurt. Especially because Phaedra had (what I THINK was real emotion) about Sheree saving her and them stopping and making a moment of it. Then Phaedra lights CT's flame and CT...does not also light the torch of his friend. I know they aren't like tight or anything, but they do have a history, and it's still in the realm of possibility they could end up on The Challenge together. I don't know why he made the decision he did there.
  19. My grubhub bill will explain my empty refrigerater, no worries.
  20. I hope this is Annemarie's only season. I find her difficult to swallow.
  21. Is The Stupid Story his new nickname for Robyn?
  22. To be fair, Heather did intervene in the moment. However, Sonja apparently was grateful enough and so Heather blabbed about what a shitty friend Sonja is by telling the world about her sexual assault later. I honestly don't understand how Heather doesn't see what she did wrong here.
  23. Heather Thompson is so fucking gross for going on record about this. According to Heather herself, Sonja was absolutely blackout wasted, meaning what was happening was sexual assault. That Heather then later talked about because she didn't feel Sonja was grateful enough for it, foul. Absolutely foul. I would absolutely not be outraged. Luanne swam around an age-appropriate man to flirt and say hello. This is literally how you meet someone. When she realized he had a wife, she left. I suppose one could argue she shouldn't have taken the popsicle, but other than that, I don't see where she did anything remotely wrong, and if you switch all the genders, I still don't see where any wrong has been done. I also didn't see them salivating over the younger guys, though I could have missed/forgotten something. What I mostly heard them saying is that the guys were cuties, but far too young, and then everyone having a good time anyway.
  24. I hope it brings solace to Nicole that she handled that whole situation with such grace. That could have very easily turned ugly (I mean, the man just dropped two siblings under the age of ten out of no where AND on camera). She handled herself well regardless, but especially considering it would turn out to be the end of his life.
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