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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. I can’t believe I’m getting comments about the show, as I didn’t even watch it. My name must be mixed up. I’ve never watched her or her family once, lol.
  2. Speaking of .. I had a dream I was married to Andy Cohen and lived in a big mansion in the Hamptons. He had a boyfriend and I had a boyfriend, haha. WTF?
  3. Wednesday: Oh, so now it’s the Wendy & Suzanne Show, ah ha. Two MORONS. Ah hum, ah hum. Wendy is now the official spokeswoman for CNN commenting on the President and how he should act. O.k. Wendel. Sit there in your yellow dress and yellow hair and stupid fucking sneakers, which don’t go with the dress btw. I’m OUT! Another viewer down the drain.
  4. Whether there are kids or not involved, there is still a risk wherever you go. Don’t kid yourself, just because some people have kids doesn’t mean they will take care of them or help them. My single sister lived right upstairs from my parents and did nothing for them. I lived one hour away and did their bills, took them to doctors, hospitalizations, etc. The other sister in Florida hadn’t seen my parents in six years, came to my mothers funeral, but not to my fathers. Please don’t feel bad, nowadays, kids have their own lives and their own children, and as parents, we have to respect that. All my husband and I have been doing is go the the store quickly or mostly a doctor, then come home for the day. That’s it. No restaurants, nothing. My eyeballs are falling out from t.v. Now, the snow will soon be here. Lovely. I think most of us are in the same boat unfortunately. Who knows for how long too. Now, they are closing more schools here. Take care. ❤️
  5. Are any of you spending the holidays with your kids and grandchildren that all go to school yet? Right now, I’m saying no, but is that right? I don’t relish the idea of being on a ventilator. My husband leaves everything up to me. What’s everyone doing? My girlfriend has not changed her life at all. She’s seeing all the kids, going on planes, vacations, everything.
  6. Yeah, those were the days. It’s been awhile here also. It’s nice to hear someone else come clean. My guy thinks the little blue pill will give him another heart attack, and won’t chance it, not that I’m asking, lol.
  7. The only thing I really liked was the things she sells on her show. I bought the pillow massager with heat which is great, two shawls that I wear in the car or restaurants,and a couple of other things I can’t remember right now. They were good priced and came quickly.
  8. Herring, gummy bears, wings, crabs, anything that doesn’t walk, with hot sauce on top. A human garbage pail. I wonder who’s bringing the food now. Suzanne’s husband? There will come a day where she can’t eat all that crap.
  9. I agree. I couldn’t stand Wendy, now Suzannne bothers me more. I only like poor Norman.
  10. No money, no job, probably no health insurance, and she wants kids? Is she in LaLa land? Are they still living in the garage? Too much pressure on him. I think he will bail and go back to the carefree life. Thank you. 😀
  11. I was really mad seeing this. I didn’t have anymore popcorn in my house. Hahaha. This show sucks .. I don’t know why I watch, but something draws me to wrecks of any kind. Sick! What’s tonight?
  12. I thought Erika was gay and just on the show to be “ discovered”. Erikee. Not Erica.
  13. How many times has Jess said “liar” to Coltee on this show? 2,659 times?
  14. Thank you for saying that. Shaun is terrible at interviewing. She gets nothing out of them. Cheap show.
  15. The funniest part of the show was Kalani eating popcorn during the interview. Haha, who the F does that? Did she pretend she was in the movies? Hahaha. Chews gum too.
  16. This might be old news but, I just read somewhere that Bethenny and Dorinda are doing a new something together? They don’t say what. Yet. She had very high praise for Dorinda. Did she not watch the show all season?
  17. What did Elise say or do that everyone’s mad at her? I don’t get it. Oh, I just read up thread that it was something to do with Ramona and a bowel movement during sex? O.k. Yikes! And Elise repeated that? I would be mad too. Plus, why would ditzy Ramona reveal that to anyone if true?
  18. Monday.. ah huh, ah huh, ah, huh. Every minute. I’m just wondering who’s show is this? Norman’s, Suzanne’s or someone named Wendy. Suzanne said “ah huh” a hundred times already, and it only 10:15 a.m. STF Suzanne. And .. why do we have to look at everybody’s new sneakers everyday?
  19. Same here. Never a kind word from my Mother. I had to figure out and do everything by myself. She was busy working full time, and we just got the basics. I understood that she was unhappy with her life and took it out on everybody. Instead of letting it affect me and lashing out, I went forward with school, a job, got married, and moved away. Parents are who they are. Leah should buck up, concentrate on her daughter and her business. Not everyone has it rosy and a good life handed to them. Some people were orphans, but went to school and became CEO’s.
  20. Me too. They cut out the drama, crying and fighting. After watching all the previous seasons, it is so obvious that Dorinda got the most air time .. too much of Bethenny always crying and sniffling about something, and too much kissing and phony hugging every minute when in reality, they couldn’t stand one another. Still,it’s my favorite. Actually, I should say “probably” they couldn’t stand one another, just to be clear. I know some of them are friends off screen.
  21. Who would want a woman like Leah for a wife? Rob didn’t, and they share a child. Can you see her cooking and cleaning? Very immature. Who wears a collar that says SEX? She’s just looking for trouble.
  22. I agree with you. We need much more scenes of the City, the Hamptons, clothing stores, market places, nice restaurants, go into interesting places in N.Y. like the museums, Chinatown, everywhere, if they are allowed. Enough of getting smashed, fighting, etc. Trips to the Cape, Newport, upstate, camping and wineries. Pretty and nice places, instead of bars all the time. They even filmed in Montauk where Bethenny met Jason and were dancing the night she hooked him. I also liked when they went to Palm beach on the yacht when LuAnn was going with Tom. How about a trip to Europe too? Like BH. I think Bravo can afford it. Like a travel channel. No more screaming.
  23. I’ll bet Wendy doesn’t have many true friends. She probably uses them to vent about her troubles, then discards them. Seems like she only bothers with the people at the station .. Suzanne, her husband, Norman, hair stylist, etc. uses them, then dumps them.
  24. Guess Wendy’s days of going to the club are over. Too much trouble. Where’s all her friends? “Ring, ring, ring. Oh it’s Nene, wanting to go to Bloomingdales for some free champagne and tidbits”.
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