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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. Wednesday: I saw her walk out today. Sneakers, and still shakey and unsure of herself while walking. I felt sorry for her. Kill me. She had it all .. a career on tv, a house, husband who did everything, etc. Big Kev ruined her life. Now, she is alone in an apartment. It’s not the same anymore. Still, she’s chugging along trying to keep going. It must be very hard after being married all those years. Plus, she has new ailments now and probably lots of meds. Boof helped her a lot, but that came to an end. Woman to woman, I wish her well. I’m sure it ain’t easy.
  2. “Jaded” up this thread posted a link of the house .. lots of pictures of the house. I think dated Aug.17 or something. Way up this thread.
  3. Her two cheeks stand out. She must of had implants? Is there such a thing of cheek implants?
  4. It looks pretty nice to me now. Everything all white. I’d live there in a heartbeat, but it might have bad juju.
  5. To change the subject altogether, what’s with everyone with the long fake blonde hair hanging down past the boobs, not only on Wendy, but on practically everyone. While watching the community news this morning, three of them had that same fake hair hanging down like a horse. Wtf? Looks like a bunch of straw hanging down. Nobody has real hair anymore? I’d love to see Wendy’s real hair for once. Those wigs must itch like a bitch. I don’t get it. Be yourself for a change.
  6. Who cares who’s out every night? Dorinda is in the house in her pj’s at night because she’s already sloshed from drinking all day long. She’s probably had a few by noon .. then takes her daily nap around four, then start having cocktails dinner time until she goes to bed. I give Ramona credit for all the energy she has at that age. I know I’m done after four in the afternoon, and I am not a drinker at all. I just love my t.v. and books on my couch. The husband is in the bedroom with his sports and news, and I’m on the couch with my blankey on, especially my electric one lately, lol.
  7. Hello .. hope everyone is good. Just tuned in (Tues. 22nd). I don’t know if it’s live or taped or what. Suzanne in the background and Norman. I don’t know if she walked in or was in her chair. New face. Some reporter was on, both no masks, but the audience has masks and are social distancing. Now Trendy with Wendy is on. No masks. Is she back or what? I don’t know how the station kept her after all that transpired. I don’t know if I believe her about anything anymore. I’ll see how everything goes. Bye. If there was something better on at this time, I wouldn’t be watching, but there isn’t. Lol.
  8. Luv you too. All of you. The first thing I do in the morning and the last I do at night. Look on this board. It just draws me, lol. 🥰
  9. This Housewives of N.Y. has said and done it all. I’m wondering what could be ahead. They started filming, so they already have new people, now they need new ideas. Maybe Sonja and Ramona will have new boyfriends? Leah’s life has many possibilities. LuAnn will continue talk/singing. Maybe some trips? What else? Who will be the villan? I hope it’s not going to be disappointing as it’s my only housewives show now. Except for OC, without Vikie and Tamra, thank God. Does anyone know who stayed and who went?
  10. If you’ve noticed, there are lots of people that used to be on here and aren’t anymore. For instance, “Reality Police” for one. Last I spoke with her, she was in the hospital .. then nothing. I hope everyone is o.k. Thank you so much. If I have anything of importance, I’ll give you a jingle.
  11. I posted a picture one time and it worked perfectly. Then I did the same thing and a million slippers came on, so that’s that. Now, I’m afraid to try again. Very tricky.
  12. Yes, I wear them all the time in the house. $9.99 in Walmart. I have Uggs slippers that were $60 and the soles are too heavy. I bought another pair yesterday for next year in Walmart again. Light as a feather. I love slippers and nitegowns. Bought Cuddleduds nightshirts in Kohl’s. So comfy. Don’t feel them on at all. I’m all for comfort .. very twitchy. Lol.
  13. Dorinda is the type you see in the movies. Always plotting her next move to have something on people. How sick is that? Then she switches to the nice person who helps and takes you to Church. Besides alcohol, she needs psychiatric therapy.
  14. I swore I wouldn’t watch anymore after this season, but, I have to see what’s up with Lana and Varna in Kentucky and all the others on hold waiting, so I guess I’ll be back again like a fool. Are they all waiting for the green card? Forget about now with this virus still running around. P.S. I hate Pillow Talk. They all are repeating what we already know. My husband said “. What’s with the fat guy and his new hair growing? He should of spent the money on liposuction. Chinese is not fattening, what the hell is he eating? He looks like rolly polly.
  15. If and when Michael comes to the states, how long will it take for him to “hit the road”, never to be found? That’s what I want to know. How will he survive two women and four kids in that house? Oh, and the other one in jail. He will be a sex slave, among other things.
  16. I love the slot machine in the corner. So handy while you’re making a steak. Everyone should have one.
  17. I guess Debby won’t be back next season. Coltee told her he wants to keep his love life private, all of a sudden.
  18. Who the hell goes on vacation to Samoa UNPROTECTED and gets pregnant in this day and age? Kilani has two children off the bat (adorable, btw) and now he’s gone. Dumbass. Now, who’s going to care for those kids financially? Her family? They were both in LaLa Land. Him, still a baby himself.
  19. He likes her my ass. He’s waiting to be “ discovered” for modeling or a movie contract. He’s soo gorgeous, ya know.
  20. Now I don’t have an exit button up there. Chalby isn’t the only one. A ghost among us. Maybe deranged put a hex upon us.
  21. You mean the ones she used when Hillary and Bill came to dinner ????? And Tom Hanks and Rita, and OO7 ??? Where are they now? 🤪
  22. I fall in the same trap. There must be a way to delete. Anyone know?
  23. You forgot the salt shakers that fell down on her foot, lol .. yeah, right.🍸😜🍷🍹🍺
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