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Everything posted by mac123x

  1. I was pretty sure Esther was gaslighting Elijah. I actually liked Cami for once. I think it's her "oh fuck this" attitude, even when she's being hauled around by people with vastly superior strength and no respect for human life. I guess all her fear was burned out of her last season.
  2. Which Ward brother was lying? I used to be ambivalent but now I'm not so sure. Probably both of them, and when Youngest!Ward shows up we'll have aseries of flashbacks like at the end of the movie Clue. Skye's final interrogation scene with Ward reminded me of Black Widow questioning Loki. I said "she's playing him" and I was right, but Skye wasn't nearly as detached as Natasha. Still, pretty good scene. Oh, please, no. Just no. Natalie Portman is a charisma vacuum: she sucks the energy out of any scene she's in. ETA: Timecode 1:20 on the Avengers trailer. Someone is holding a product-placed Samsung tablet, looking at an image of something metallic and glowy. It vaguely resembles Loki's scepter, but it's not as big. Fourth Infinity Gem? Is Thanos going to show up in this movie too?
  3. I hadn't seen the previews so the Cybermen reveal caught me by surprise. It's not particularly scary, though, since I've always considered them a rather lame villain. The only time I've liked them was when they were trading insults with the Daleks in S2. Missy = the Master was the opposite of clever. Unclever? Dysclever? Whatever. For a moment when Missy said "I was the one you left behind" I hoped it would be a crazy!Romana, but no. Incidentally, how diid the doctor leave Missy behind? Danny is dead, and I'm happy. Now if Clara would only join him.
  4. I have a crush on Daniel Sharman, and hearing his natural accent (versus the fake American he did on Teen Wolf) makes him that much more dreamy. I like Finn's actor too, but I wish they'd given him a different gesture to indicate when he's doing magic -- he looks like he's playing the worlds smallest violin. Mikael somehow learned that a Doppleganger was born in Mystic Falls, and came there (probably hoping to catch Klaus when he finally showed up for Elena's blood). Bonnie's mom cast the dessicate-a-vamp spell on him and put him in the crypt where Katherine finally found him.
  5. From your lips to GRRM's editor's ears. I'd like to see Drogon eat Kal Whoever, Dany say "follow me to victory" and have the next chapter be the Dothraki breaking the seige of Meereen. Then they all get on the Iron Fleet and sail the hell away from Essos. As it stands, I don't see Dany ever leaving Essos. She's too invested in her "children" to abandon them, and despite her claim to the Iron Throne, she really doesn't have much connection to Westeros. The only way I could see her deciding to chuck everything she's trying to accomplish in Slaver's Bay is if either Marwyn or Moqorro convinces her of the existential threat that the Others represent and her destined role in defeating them. Assuming the Others actually do represent an existential threat, because so far, not so much.
  6. Eh. I liked the Doctor. The rest of the cast can fuck off. All of them. Stupid nonsensical plot, magical reset button at the end. Maeve said she thought it was "Miss" and looked at Clara. I'm pretty sure she's providing this season's version of "The only water in the forest is the river"; it's a cryptic misunderstood statement that everyone in the audience figures out immediately. "Miss" = "Missy" = the woman who gave Clara the Doctor's phone number = Clara's puppetmaster.
  7. Honestly, I was getting a major incest vibe whenever Flashback!Esther or Possessing!Someone!Esther interacted with Finn. Her loving caresses of his cheek could have been motherly love, but it just came across as icky to me. Maybe he's just stuck in on Oedipus complex and it's entirely one sided, but it looked mutual. Just ... eww. I'm liking the way this show is going so far, with multiple, mutually antagonistic groups. Originals, moonlight-ring wolves, Esther & Finn, Kol seeming to go rogue and maybe teaming up with Davina & Michael. It's got some potential.
  8. I'm not up to date on comic book characters, so Bobbi Morse turning out to be a SHIELD plant was a nice surprise. Sometimes it pays to be Unsullied! Good episode all around. The cast is getting bloated, but hopefully they can handle it like LOST did (first couple of seasons before it went to shit). Day in the Limelight kind of thing. Not every episode needs the full cast. Hannibal Ward can go away. I haven't seen the whole thing, but SFDebris did a 2 part review of it. "Godawful" doesn't scratch the surface, and it was mostly the script. They tried to make Wonder Woman dark and broody a la Batman, but she can across as a crazy person.
  9. I liked this episode. I actually appreciated that the MotW were actually malevolent and not just misunderstood. There are too many instances of "the scary thing wasn't bad, it was just trying to get home / find it's mate" etc., that it's kind ofa cop-out. It'd be nice if Clara actually learned from this experience just how hard a responsibility it is to be the Doctor, but I doubt it. Her "on balance, I did good" comment at the end makes me confident she didn't learn a thing and will be back to being crabby next week. Sure, Clara, you saved the planet, but a couple of dozen people are still dead, including several who were right there with you. Maybe being so chipper and dismissive of their deaths isn't the best attitude. I'm prepared for a big ol' Missy Letdown on Nov 8. The only part I'm curious about is whether the Doctor knows he has a stalker or not.
  10. The last Dornish scene in ADWD is Doran telling the Sand Snakes about Cercei's plot to have Trystane killed, and his own plot to blame Myrcella's injuries on Dorkstar. The chapter ended before the Martells + Balon Swann ever left for the Water Gardens to meet up with Myrcella. Kind of frustrating, since it was all setup and no payoff, nor did Doran ever explain how he's going to thwart Cercei's scheme: not send Trystane? Send a bunch of Trystane doppelgangers? Assume that Nym and Tyene will be able to keep him alive?
  11. I had a fridge logic question that might have been addressed but I missed it. According t the records Skye retrieved, the painting was removed from the basement earlier that day, before the party. If that was true, why was Fake!Talbot at the party? Other than "it was required by the plot". Agents of Product Placement Watch: tonight's episode was brought to you by some cell-phone manufacturer. I didn't catch the brand that Agent 33 was using, but the camera lingered on it quite a while. Also, has ABC started defictionalizing the Hydra merchandise yet? I want Hydra-logo golf shirts to wer to my job, freak out some coworkers.
  12. Pretty good episode, but I really don't want to see Raina under the thumb of Hydra. She's much more interesting with a separate agenda. Hopefully her alien Skye-daddy friend will be able to help her out with that thing on her hand.
  13. We never saw Gus, for all we know he could be Missy using a different voice. Honestly, he gave me a bit of a GLADoS vibe "Cake and grief counselling wil be provided at the end of the test". Fill in my ignorance: is a "mystery shopper" someone sent from corporate headquarters to pretend to be a customer so they can evaluate the staff's performance?
  14. May handed her the sniper rifle and said something like "I want you to get used to the weight." So she definitely wasn't an expert with it at the beginning of the episode. On the other hand, she was using a high-powered, long-range sniper rifle on a target that was maybe 30 yards away and standing still, so she probably didn't need to be an expert with it to hit Donnie.
  15. I wanted to echo the love for the Fitz / Mack working relationship. I'm guessing that Mack didn't know Fitz (or only knew him slightly) before his injury. Everyone else is comparing the current Fitz to the old Fitz, and treating him sympathetically. "Poor Fitz, he's just not the same, he's getting better, just give him some time and space." Whereas Mack just sees Fitz as a brilliant scientist who has trouble with words, so he's going to help find the right words.
  16. Black lab coats seem counter productive. White shows stains, so when you get something on your coat you know to change it. Given that Hydra is working with some crazy stuff, you'll never know that you've gotten a mutagenic feakazoid, gonna-turn-you-into-a-6'ft-tall-chinchilla-with-wings compound soaking into your skin. 1. Saved before getting the treatment 2. Saved in the midst of getting the treatment 3. Saved after getting the treatment and needs to be deprogrammed Which causes the most angst and drama? Probably 2, since they can play the "is she or isn't she?" card repeatedly.
  17. I didn't realize it was a Fitbit either, so they missed with me. At least it was semi-relevant to the plot, unlike their loving shots of the Chevrolet logo on every car. I thought May and Skye were going to have a chat about Donnie being the first person Skye has ever killed. I mean, they set that up earlier with Hunter asking if she'd ever killed, and May giving her the "it doesn't get any easier" speech. Guess they're saving it for later. Simmons working for Hydra but really working for Coulson is ... trite? Cliche? A little bit stupid? Also, way to compromise her cover by showing up at her building, Coulson. For all any of them know, the old lady who lives next door with 5 cats is actually watching her, a la Nurse / Agent 13 and Captain America. One question: I've seen people refer to Hunter as being British, but I'm getting an Australian accent from him. What is his country of origin?
  18. I'm also coming around to the "fuck off soon, Clara" camp. To me, her rant at the end had an admission with huge consequences: "I almost let the countdown go" or something similar. In my mind, the only reason she stopped the countdown was because she had been expecting the Doctor to show up, and he hadn't yet, so she was going to die. She only stopped the bombs for purely selfish reasons. If she'd raged at the Doctor for that. I might have sympathized. "I didn't save the baby because it was the right thing to do! I made what could have been the wrong decision and condemned billions of people on Earth to potentially die because I was afraid!" would have been more dramatic and understandable to me than her bitch-fest. Also, it would have been a nice little bit of characterization for Mary Clara Sue. On another note, upon seeing the MotW for next weeks episode, did anyone else say, "Are you my mummy?"?
  19. I believe Tywin might have commented that she was with him for his last name. I have no idea if it was true, but she could have seen Tyrion as a meal-ticket.
  20. Twice I noticed the camera lingering on the licence plates of cars as they drove off. One was a Mayrland plate (I think), but I couldn't what the other one was. I was puzzling over the significance, if maybe there was some clue hidden in the plates that would have some major consequences later in the episode or in the seasonal arc. Then I realized the camera wasn't lingering on the licence plate; it was lingering on the Chevrolet emblem on the cars' trunks. Since I stopped watching Vampire Diaries I've become less sensitized to whorish product placement. Thanks, Show, for reacquainting me with it! Other than that, meh episode. Ward is definitely on the first steps of a redemption arc, though the fact that they are showing the consequences to Fitz's injury and not hand-waving it away gives me hope that Ward's redemption will also be a long-haul. I'm thinking he could be like Scorpius on Farscape -- not really redeemed into a good guy, but turned into someone they all still detest but have to work with against a common enemy.
  21. I thought her chapter was interesting, but also confusing. Her compassion for Davos's losses, her saving Mance Rayder's life (I don't think even Stannis knows she did that), her unheeded warnings to Jon, and her various rescue attempts for "Arya" left me wondering what the hell was going on. As far as Stannis being Azor Ahai, she seems to really believe it, but I have to wonder: isn't she the one who put the "bright but no heat" spell on his sword for him? I mean, if she did, she's well aware that it's not the real Lightbringer, therefore she's an active participant in a fraud. Unless she thinks the story of Lightbringer is just a legend, and any old glowy sword will do. It just seems out of character for a fanatic who believes in the literal truth of a prophecy to be a participant in faking one part of it.
  22. The opening montage of "interesting adventures that you'd probably rather see than the shitty story we're actually going to present" was better done with the Ponds in "The Power of Three". That wasn't good either, but it was better than this crap. Danny thought the Doctor was Clara's Space Dad. Later, he said something like "he doesn't have to like me, he just wants me to be good enough for you." From that, I think the writers were attempting to make the Doctor into Clara's over-protective father. He's her grumpy dad who doesn't like his daughter's new boyfriend. He's insulting and demeaning to Danny because no one is good enough for his little princess. (i just threw up in my mouth a little). Unfortunately that doesn't explain why the Doctor was such an asshole to Danny before he found out that he was her boyfriend. Lousy writing I suppose.
  23. I've been wondering about the barn scene, Gallifreyan adults' conversation specifically. They just didn't come across as parents dealing with their own child. One of them said something about coming inside with the "other boys". It felt like they were new to dealing with this young potential-Time Lord. It could have been an orphanage, or a boarding school. Maybe it was a preparatory school of some sort. A weird possibility that jumped into my fever brain: maybe the house was Lungbarrow, and Adolescent!Doctor was the Other, freshly out of the Loom.
  24. I found the reunion with her adoptive-father and subsequent stuggles they had getting used to each other and dealing with her feral-animal traits that happened entirely off-screen to be emotionally riveting. Hee. But seriously, you're right, they're pimping the Desert Wolf way too much, so I'm expecting a major let-down. They'll spend several episodes trying to find her, and it'll turn out that she's a real estate agent and part-time yoga instructor living in San Jose.
  25. What I'd like to see: more scenes of school-stuff unrelated to the supernatural. One of the things this show has done well is recognize that the characters are really still teenagers. I also like that they have characters that are important and useful that are pure humans (Stiles, his dad, Melissa, etc). I hope the show doesn't lose that. One of the multitude of failings for The Vampire Diaries started when pretty much all the main characters became some sort of supernatural being. Yeah, they could acknowledge her fickle power over electricity without making it a game-breaking ability. Just have her electricfy her katana so when she hits an enemy they get a shock. Its effectiveness could vary based on the target: tasers a human (like the Orphans), slows down a werewolf, mildly annoys an Oni, is completely ineffectual against a Berserker, etc. It doesn't have to be "bad guy threatens, Kira calls down a lightning strike that leaves a pile of ashes" every time. Probably too expensive to CGI her sword though. They could say that she's still learning control, and it takes time, effort, and concentration for her to use electricity for anything. Hell, they actually showed that, when she stopped Scott's heart. "She has to focus in order to use her power, and in the scene where she's swinging a chain at the berserker things were too hectic" sounds much better than "huh, we didn't even think of that".
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