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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. And I know diddly squat what the hell a podcast is, and I’m sure being a senior there are many more like me who aren’t familiar. I have to admit, I was an avid Bethenny fan, but after watching all the previous seasons, I’ve come to realize it’s always hers or the highway. She is always right ( in her mind) and constantly has to be in the limelight. It’s one thing after another. She was on every show regarding her podcast. I don’t get where she gets all the energy. Plus, and I shouldn’t say this, but I believe Jason. I think he really tried, but I don’t think she should be married to anyone. She is not marriage material if she has to be right and have her way all of the time. I know, this has nothing to do with her podcast .. I’m just rambling.
  2. Yes to everything, and thanks for all the info. 😀
  3. As of now, I am totally confused if it’s over, another dinner party, or the final party. I don’t know if it’s over or what the hell. I just keep seeing the same stuff over and over in between the million commercials. They are really milking it.
  4. And that’s where the trouble lies. Olivia lives for traveling, fine wines, best accommodations, which is her prerogative with her money. On the other hand, Brett has a house and mortgage and that is his prerogative and is comfortable with that. They both put their money where they want. I’d say second most common disagreement in a marriage and very important. Secondly, both are very rigid about what is their desire. In my day, I was a stay at home mom after our first child. The husband used to come home from the city and put all his change in a big pink Piggy Bank. Come Febuary, the amount totaled $1,000. He took vacation, packed the car and kids and away we all went to Florida for a week to Disney or wherever. We stood at the Days Inn and all had a blast. My kids still remember all that. That was our traveling. No Europe, nothing fancy. That’s my story, but it’s not for everyone. Olivia and Brett would have to work that out. Olivia’s traveling sounds very expensive. She better marry rich. Prerogative. Auto correct stinks. P.s. My story was years and years ago. Today, $1,000 is peanuts. Perogative. Dammit. Now that the college educations for the kiddies are over, and we have the means to travel, we are too tired to travel far and mostly go to other states surrounding us, or the City. You can’t have everything, but we had a great time with what we had, and plenty of memories. Neither Olivia or Brett are wrong. They both just want different things.
  5. Friday .. I just read in my Long Island newspaper the new lineup for next season. New Attorney joining the cast. Ramona, Sonja and Leah staying. LuAnn PART TIME. Maybe old news .. I don’t do twitter or anything else.
  6. He tried to snuggle next to her on the couch, but she didn’t budge and kept on her computernot looking his way. He got up and went on another chair. I would have packed my suitcase and left the apartment. She’s one cold woman who thinks she’s better than anyone.
  7. He probably thought she’s all over the place anyhow, so she could go to the store too. I don’t think he took the food on purpose to agitate her.
  8. Does anyone here think those three experts are useless? I do. And that Dr. Viviana, talking about sex to couples married only a few weeks is laughable. I’m sure at their ages, they know the facts. Besides it’s private between the couple. Actually, I don’t think they are any help at all. Just fillers.
  9. I am crying and are so sorry that he died that way. It reminds me of when my Father died on oxygen, but I was there and holding him until the end. Heartbreaking, but under the circumstances, you did the best you could and I believe he knows it. Sad. ❤️
  10. I’m with you. I live on Long Island too. My two girls are here and I haven’t seen them or the grandchildren in months. We go to doctors, the store in n out and that’s it. My son in law is a City Fireman and sleeps in the basement with the dog for fear of my daughter and kids will contract it. He’s tested regularly. No holidays with the kids this year. We are staying home. I’m petrified of the virus and not being able to breathe. And here’s Christina roaming the streets until 3 am, and what’s her name, the nurse going to her Mothers. Ridiculous! When will this show call it a day? It’s at a standstill. The end, lol.
  11. Omg, too funny. I can’t stop laughing. He’s a cool cat. That’s what Karen wants exactly.
  12. Maybe he doesn’t care enough to ask where she’s going as it will start a confrontation. He’s done, and doesn’t care.
  13. I’m sure she was sleeping with him too. So, I guess she wants a tough gangster type that throws her around like a cave man. Miles is too much a gentleman. The woman needs therapy or a bum who beats the shit out of her and shows her who’s the boss. Or nobody.
  14. So Olivia wants a husband so she can go traveling. Haha. Who said he loves to travel? Or any man for that matter. Some men hate to travel, like my husband. He will go if I really want, but I could see he rather not by the look on his face. If it’s for something to do with sports, he’s in. If it’s to see interesting places, he rather stay home. Now, I go with my girlfriend. Her husband hates it too. Why doesnt she go with a group? My daughter after college went to Europe with a group her age. They saw 11 countries in 10 days by bus. She said it was fabulous!
  15. Miles is 26, born in South Carolina and loves working with young adults and children, which can mean many things. Teacher, teacher aide, librarian, etc. who knows.
  16. Oh, I thought Miles was 26 and Karen 30? Whatever.lol. I still think he could get plenty in the school system.
  17. What’s he wasting his time with her for? He’s only 26, and there are plenty of teachers in the school system that would be happy to have him. Some on this thread too, lol.
  18. And take her wardrobe with her. She’s getting to look like a scrub woman, between that thing in her hair last week and those house dresses she’s been wearing. Maybe she should just wear her flight uniform.
  19. I hope she didn’t meet the pilot wearing that lovely orange house dress. FUGLY.
  20. That horse hair is getting longer by the week. Does fake hair grow?
  21. I think there is something really off with Karen. Everything about Miles annoys her. He jokingly called her “Sis’. She got insulted. Can’t she take a joke? He constantly walks on eggshells around her,and that’s not right in a marriage. She would be better off single. I could just see them having sex. “Do this”, “don’t do that”, “Don’t touch me there”, etc. The guy doesn’t have a chance. There is no playfulness there at all. No wonder Miles is depressed. She is a real pain and killjoy.
  22. Poor Miles. Karen gives him NOTHING. Even if she doesn’t have any feelings for him, as a person, she should at least have a little compassion. He should dump her. She is one COLD person. Every damn thing is about her and her feelings. In this epidemic, now you see why there has to be love from the beginning. You have to know the person before you live with them.Togetherness is hard, but love sees you through.
  23. True. Bethenny cooks for him. Bet Dorinda practically lives with her now in the Hamptons. Dammit .. ruining the neighborhood. She probably has everyone bedazzled with her chickens and home town charm. I thought Dr. Phil was married?
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