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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. Well, looks like Olivia and Brett both had good points. In that case, I blame the experts 100%. They didn’t do their job at all. What are they there for?
  2. I am famous. I own three of Bennett’s nitegowns in pretty colors, and they are Cuddle Duds for women. They are light as a feather and stretch. I also have Amelia’s Sketchers sandles with all the straps. Lol. I love all of Karen’s and Amanis clothes. I didn’t care for Karen’s outfit last night tho, plus her makeup. Nobody asked me .. just sayin.
  3. Oh great! I would have watched Southern Charm. Thanks.
  4. According to next weeks t.v. Guide, there is no Married at First Sight next week. Christmas movies are on. So when there’s a reunion, will they reveal who’s still together? Wonder how many weeks went by since last nights show and the final reunion.
  5. I don’t see anything wrong with Brett. He says it like it is and is honest. To me, Olivia is the type that wants what she wants, no ifs, ands and buts. Brett will not change being practical. She will not change being frivolous. I would have loved to go to Europe too, but the husband didn’t want to. Was I going to pout about it and get mad? He’ll no. Someone has to give in. Mine doesn’t like plays, but he goes with me. Olivia won’t give in for anything. She should of at least tried and gave it a whirl. Not every couple agrees on everything. Brett still seems interested in her. Things could be worked out.
  6. Karen didn’t even kiss Miles goodbye when she left the apartment. That alone speaks volumes to me. Then, she decides to stay with him? Production probably paid her more to stay. For awhile. They didn’t want three to go and two to stay. They would have looked bad for them. I just can’t believe she will sleep with Miles either. She had enough time to do that. It’s just not there for her.
  7. No attack here, lol. I’ve had them all .. for the kids. Even flew two cats on the plane when we moved to Florida for a year, then back to N.Y. because driving was too much for them. Cost me a fortune,but didn’t tell the husband how much. Feed them, walk them, keep them clean, take them to the vet, giving pills, etc. At a certain point, way too much trouble, but if they make you happy, that’s o.k. I see people in my development walking their dogs three times a day in the freezing cold. That’s love. I do admire the dogs that help the soldiers mentally when they come back from the wars, plus the Police Dogs that catch the criminals. They are amazing. Plus, they are watchdogs for people that are alone. They hear everything. People in the city have dog walkers. That’s nice, if you can afford it.
  8. What’s the point of watching if the editing monkeys are fooling around with viewers? It’s idiotic and annoying. They made Amani say she wanted a divorce. Not cute! Hardy haha.
  9. I want Woody to do “ Unfiltered”. I’m sick n tired of seeing “Legs Otis” and roll the clip!
  10. She wants what she wants. No exceptions. She’s still blaming him for everything.
  11. They didn’t say the most important part. Olivia wanted a guy with lots of money so they could travel the world in style, drink fine wines, eat expensive, etc. He had a mortgage and wasn’t a spender. Besides she didn’t look like she wanted kids, as kids cost money, and there would go her traveling. So, she can’t blame it all on him. He wanted a house and kids, and she wanted the high life where a child wasn’t in the picture for awhile or never.
  12. Miles & Karen: Whaaaaat?????????????????????? Lots of Luck Miles. Karen is in love, yes. With herself.
  13. I haven’t noticed as I am constantly drawn to her eyes. There’s something about them that stand out, and I don’t mean pretty .. just something I can’t put my finger on. Plus, the way she always appears to look up, like with her nose in the air, like conceited. I’ll give the boobs a look tonight. All I really saw on her were house dresses .. the type an older lady would wear.
  14. OMG .. Amelia and Brett, haha. Can you imagine? He’d still be running down the aisle to another state. I’ve seen quirky in my life, but never like Amelia. The clothes alone. They must come from a costume shop of the old days. If she ever had a complete makeover, she would be a knockout looks wise. She’s very pretty.
  15. Viviana: Is this what sex councelling all about? Talking about every private thing a newly married couple do or should do? I for one don’t like it. I think it’s private, and everyone goes at their own pace. Plus, it’s no ones business. She is the nosiest one so far.
  16. I’m trying to get into this series, but I just don’t like Kim Katrall’s character. At all.
  17. I'm on the "more to the conversation that was edited out" team. In the SM thread a while back someone posted an article about her where she said she did it on a whim and thought "Either I'll meet a great guy or if it doesn't work out I'll get a divorce." Not DIVORCE like the experts say it 😄 That would be my attitude going in to this too. But I would have tidy hair on my head (and none under my arms!) This is what bothers me about this show. We don’t know what’s true or false. Amelia May have went on for the money and did fall in love with Bennett, or maybe they knew each other before, and maybe he did plan to move with her to wherever. Who knows? Probably all planned out already way before. Money makes people do a lot of things.
  18. P.s. I’m sure you all have great “meeting up” stories to tell. Let’s hear them.
  19. In a way, a lot of us are introduced through a friend. In my case, my husband was shy to come over to me, so he sent his cousin to soften the blow. The cousin came over to me with mu husband and said “I want you to meet my baby cousin”. I laughed and said “are You his lawyer”?. Then we all laughed, and that was it. 55 yrs ago, haha. It was a match, and no money involved. Sorry to repeat, but I just love that story.💞
  20. Maybe he will stay in New Orleans, let her go to Virginia and see how it goes .. if he’s smart. She’s going to be working a lot. What’s he gonna do? I don’t know about those two.
  21. The one she was with for 4 or 6 yrs and cheated and had a baby. Were there more guys besides that one?
  22. I hate those stupid holiday movies. All the same goody two shoes C actors . They are on too many channels with the same actors.
  23. They all think marriage is a ride in the park. Eating out, going to nice places, having meaningful conversation, etc. hahahaha. After a big fight after a year, I was in the living room crying my eyes out. I tip toed into the bedroom and he was snoring away. I said “ are you sorry”? He said “sorry”. I said for what. He replied “whatever you said I said”. He went back to sleep. I thought “is this it?” Most of the time they have no clue, but ask them the stats ona certain team and they will tell you everything in detail. Lol. Sorry you boys.
  24. She had time for this show? If he goes to Virginia, he will be alone a lot with no friends. She shouldn’t have joined this show knowing that. I think it was selfish of her. He should have a long distance relationship for the two years of her residency. Then he’ll know if he can’t live without her. Or, he can flyuoo here n there to spend some time with her. Fly up back there.
  25. Me to, lol. Her tummy looked preggers. Like a few months along.
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