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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. Patricia’s new favorite food is a frankfurter from Costco. She must make Michael run in to get them while she waits in the car. No drive thru.
  2. Me too. I’ve only been to doctors and a few grocery stores with a mask on. Our state here in N.Y.C. Said no more than ten people gathering for Thanksgiving. I’m not going. Two grandchildren have been away at college, so who knows where they have been. Christmas is “iffy” too. There’s been a big surge since Halloween. This show was probably filmed in early spring? Thomas new baby born in June and Katherine didn’t know yet as of last night in the show.
  3. Holy Smokes .. I just read in the Daily Mail (is that a reputable paper?) that Thomas’s nurse friend had a baby boy in June. She’s 38 and has two kids. It’s all in the article, pictures of them both and the baby boy. He stated they are not together, and will introduce his two kids with Baby Brother soon. It must have happened by now. Katherine must be going nuts.
  4. I know right? I watched the Housewives of N.Y. The whole season on Hulu. I couldn’t stop watching. It was hilarious. They were all so funny in their pj’s, falling in bushes, fighting for rooms,laughing, going shopping for funny hats, fighting then kissing. That was entertainment. They didn’t make issues out of their problems like Brownstone. That’s why they are the best. I loved LuAnn singing at the cabaret. It was all fun. I’m now down to them. Too much of Brownstone means there’s nothing else going on with the others. They have exhausted all of them. Kelly should have transferred to N.Y. where the action is. She would have fit in as she was in the N.Y. Papers with all the biggies all the time.
  5. Instead of thinking about sex all the time, she should go to night school for math and help Jolie with her homework. All Kelly does is primp, shop and have sex. Maybe I’m jealous .. I don’t know, lol. Plus, what’s so hot about Rick? My husband beats him by a mile.
  6. So, after watching the show half assed, I think I’ve had it. I could barely watch Brownstone as she always looks so wound up and stressed. When she came on, I actually wished it was Vikie, or even Tamra, and that’s bad. Then the new girl looks like a truck driver. Was she poor that married and divorced rich? She doesn’t fit in at all. She put out enough lunch stuff for twenty people and only two came. WTF? Then Kelly and Browmstone in the bridal place trying on gowns made for strippers that showed all boobs. Nice for a bride. The best part of the night was Gina cooking pasta for her ex and his young girlfriend at her daughters birthday. Is she crazy? The girlfriend was about twelve yrs old with boobs out for display in front of the kiddies. They all kissed hello like this was normal. No wonder Gina is eating herself to death. I just can’t anymore. This whole shebang is insulting to viewers. If they are going for abnormal, this is it.
  7. This show is getting real weird, and who wants to watch weird? We should be seeing shopping, trips to nice places, parties where everyone acts normal, etc. we all have enough shit in our lives right now. I didn’t even watch last night as I didn’t want to watch drunken Brownstone and her thirsty creepy husband before going to bed and having nightmares. What is wrong with Bravo? Shit show. I’d rather watch Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer and all the soapy Christmas movies and the Weather Channel.
  8. Gina beats to her own drum. She’s real, and doesn’t pretend to be otherwise.
  9. Thanks, that makes sense. Somehow in the back of my mind I thought she really liked N.Y. and maybe would move here and take Jolie if the ex consented. Guess she really likes being on the show, if she lasts. You never know.
  10. I’ve had two, one after another. Have no fear. You’ll walk the next day. I found sleeping in the recliner the best, with the commode next to you for the night for a couple of weeks. (If they give you one). No more pain .. amazing.
  11. True story, just for the hell of it. I had a friend who was separated. She had affairs with all her bosses. I’d say about ten. All she talked about was how much sex she had with them. In hotels, in the car, in a field, and all the things they did. She did say she was really in love with a few of them, even tho they were married. Her last affair with her very rich boss who said he loved her too, lasted ten years, with him even getting an apartment for them. He died suddenly of a heart attack. She thought he would leave her money. He did not. Not even a penny. Needless to say, she was devastated. My point is, her father left early on, and her mother was always out. She was always alone growing up. I think she used sex to compensate for no love from her family. Anyhow, our phone conversations were always about her, never about me. I ended the friendship about twenty years ago. We had nothing in common anymore and she used me as a sounding board. Brownstone needs therapy. So does that husband. Their way of life is not interesting, to me anyhow.
  12. Maybe both men and women? That’s one hell of a marriage. What do they make each other jealous? They are both nuts and not pleasant to watch.
  13. Good. She is sickening. I feel sorry for those kids. She has seven children, and puts herself first.
  14. I can’t believe he left N.Y. for her. Was it because she has Jolie 50 % of the time? Or why?
  15. Hold the wire. Wasn’t Patricia originally from NY.C., went to school at Georgetown, then worked as an art dealer in N.Y. again where she married. There was too much competition there, so she retired to Charleston and took Thomas the butler with her for a huge salary. So, she isn’t a Charlstonion by birth, and why does she care so much about the Pringles and where they came from and who owned what? Just for conversation? She’s a New Yorker.
  16. Me. I just saw Craig’s sea creature pillows on HSN starting at $55 and up. One was three ice creams on a stick and one of cupcakes. Weird. I meant me too up there.
  17. It gets to the point where you just can’t say anything, and that’s hard to do in a relationship of any kind. You’re always on guard when you talk. Not pleasant or comfortable at all. Except Kelly. She lets it all out and doesn’t give a damn.
  18. The way I look at it is. It’s very stressful for anyone to go to their doctors and dentists for themselves these days. All the housewives have their own problems, so who would want to sit with her at AA? It’s stressful and depressing. She has a Mother and husband or some family member she should ask, or just go alone. Unless it’s production wanting to drum up more drama. Kelly was right. She just said “NO”. Besides, one day they all are besties, the next day they are enemies.
  19. This post reminds me of my parents. I couldn’t believe what my mother told me to this day. My Father was a complete “ Yes” man. Did everything she said .. I mean everything. Once she told me “I wish Daddy would just slap me”. I was shocked but realized she wanted a real man, not a wimp who gave in to her every minute. She didn’t have respect for him for being a yes man, so I get what you are saying. In Kelly’s case, I think once the sex wears off, she’ll dump him. After all, the guy is 60 already. She said they have sex sometimes three times a day. Yeah, o.kaaaaay. Maybe he’s taking the little blue pill.
  20. My Mother’s best friend was Jewish and we learned to eat fresh herring wrapped in butcher paper with or without sour cream and rye bread. Mother made the best honey cake, and we ate potato pancakes with sour cream every Friday. Oh, and borscht soup with fresh beets. How I miss her. Now, I have to make the sauce, meatballs and sausage, lasagna, manicotti, etc. haha. Not that I’m complaining. Different cultures .. different foods. I give Kelly A for trying. Rick seems good for her. P.S. fresh chicken soup is just as good as matzo ball. Plenty of fresh dill and fine egg noodles do the trick.
  21. So do I. Shannon is so hyper and crazy these days. I think she’s trying to get one up on David pretending that everything is fine and good with the Brady Bunch situation. She’s not doing any favors for her girls at this crucial time of their lives.
  22. What was funnier was the fact that I asked the husband “who the hell is that blonde” on with Emily, and he said Jenny McCarthy. You could have knocked me down with a feather .. she looked like another person with that new face. Unrecognizable!!!! What a dumb ass. She looked much older ! Scary face.
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