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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. And what’s with Suzanne commenting or making sounds every damn time Wendy says something? While eating her cough drops besides. A real kiss ass. Be quiet and handle the clapping and shut up. When Wendy came out in that contraption today,the black n white thing, I changed the channel. She thought it was so gorgeous, especially with sneakers. What really gets me is that long blonde hair. So original.
  2. I said I wasn’t going to watch, but of course I did. So, who is still married, or should I say together? The Ukrainian guy and blondie big lips? I watched from 9 to 11 pm. Was that all?
  3. They did a closeup of her on “the Real”. Her face looked stretched to the hilt. No lines at all, like a wax figure. Ever since then, I haven’t seen a closeup. I think she looked worse.
  4. Yeah, that’s why she broke hers. She tornado’d herself into a cast.
  5. They all know she’s a nut job, and did she have to drop that bomb about Rob? She wishes he would marry her, but he’s smart. Really, what did she bring to the show? I’d rather watch the regulars as I could relate. Leah acts like a child.
  6. My husband bought me some nice jewelry. Now, It’s sitting in the jewelry box, unused. My daughters don’t want it, and the grandaughters wear very simple things. Nobody wears those clunky rings, bracelets or necklaces anymore, especially to the grocery store where I frequent these days. Waste.
  7. Oh, so now Andy is going political? If I wanted to hear this shit, I would have put on my other channel. Inappropriate.
  8. What’s with Leah’s Necklace? I hate the way she she blames her poor Mother for everything that has gone wrong in her life. Look to your choices.
  9. Another thing that Dorinda is the best in the world at.
  10. It cracks me up. Some movie stars getting married for the second, third or fourth time get a humongus diamond engagement ring again costing thousands of dollars. What for? Do they just put them in the drawer and forget about them? Waste.
  11. Especially if it’s just you and him in a hotel room. Lol.
  12. My husband watches, and he is embarrassed by the questions Dr. Vivianna asks about sex on t.v.no less. She wants to know every little thing they do. Invasion of privacy totally. There’s some things that are just private between husband and wife.
  13. They get along, so there’s nothing to show except doing stupid things. No drama. For two very smart people, they act so silly. Too much air time wasted. I don’t want to see them jumping around in the park. Plus, their clothes are hideous. Eccentric, that’s what describes them.
  14. Contract or no contract, I can’t understand how the station lets her back after she’s been on n off a zillion times. I’ve never seen that before.
  15. While watching a little today, I really forgot how abrasive she is. She’s really fresh. Nothing soft about her. Lots of luck finding a man. She’s very opinionated. It’s her way or the highway. I changed the channel.
  16. Just what a man loves. She has that sad look on her face, always questioning him about “feelings”, deep conversations, whining, etc. Like that’s going to make him care for her. She should take some lessons from Amani.
  17. Henry is afraid of Christina. She wants a reason why he hasn’t made a move on her. Eight weeks of torture for him. He’s very uncomfortable and twitches around her.
  18. Does anyone else think this particular season is boring? Too many stupid games. Plus, Karen is just annoying as hell. The guy is doing everything right. What does she want already?
  19. Thanks for that. I’m really trying. Taking the water pills, no salt at all, everything. Sorry to bother you all. I know people have worse problems.
  20. Between Olivia’s dowdy looking hair and constant deep conversations, I’m surprised Brett didn’t hit the road already. I would be shocked if he stays with her. I can’t figure out if he’s just biding his time and a good actor or what. I’m just loving Woody and Amani. They both put in 100% in their marriage.
  21. There’s an old saying. When hearing a story, knock off 50 percent, then divide the rest by three, and there’s your truthful answer. We never heard her Mothers side of the story. She should write a book. I believe Beth’s version, but you never know.
  22. There Is one thing that drives me nuts about Bethenny. Whenever she cries, which is often, she sniffs her mucus back up into her nose. Who wants to hear that? Carry a damn tissue or five and blow your nose for goodness sakes. We don’t want to hear your phlem being drawn up back into your system. Gross. She does that all the time.
  23. The numbers her keep climbing. I think because the older kids in high school and college are congregating. Then coming home and bringing the virus in the house. They could get thru it, but the parents and grandparents are at risk. I panic whenever I get bronchitis and can’t breathe normally. I’m staying away, but I miss them. They call and text, but it’s not the same.
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