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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. Ha .. are you kidding? She’ll put on the apron, cook him some chickens, do some tricks, and she’s his.
  2. I think Leah brings in the younger watchers. So, if they started filming already, they must have picked the newbies already.
  3. Me too. If Dorinda ever came back next season, I wouldn’t watch anymore. She was practically in every scene it seemed.
  4. Bullshit. She’s gone for good. He said that so she wouldn’t go nuts. He was probably shaking in his boots when he had to tell her, lol.
  5. Yeah, like they listen to him when he yells. They all should not be allowed to interject when one of the housewives is talking. I missed a lot of information when Tinsley was trying to speak and Dorinda kept on interjecting. Someone asked if Tinsley tried to get pregnant, but big mouth Dorinda took the floor away from her with something stupid. I never heard the answer. Interrupting should not be allowed at reunions. We hear enough of that during the season. BTW, Andy is VERY close to Bethenny out in the Hamptons. P.S. From now on, I will call Dorinda “Demented”. Demented Medley. It has a nice ring to it. I give you the credit. 😀👏👍
  6. Don’t you want to hear another hour of Dorinda interrupting everyone again?
  7. Dorinda was so sure she became the Queen Bee of the show after Bethenny left. She thought she was so clever with her talking heads, and was unstopable. In watching all the previous seasons, she had the most air time, and thought she was even more special because of Blue Stone Manor. But, there’s a God up above, and you cannot go around and be mean to people for no good reason, especially the weak. Ramona and Sonja can say things, but it’s different and out of stupidity on their part. I’ve never seen LuAnn deliberately being mean to anyone, except to defend herself. Leah just laughs everything off and is harmless I think. Dorinda was VILE with the intent to deliberately hurt people every chance she got, probably out of jealously. She lost the soft exciting life she had, and now has to settle, unless she finds another sucker. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
  8. Smug little bitch. I wonder what she’s blabbing about on Twitter or anything else she’s on. Anyone know what she is saying?
  9. My answer button is not working. I agree with “Escape” up there that this bullying is not working. Dorinda getting away with murder was making my heart pump up unnecessarily. Why were they afraid of her? Afraid that she would pull out a gun and shoot them? WTF? She was like the “Don” of the group. She is not a socialite. She is a street thug. Corny, but what I would love to see are trips to other countries, beautiful estates to stay in, good food shown, beautiful rooms, etc. Morestreet scenes with market places to buy hats and junk jewelry. Out of the way places to have lunch whil watching people go by. Bantering between Sonja and Ramona, then going to sleep. How about a train ride through the vineyards of Italy? Bravo can certainly afford it. LuAnn picking up strangers in every port. That’s what I wish for. BH go everywhere. Why can’t NewYorkers? It will be like watching the Travel Channel, but with crazy women. I read they will start filming again in a few weeks. I hope they do a turn around. So sorry. I meant to say “Kemper” was the poster who said what I was referring to. So sorry Kemper. 🙀🤪
  10. He probably knew before the reunion, but wanted to get anymore craziness in. People were already writing in on SM I guess. I wanted to, but it’s so confusing to leave a comment. He knew people were disgusted.
  11. What I want to know is why is Bethenny getting soooo involved with Dorinda? The goodness of her heart? Besties now?
  12. Speaking of Bethenny, I’ll bet she’s already found a rich guy for Dorinda while Dorinda was staying with her out in the Hamptons this summer. Bethenny knows lots of eligibles. Where’s Elise? Wonder if she will be on.
  13. Does anyone else see that Ramona is a little off when she speaks about certain things? There are times when she speaks like a child, especially when she’s trying to prove a point. It’s like a 12 yr old is talking.
  14. A sin to say, but I hate Dorinda’s fuckin face. I hope John dumps her too. Happy Halloween, you Bitch. Go play with all your Halloween toys by yourself in your a Haunted Mansion by yourself. You had it good, but ruined your life with your jealously. Watch the shark on the wall. It might fall off and bite you.
  15. I’m watching Reunion #1. By the way Andy is laughing at every little thing they all say, I think he truly loves the New York Housewives the best. They bring it.
  16. A little nostalgia. When my first daughter was talking about getting engaged, her boyfriend called my husband on the phone and asked to meet him at a diner one Sunday morning. He lived 1 1/2 hrs away. My husband saw him in the parking lot and said “I think I know why u are here”, you want to marry my daughter. The boyfriend laughed and said yes.” My husband gave his blessing, then said,ok, now you can go”. His Parents grew him up right. I thought that was so sweet. That was 25 yrs ago, and I still think he’s the greatest. They never ate breakfast. No need. P.s. I always thought the black guy was gay, but after awhile, I thought maybe not. Why would he lie? Because of his Mother? In this day and age, who cares?
  17. The guy is going to explode. I am shocked he didn’t leave already. The world revolves around her and her feelings. Screw that.
  18. I’ll cry along with you. I just can’t win today.
  19. All these old fashioned sayings. She sounds and acts like an old lady. I’m wondering what she’s going to do next.
  20. That’s what I want to know. Why grey? She’s a beautiful woman. Smooth skin, pretty eyes. She could look 100% better with longer different color hair.
  21. I guess this is the thread. I don’t know. Anyhow, this probably has been said before, but why does Noni have grey hair? Is it a wig or what? Even wigs come in colors. If she had black or blonde hair, she would look fabulous. Why the grey? Bri and that squeaky voice drive me nuts. She looks to be 12 yrs old. She looks like his granddaughter. She must have lots of tricks the mother taught her. Yeah, that will last. He should be ashamed of himself. The mother was in jail already. You can’t make this shit up. The old guy guy in Miami and the girl. Engaged. I can’t imagine kissing him. It’s like you’re kissing your grandfather on the lips. Gold digger! I still watch. Lol. Is this the thread for this show? I will be watching, of course.
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