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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. My granddaughter is in Rhode Island and has to stay in the sorority house with the others. They test themselves every day. I guess I won’t be seeing all of them until next year MAYBE. BUMMER.
  2. That’s quite an accomplishment too. It’s so good to hear, and many more to come for you both. ❤️
  3. Nowadays, 40 is a long time with one person. I think it’s lucky that two people can survive marriage that long. I’m sure he’s your best friend. If there was one word to describe mine, i would say “dependable”. Whenever I am in a jam or beside myself about something, he is always there and fixes things. He has my back and that’s a good feeling. Much luck to you both for many more years.
  4. Congratulations. I guess you’ll make it. 👍
  5. In my state, it was reported today that over 700 college kids were just tested positive. The President of the college quit. Now they have to go home to the family. What then?
  6. Thank you. I’m kind of old fashioned. A hot meal every night and letting him watch his sports helped. In turn, he gave to me equally. Little things mean a lot. I love the way Amani and Woodie work together. They have conversations, he cooks, she appreciates him, and vice versa. Hope they continue what they are doing. Thanks for the kind words. ❤️
  7. Thanks so much. I feel like we are all friends here .. I hope. I also love the personal stories. Plus, being this is a marriage thread, it seemed appropriate.
  8. OMG, my blood pressure just went to 200 trying to find the damn article that my husband read. Maybe I’ll put a call into Andy to get this straight.
  9. Haha .. maybe he’s hiding from the world. If he stops playing the “woe is me”, maybe she will have some respect for him. He’s acting like a wimp. I know he’s depressed, but so are lots of people these days. He has to get a grip. He wasn’t show appeal, unless production picked him for that role. Henry was rejected, but he took it with a grain of salt and is fighting back with dignity.
  10. Thank you. With this epidemic, I am scared shit to go anywhere where there’s a lot of people or in a hotel where you don’t know who slept there before you. I heard they are not cleaning as well as we think. No restaurants either. So, I just threw in a stuffed roast chicken in the oven, and we’ll watch scary movies. I’ll have a big Bloody Mary and wash it down with all my medications, lol.
  11. Thank you. You are right. It’s luck, patience, forgiveness and lots of things. If a partner is decent and you know what you have, better to work it out instead of jumping the gun. Sometimes it’s worse around the corner. Nothing is easy, especially if there’s kids involved.
  12. This show is a crapshoot. You don’t know the person until the wedding day. In a real marriage, you know the person for awhile, but still don’t REALLY know them until after marriage. In both instances, it’s a gamble. Today, the divorce rate is high. You guys, today is my wedding Anniversary. Married 55 years. And, still going. Loved him from the minute I saw him. Yes, I’m that old, lol.
  13. Wow, that was such a nice story. It’s amazing what you have to go thru to be on that show. I would have fainted on the set, haha. My husband LOVES that show and has to watch it every night. Good for you, and I’m sorry you lost your husband.
  14. Why is Amani taking Christina’s side? Because girls have to stick together ?
  15. The article was in Newsday, a Long Island newspaper last week or so. In fact, my husband showed it to me.
  16. I would have faked it and let him win. He’s not winning with her and is depressed enough. Let the guy be good at something at this point.
  17. The more brains, the more eccentric. I could see why they were matched.
  18. All she wanted was a husband to spend money and travel with.
  19. I’m annoyed too. There’s nothing going on, so they have to do these stupid games like Amelia and what’s his name playing basketball, and that ring toss thing with Karen & Miles. Plus other stupid uninteresting things. The”experts or whoever paired them up screwed up again.
  20. Christina is not crying over Olivia. She is crying because she screwed it up by calling Henry gay. He still didn’t leave after that but was a gentleman and is staying to the end not making a jerk out of her. Classy guy. She screwed it up big time by being a selfish spoiled bitch to him and the crew. Now she’s contrite? Too late.
  21. Does ANYTHING make Karen happy? Either she’s complaining about Miles, or the camping room, or how tired she is. She should just get off the show already. What a killjoy. If I were Henry, I would have left after that crack about being gay. Christina is batso.
  22. Bryn is 10 now. Doesn’t she have any say concerning custody? I think she loves her Father and Grandparents, so it seems. If Bethenny had full custody, how often would Jason and his parents be able to see her? I know nothing concerning custody.
  23. Oh, these rings. She could make a necklace out of all of them. I’m happy Paul didn’t put a ring on it. Somehow from the looks of it, he doesn’t seem the type to be with a maniac. He looks too sophisticated. I wonder if she said “ bj” to him. That’s the first time I’ve ever heard that word on t.v. My husband nearly choked on his Snapple and had a red face, lol.
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