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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. Plus .. I have to add .. you can go out with a guy for 2 months or two years, and when you marry, then you find out things about him you never knew. Nothing bad, but their hobbies you may not like, different things. I never knew that every Sunday, my husband would watch every football game on for hours at a time. That is his thing and I had to suck it up, among other things sports minded. Tho, the good points about him outweigh the bad, and I’m sure there are things he doesn’t like about me also. Compromise is the key. I think Brett just is mad that he got matched with her, but is biding his time and being an ass about it. If he was matched to a woman to his liking, we would see a different Brett. He’s annoyed and that’s that. Besides, she’s dowdy looking .. he expected a firecracker like Dr. Viviana. Then, the nice Brett would come out. He would be a different person. I think anyhow.
  2. My parents came from Europe. My mother had a boyfriend there who she loved. In those days they matched within the friends. She came to America and met up with my father thru the friends and got married. She always said her parents ruined her life. My father was a good looking gentleman, but she was never satisfied because of the other boyfriend. That’s what they did in those days. I felt bad for both of them. I’m sure she respected him as she took good care of him, but there was no fire there, I guess. Also, he didn’t have much money, so she had to work her whole life which she resented. Things were tough in those years .. the war, the depression, etc., which added to everything. Boy, do I have it good compared to then.
  3. Ain’t that the truth. We used to have silly names for everything. Now, we still laugh about it all. Good times. Stupid Karen doesn’t know what she’s missing. Time flies.
  4. Like those newbies think they have invented something new. Been there, done that, and can show them a few things, lol.
  5. Out of all the men, I would take Miles in a heartbeat. He seems to have the whole package. Karen is a dope for giving him a hard time. She’ll regret it if it doesn’t work out because of her.
  6. Oh, that ole thing. I’ve had two hip replacements. If we ever did that again, my new hips would be on the floor out of joint, hahahaha. Ah, the good ole days.
  7. She’ll never make it thru a marriage. There are too many ups and downs .. some you don’t like, but have to suck it up. I don’t think she’s for marriage. She’s in fantasy land. Too many expectations that might not happen. Then, if there’s kids, she’ll have to go on the back burner and forget about seeing the world and traveling.
  8. The last thing a man wants to hear is “ have a conversation”. Olivia goes on and on like a record. I don’t even get her point, so how is a guy going to? Too much talk about feelings and insecurities on this show. It’s getting boring. Express it once what’s bothering you, then shut up. Olivia is a broken record. Face it, he’s just not into you. End of story.
  9. My parents were matched. My Father was a good looking gentleman, but she never loved him and was never satisfied. It was heartbreaking for me when she told me that. There just has to be love.
  10. I agree with you. Before marriage, I went on a few blind dates. No good. The minute I met the husband at a function when he came over to me, that was it. Bingo!
  11. Oh .. o.k. Thanks. We don’t have names. He just flips me around this way n that .. under / over, whichever way, and I’m ok with that. I guess it’s been working. Married a long, long time. Lol.
  12. The pain in the ass who was on Season 2 who cried at the alter when she met Doug for the first time. She just gave birth in a baby pool with her second child on live t.v. She’s a fame whore on this show called “Unfiltered”.
  13. As soon as he’s with Christina, he starts twitching. He doesn’t do that with the guys. He’s under pressure with her, and it’s not a good thing.
  14. He’s the dog and Olivia wants to train him. It ain’t gonna work. There is no fun in their marriage. They don’t play or laugh together. There’s nothing but bitterness. It’s over and done.
  15. Karen and Olivia should get together and go on a trip to Europe. They don’t need or want men. They have too many hang ups. They belong single.
  16. He’s pissed he got the wrong woman and is just biding his time until the end. These experts need glasses. They can’t match for shit.
  17. Did you notice Henry had no trouble talking with the guys? He was chatting away with no ticks, and very comfortable. Christina makes him nervous and he just can’t talk with her at all. She makes him a nervous wreck. Doubt they will have sex. She’s not for him.
  18. Those “experts” are good for nothing. 0livia reminds me of a nun. Brett is a man about town. They are a total mismatch. He’d go for someone like Dr. Viviana. Sex appeal. My husband thinks the Dr. has it all, lol. He’s right.
  19. Smart cutesy woman. She knows exactly what men like. She’s everything in one package. Stick up her ass Karen should take lessons. Doug hasn’t washed it yet.
  20. A complete makeover is in order. That mop on her head has to go, no more sleeveless dresses, sit like a lady, not with those legs out all over the place. Less talking and putting your two cents in. In other words, shut up and do the interview without talking about when you were on MAFS, camera hog.
  21. An affair with Boof? GROSS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Besides fetching and fixing things .. a Sex Slave??????? Yuk. I just can’t imagine.
  22. I don’t like Karen .. at all. Everything is about HER. Trust, feelings, blah, blah. What about him? She doesn’t care what he feels. She shouldn’t have left because he wrote “sleep with my wife”. He’s too nice for the likes of her. She will be a handful. She’s too fussy with everything, and he’s very patient. Too patient.
  23. She could, but in the city? I think she probably wants to be near the studio.
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