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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. Jason must just love this picture. What exactly is she trying to say here? I think she does this on purpose.
  2. I have the machine in the bathroom, but I don’t take it. I don’t want to get upset. Isnt that crazy?
  3. Just being in the house with this damn virus is maddening. Can’t see our kids or grandchildren, the masks, etc is too much already. Plus, the numbers are climbing. We’ve already decided there will be no Holidays together this year. Kids in school, some in college can bring the virus home. At this age, we have to be careful. It all sucks! Thank God for t.v. and this I pad. Watching Drew Barrymore now. Bethenny was on. She’s all over the place.
  4. O.k., thanks. I as so pissed. I’ve been to a million doctors lately, and my pressure was good and I told him. I said “why when I come her is my pressure always high? He replied “ because we have the best equipment”. WTF is that? My husband said they are crooks, haha. Now I have to go back again in 2 weeks. I hate all this crap. I know, people have it worse. Maybe I should start drinking like Dorinda. Thanks Supr. I’m whining, I know.
  5. Oh, is that it? Ramona blew the whistle on Dorinda? If so, wow, Ramona has guts. I’d be afraid Dorinda would come after me with an axe. How will we ever know what was said? Maybe it was something about Andy?
  6. She really is a psycho when she goes on her rampage and starts talking in the third person making fun of the person like with Tinsley in the cornfield, and Barbara K at her apartment. She’s always right, and will fight to the death. I thought she loved John. Now she has someone on the burner? Waiting for the virus to disappear? Yeah, shes a real doll.
  7. My daughter went to Penn State, University Park. She said “ best years of her life”. Classy school. All nice kids. We take rides to Happy Valley for no reason.
  8. Thanks. Drew is on here in N. Y. 9 am, ch 2 (CBS). She was on The Real this morning talking about her new Pod cast, or whatever that is. She had work done on her face. Lots.
  9. All my beautiful china and linen tablecloths, the husband and I eat on Corelle plates on trays in front of the t.v. Kids are all married, so we get comfy and do what we like.
  10. Thanks. I took some years ago, but they gave me a headache,so I stopped. I go at least three times a night anyhow. When is best to take, morning or night? Bottle doesn’t say.
  11. For a long time now, when I go to my comments, it takes me to about five other comments away, so I have to scroll down to find the right one. Annoying for at least a year now.
  12. Hotwire come they are still married? What are they fighting about now? Wtf, not Hotwire, I meant “how come”. Auto correct not correct.
  13. Long Island. It’s been hot and humid here. Unless she goes to school in the City. Same temp. Lots of them have stayed in the Hamptons since there’s been a lot of no good going on in the City.
  14. I wish she would hit the road, for good. She’s sooo annoying. Ass kisser. Too much air time wasted on her. Brown nose.
  15. So, my Cardiologist said I needed a water pill and ordered it for me. My pressure was high. Does anyone here take them? Are there side affects? I think it’s Dorinda’s fault.
  16. Richard had two kids. I wonder if they kept in touch with Dorinda, and if they liked her.
  17. O.k. Not feeling sorry anymore. Today, she was knocking someone ..Jason I think. Bethennys Ex. I don’t like that her opinion is always the right opinion. So she thinks. Just report the news. You weren’t married to Jason, so why are you taking Bethennys side? Hate men much? Just report, and let us decide who’s right and who’s wrong. Your marriage was a mess, so don’t talk.
  18. I just finished Season 13 where Dorinda was extremely nice and friendly with Tinsley and was interested in her life. Maybe she switches from bad to nice when her head spins around.
  19. I think Andrei was working undercover or something where he can’t talk about it. That country is different .. don’t they understand? When the time is right, he will be a good worker somewhere. He has good ethics I’m sure. Those two assholes just like to flap their lips. Libby was wrong not to stick up for Andrei. He just got here. Give him a minute to breathe. He will out do all of them. Libby should know, you don’t knock your husband in front of people, especially those dirtbags.
  20. Ramona says the truth, even if it comes out wrong. What she said to Bethenny on the Brooklyn Bridge was the truth. She’s very flighty to keep a friend for too long.
  21. Isn’t a butt lift, tummy tuck and liposuction too much at once? The anesthesia alone can kill her. They should sew her lips shut while they are at it. She sends money to her kids? Does it rain money in Vegas? That guy she’s with is gay and wants to be discovered for movies or something.
  22. You all should try to watch the past seasons again. You will open your eyes to a lot of things. Dorinda was a different person then. She tried to be very nice to everyone, even Tinsley, so she could find out all their business. She had ulterior motives to hold against them after awhile. She was sweet and cunning underneath .. a real phony. She was very stubborn when confronted with something, and never gave in. She always thought she was right and was very rigid. When she got cornered about something, she would cry and put on the waterworks. She was jealous of everyone. You will see her in a different light. She threw Barbara K out of her house and was very rude to her when Barb was trying to help. I have nothing bad to say about LuAnn. She always tried to take the high road. She wasn’t vicious. Sonja .. always eating like it was her last meal wherever she was. Guess she never shopped. Ramona is an open book. What you see is what you get. Always putting her foot in her mouth. Try to watch. It’s still my favorite, as they are real. Not like BH. It’s still on Hulu. Oh, the fortune teller said Tinsley will have twins someday. I hope that’s true. Dale was a pain in the ass. That’s all.
  23. I’ve always liked Bethenny, BUT, when she asked “Scarf Guy”, who she didn’t know, if he wanted a B.J., I changed my opinion of her. I’ve never heard mention of that until then. I only hope she doesn’t grow her kid up saying stuff like that. She probably does. Jason has his hands full.
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