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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. You’re not old for an opinion. That top is ridiculous for a ten yr old to wear to school, period. Seeing that he Mother jumps in a pool naked on t.v., it doesn’t surprise me. Jason must be livid, and I wouldn’t blame him.
  2. I don’t get Bethennys friendship with Dorinda. Between her jobs, boyfriend, daughter, etc., she has time to hear zDorinda whine? I wouldn’t trust zDorinda with anything. She could turn on you like a snake in one second. The thing I hate about her is when she does a little something for someone, eventually, she will throw it up in your face. Who needs that? Bethenny is wasting her time. Didn’t she see what Dorinda did to Tinsley the whole time? I thought she was smarter than that. Maybe zDorinda thinks Bethenny will convince Andy to take her back next season, being they are good friends. Did Beth think what zDorinda said to Tinsley was funny? (My Long nail is hitting the z ). Sorry. I don’t think Dorinda has any real good friends. Bet the people up in the Bezerkshires can’t stand her. Where is John?
  3. I think the turkey baster remark disgusted Andy big time, being a Father now. Benjamin is his life. That was the cruelest thing to say to Tinsley.
  4. I have the Pfaltzgraff heavy white set with the Christmas tree on each piece, the complete set. Gorgeous. I’ll give it to my Grandaughters hoping they will use it. You can probably get on e-bay for cheap.
  5. I have to go visit my two friends now .. QVC and HSN and order some stuff I don’t need, hahaha. Good thing I do the bills.
  6. I have three sets .. one a beautiful Christmas set which I don’t do Christmas anymore. My girls have also, but buy pretty paper plates now, and just throw them away for less work. Stemware too. That was the first thing you got when you got married. Now, anything goes. Also, beautiful linen tablecloths my Mother embroidered. They don’t want them. I miss setting a nice table with candles, etc.
  7. There was a time when I was afraid to go on this site as many are. Theresa nice mixture of people on here .. doctors,lawyers, writers, etc., but at the end of the day, we are all one who love to snark on our favorite shows. So who cares who can’t spell .. come on down! Lol🥰. Everyone loves these crazy shows.
  8. Yeah, that was a nasty jab, but I’m so disgusted with the way she treated people, I had to find something about her. 😔
  9. Her house should be her only problem. Her problem was getting drunk and breaking her foot or whatever which held her up. A person could always get money from somewhere, get help with a house, etc, etc. The only thing worse in ones life as far as I’m concerned is a sick kid or a fatal sickness you can’t control. The rest is garbage. Her problem was not having a sugar daddy and being sloshed all the time. The house is a lot of trouble? Sell the thing, move on and shut up. Overwhelmed my ass.
  10. And, what was wrong with Barbara K? From what I saw, she was an accomplished woman who seemed nice to everyone. So she said LuAnn couldn’t sing. What’s wrong with that? No one thinks LuAnn can sing. Dorinda and her slut shaming. Isn’t that how she got Richard? Every dress she wore with him was down to her navel with her boobs out for display, even while with the Clintons. She’s such a hypocrite. While she’s off the show, she should go and have a nose job.
  11. Who cares. As long as we get our point across. Lol😀
  12. One more thing. You would think that production would have stopped to spray that damn bug away. That bug was all over Steve’s face and then Michels. It was annoying to say the least. I didn’t care for the people, all the fake lips, the clothes were horrible, and the makeup crew should be fired. They couldn’t cover up the acne on the girls? Bad makeup jobs. The whole show was really dragged out. That’s all.
  13. I haven’t posted, but watched today .. the last episode? It was too long and drawn out I think. I won’t watch again. TheAmerican version is much better. Michele hung around too long. She was attractive, but not for him. He wants younger and slimmer. Lots of luck with that, unless he has lots of money. Steve wasn’t in love with her, but I believe he liked having her for a friend. That’s it. He’s going to miss her, but she deserves more .. a real marriage. It’s very insulting to a woman when the guy isn’t physically attracted to her. She stayed too long. He used her for company, and she stood too long.
  14. Plus, the whole Richard thing was an excuse for everything bad she did to people. Nobody mourns that long even if it was 40 years of marriage. He was her excuse for bad behavior. If she met a wealthy man right now, there would be no mention of Richard again. She wore his name out every time she did someone wrong so they would feel sorry for her and forget about what they were fighting about. She had to be this way her whole life, insulting people, then playing the nice lady and hostess the next day and get off the hook. Mulitivive bitch. I forgot how to spell that for the life of me. Senior moment. Hahaha. Screw it.
  15. Wow, that would be something. Who the hell is this person Dorinda Medley? And who does she know to get all this information? Scary stuff. What kind of person does something like this? Andy must have laid it on thick to suggest she may be back after she sorts some things out in her life. She didn’t go crazy on Social Media, I don’t think.
  16. I really don’t think Andy would let Sonja go. Her and Ramona are a team. The funniest moments on the show is when they rush for the best room and try to push the staff around like they are royalty. They belong together. Maybe they will give Sonja a love interest. Besides, she just lost her Company. She needs the money. I can’t believe Elise wasn’t in the reunion even for awhile. Andy is tricky.
  17. Me three. I would love to see the sites of Chicago. There must be a reason they won’t film there.
  18. Barb is right. We all think so, except LuAnn. She sings her three songs, then brings friends on to do the rest. Everybody screams and yells so you can’t even hear her. $100 bucks for the thrill of seeing a housewife of N.Y.C.
  19. I don’t get why they were all afraid of Dorinda. What was she going to do? Take out a machine gun and shoot them? I would have kicked her in the ass and left her standing there. Screw her and her house. She is nobody and nothing.
  20. Sonja is the three minute comedy act. She swishes her dress around, then it comes off for a few seconds. She really lowers herself and is the laughing stock of the show. How she agreed to do this is beyond me.
  21. I’ll bet none of them bother with her now, except Bethenny. Why? I have no idea, unless she thinks she can fix her. Supposidely, now she has a new love interest on the burner. God help him, whoever the fool is. She’s got a bad reputation now.
  22. I’d like to see one of them with bed head or without makeup. After Chicago, Erika really piles it on. So fake looking.
  23. I have a feeling she’s under the assumption she’ll be back next season. That’s what’s keeping her under control. Otherwise, she’d be a raving lunatic. I just cant believe she said the John borrowing money from Scott wasn’t true. Andy played it on the tape right there. The woman will not give in. I just can’t look at that smirk on that face anymore.
  24. She brings you chicken soup when you are sick. That alone is Gold in my book when you can’t even get out of bed. She’s loud, in your face, talks stupid half the time, but is good hearted underneath. ( most of the time).
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