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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. Where is Bernadette when we need her? Bet Bethenny is paying her off to shut up. She could make a pretty penny for spilling the beans about what makes Bethenny tick.
  2. Oh goody. Even tho this season stinks, it’s still my favorite show. Plus, I’m crazy about vampires. We were up the other night watching all the Bella Logosi vampire movies on TCM, my favorite channel for old farts. Just LOVE the old black n whites, especially this time of the year. I lit all my candelabras in the bedroom to make it spooky, not kidding. Thanks for the heads up.
  3. I never thought Bethenny was like that. Pinning one against the other. For what reason as she’s not even on the show anymore. Didn’t Andy see this? Does she want to wipe out the whole show or what? I don’t get it.
  4. Lots of people never went out of the country. There’s plenty to see here. I live on the east coast and only went to Denver and Vegas. I wish we could have seen the national parks and California, and many more places in the west, but there was always something. We could have flew to Rome as my kid worked for United, but the husband didn’t want to travel, so that was that. I just watch the travel channel, lol. Christina goes because she’s a stewardess, so big deal. She rather have a husband. Henry seems to be happy the way he is, and there’s nothing wrong with that. He’s content. He could never live with Christina. She’s too demanding and he doesn’t like her anyway. She would kill his spirit. Right now, we are driving up the east coast to see the colors and buy maple syrup. We now have the means to go to Europe, but don’t have the stamina to walk around anymore. Some people are just homebodies, and that’s o.k. P.S. I thought this show was over because of the virus? In the t.v. Guide, it says it’s on tomorrow. ????
  5. Truthfully, I don’t think Olivia really wants kids. She’s too selfish. Kids come first.
  6. Whatever she does looks great. Always something different according to her moods. I love everything about her and hope they last.
  7. Thanks for that. And I thought I had a new flash when posting on Frankel thread, lol. I didn’t even know about this thread, duh ! Wonder who came to their senses? I have to read the story. Another one down the drain.
  8. Being on Fox News and an accomplished Lawyer, there has to be more if Bravo picked her out of thousands for this show. Anyone who comes on has to cause drama. That’s what they want. Smarts and looks aren’t enough that bring in viewers. They want someone who will do practically anything they want. Take Leah. She said practically nothing, but she was crazy at Ramona’s house when she tore up the place. She’s a complete nut job and they love it.
  9. I have a feeling this will be the last shot for Ramona and Sonja. Their act is over.
  10. The husband just reminded me who Eboni Williams was. She is gorgeous. Now I remember. Watch out Leah.
  11. Out with the old and in with the new. Soon enough. Done with Paul. Two years was a lot.
  12. So, my daughter just sent me a text that Bethenny and Paul are finished. Anyone know anything more? Why am I not surprised?
  13. Dorinda has been out at Bethenny’s house in the Hamptons all summer. Probably meeting all the rich and famous. Boobs out to the hilt and telling everyone what a socialite she was when married to Richard, and how she used to entertain Hillary and Bill. Across the highway, Ramona must have been seething. If I were a fly on the wall. I’m sure Beth fixed her up with some sucker. That’s why she is so coy waiting for the virus to disappear. She’s a fabulous actress you know.
  14. Yeah right. It must be in her already to be a nasty bitch. I read somewhere that she was separated with Richard. Is it true? I’m not on Social Media, tick tock, or what ever the heck those new fang led things are, lol. Twitter, whatever. I’m in the dark here.
  15. One thing I have to say is that Bethenny is a helper. Anyone on alcohol, she tried to help .. Dorinda,LuAnn and Sonja. She is also good with the earthquakes, so it seems, getting up the money,planes and such. I hope it’s out of the goodness of her heart and not for publicity. I’m really surprised at all the things I didn’t know about her. Things that weren’t very nice. I thought she did all these nice things out of the goodness of her heart and not to advantage of munipilating others to do her bidding. I’m really disappointed or nieve .. actually both.
  16. OMG .. I had no idea they were that bad. I’m sure we don’t know many other things. Yikes!
  17. She doesn’t need the aggravation or the money, but it would be nice.
  18. LuAnn got demoted to friend of. I’m sad about that as I liked her the most. I figured Andy would keep Sonja out of pity.
  19. OMG .. Leah and Brownstone together. Here come the 3 ways, 5 ways and 10 ways, lol. Disgusting. Andy must be salivating, lol. Can you imagine if they would be together, God forbid. Maybe we all will learn new things. Hahahahaha! SICK.
  20. I really don’t think people will forget what Dorinda did. She’ll probably always be known as a mean woman. I’ve never heard anyone speak to Tinsley like Dorinda did. People might not trust her anymore, and men should beware .. she’s a snake. She’ll turn on you in a heartbeat. Now Dorinda and Bethenny are two peas in a pod, until one of them loses their mind again. I’m wondering how John feels now that she dumped him. Is he still welcome at her table? She used him for this n that for many years, then discarded him.
  21. What exactly did Bethenny have against Tinsley? I have no clue, honestly.
  22. In the beginning, I said I was team Jason and got crushed what a bad guy he was. He tolerated all the assistants in the small apartment, tried to give her some resemblance of family in Pennsylvania with his nice parents, but she wouldn’t have it. She insulted the town, which was in poor taste. He helped her in Canada when she was making Skinny Girl. He tolerated her, then he was the bad guy? Now, he’s giving her a hard time with the divorce. I don’t blame him one bit. I just hope Brynn is as close to him as with Bethenny. I still would Love to hear her Mothers side. Why I wonder didn’t she write a book yet? Is she being paid off?
  23. Haha. It’s been a bitch. We have breakfast in the morning, clean, go to a store, come home. He goes in the bedroom and watches his shows, and me in the living room watching my shows. No company, don’t see the kids, nothing. Does anyone here who is married have a husband who likes a conversation about their relationship? Not mine. He runs away. Lol. Olivia whines and questions too much, always nagging about something. Brett is just biding his time until the end. I think he tried in the beginning, but gave up.
  24. Does Olivia want to travel or get married? Take your pick. She could have been traveling the last ten years or so with a friend or a group. Not every man wants to travel. I think she is a sour, spoiled brat that wants everything her way, and I’m tired of seeing her sour puss because she isn’t getting her way. Seems like Brett liked her when they married, but turned around after finding out her demands. You are absolutely right about her. Plus, “schoolmarm” and unfun is Olivia. No man wants that.
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