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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. You could see on her face she’s sorry she said that about Henry. Now, she’s contrite. Too late. There is no going back after that. Henry is done. The girl is not all there in the head. Now she’s crying? I have a feeling she screwed most of the pilots on her job.
  2. I wonder if he was single. After four months of living and sleeping together, I’m sure he would know if he cared for her by now. That jerk was a downer .. and probably was jealous. He was no friend.
  3. Maybe lemoncello or whatever they call it. I also have to buy a few avocados and limes and olives tomorrow. If Karen was sleeping with the other guy for six months,why couldn’t she at least sleep with Miles once? It’s not like she was a Virgin. Maybe she wants him to act like a cave man, throw her over his shoulder and have his way with her. Then call the cops. She’s a pain in the butt. Not even a kiss good bye. She’s not all that like she thinks she is.
  4. That Woody is one sharp dude. Blue velvet suit, blue velvet shoes and flower in his lapel to match, gorgeous jewelry. And here’s Jamie in her matching blue dress, legs all out on display like they care. Not a great look if she “rolls the clip” on herself.
  5. I don’t care what anyone says. I think hormones have a lot to do with women’s problems. Lots of women get that depression after child birth and can’t help it.
  6. I think I did hear something like that along the line. I also agree with you about the deal breakers.
  7. Maybe there should be a thread for “hypochondriacs, ailments and crummy doctors”, hahahaha.🤒😷
  8. Sorry I was thinking I was on the Small Talk thread, as I keep going back n forth. Sorry everyone. I’m bored with it myself.
  9. Just goes to show everyone what a true gentleman he is by staying to the end. He’ll have women all over him. She is not worthy of him.
  10. Well, there must have been some sparks there. 32 years is not the norm now. Good luck! 😍🍸
  11. Oops. I thought Karen and Miles. I don’t know. Woody and Amani are too good to be true. I have a feeling we might be surprised in the end. I hope not. These shows are tricky.
  12. How did you like Australia? It was interesting and different. The only thing was that I couldn’t understand the way they spoke.
  13. I am very stressed, especially when he said it should always be 140/80. Yeah right. I love my primary care also. He’s calm and relaxes me. I’m going to talk to him about this. Thanks so much. I’ve been in hospital a lot past couple of years. Car accident, stitches, two eyesurgeries, cellulitis and two daughters that were diagnosed with cancer last year and always have to be checked ( breast and colon). And he’s wondering why my pressure is up? My mind is always racing. Thank you for your input. All of you are the best. Oh, and this damn virus to boot. How much can we all stay in the house, especially with winter coming. Hope I didn’t depress anyone. We should be laughing about this stupid show. I will shut up now. Lol
  14. A good story. My mother had a big operation. Her specialist sat by her bedside all night after surgery and watched over her. Once, we went to her apartment after hours. She was eccentric with books piled up everywhere, and canned string beans boiling over all over the stove. The apartment was very cluttered, but she was great with her patients and knew her stuff. We just loved her. She was caring and even took us into her house after hours. She saved my mothers life.
  15. After the cardio took my pressure and it was high, I said to him “why is it low when other doctors take it and high just when I come here? He answered “ because we have better equipment”. Wtf was that? My husband said “dump the fuc.er.” “The specialist is probably his cousin”. Enough of my crap. We visited our daughter yesterday for the first time in months and sat in the backyard away from each other. The kids were in school, but we still didn’t go in the house in case the virus is in the air. We are getting crazy because of it.
  16. Dear @Yeah No .. If I wasn’t clear up there, I really can’t stand Rachel Ray for some reason, but I do like you even tho you two might be related, lol. Xo
  17. Thanks for that. I came out of his office worse than I went in. My next appt is in four months. I’m going to talk to my wonderful GP and get his input. He sits there with legs crossed and listens. Plus, male doctors don’t know and understand about women’s hormones that play havoc with the body. I’m old, but swear I still have PMS. I know my body and nobody can tell me different. My Mother was the same way.
  18. It’s funny you should say that about your GP. I just go out of hospital from cellulitis from a wound on my leg. I had blood tests everyday to check everything. I go to mu cardiologist for a check up and my blood pressure was high. He said he was sending me to a kidney specialist. I freaked out. Another new doctor, more tests, etc. For what? I told him I have anxiety from the virus, was in hospital and my pressure was high from anxiety and being overwhelmed with everything. So I cancelled the specialist and want to dump my cardiologist for jumping the gun and making me crazy. He gave me only 5 minutes of his time and looked annoyed. Every time I go to him I’m nervous. When I go to my GP, my pressure is normal. Some doctors are nice and understanding, and some suck. A little understanding would benefit us. Now, I don’t know what to do. I can’t deal with anymore doctors and tests. Btw, my pressure was normal the whole time in the hospital or they wouldn’t have discharged me. Maybe if I go back to the cardiologist and he knows I didn’t go to the specialist, he’ll dump me? What to do? He’s young and aggressive.
  19. Oh Geeze, I missed your post where you stated you looked like her. I LOVE Rachel Ray! Like I love you too, lol. I LOVE her food, pots & pans, etc, lol. It’s amazing that you both have so many similarities. What the heck? I’m not bored by anyone’s stories either. Much better than the show. You should write her a letter. Maybe you are cousins or something. I think she has another home in TriBeCa. P.s. I just tuned in to Drew Barrymores show (Monday), and guess who’s on? Rachel Ray, making soup. Already with the garlic, onions, hot red pepper flakes etc. Drew is throwing the food all over the stove. She’s such a ditz, and hyper.
  20. I’m sorry to hear that. I hope everything will come out o.k. with you.❤️
  21. So, how many stations have Christmas movies? Lifetime, Hallmark, Free. I’m waiting for one movie that I love. “Holiday in Handcuffs” with Melissa Joan Hart and Mario Lopez. I Can’t even buy it anywhere. Amazon has it for about 50 or 60 dollars.
  22. I never this was here, so here I am. I never liked her and don’t like her cooking. I watched a few times in the beginning and don’t like what she makes. She opens up cans,uses lots of red onion and garlic and spices. My husband is Italian and his stomach would blow up if he ate all that spicy stuff. Younger people can eat all that stuff she makes, but hot sauce and everything she uses is not for older people. Lots of celebrities we know are actually nasty in real life. I don’t watch Ellen too, and I heard she is nasty too. Just ranting about these phonies. Anyhow, I’m surprised you had to be disappointed after going thru all that trouble of seeing her show. Now, let’s talk about Wendy and Kelly Ripa, lol. No, I won’t go there. I’ll stick to TCM like an ole fart. And the marriage shows, the housewives shows and the one where regular people marry a millionaire. Forgot the name. Two young girls in their early twenties marry guys with money that are in their 60’s and 70’s. Yikes! Yeah, they love them .. lol.
  23. Usually, you can tell after one date if you want to go forward and if the guy appeals to you. Although Miles is everything, maybe she wants a more secure and take charge kind of guy. The one who cheated on her must have had something that attracted her to him. Although I don’t care for her, I get that she wants what she wants. I’m sure we all went out with nice good looking guys, but for some reason didn’t want to go further. I don’t blame her in a way. You can’t force your feeling for someone if it isn’t there. Maybe just friends.
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