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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. Rinna wrote a book? What’s it about? How to survive on two crackers a day” or “ Having lots of Sex when your Husband is Gone 364 Days a Year?”
  2. I could see why David left her. Another nut job in a different way, and annoying. What happened to her frozen fish dinners she was hawking on t.v.? Expensive and yucky looking. They get a contributor, stamp their name on it, but don’t know anything about the process. Kelly should be selling sex toys.
  3. That’s what the parents get for letting the children be “free spirits”, just like them. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
  4. By no means is this virus getting better. Here in N.Y.,it is getting worse day by day. Most families are not getting together for the holidays. Halloween did us in. The virus is in some schools now, where it wasn’t before.
  5. All these women do is drink morning, noon and night. Is that normal? I think they all are bored. Too much money and nothing todo. Why don’t they do something meaningful like helping out at a shelter or reading books to sick kids at a hospital, or spending some time with the elderly for an hour instead of blabbing constantly about menial things.
  6. Emily’s red dress is not for her. Too short and the side slit not a good look. She’s not thin enough. While I’m snarking, Shannon over did it on the top lip. Her and Kelly will be fighting about their beverages soon. What the hell was that? A renewal? It didn’t look like one to me. Their Son saying some crazy thing I didn’t even understand. The weirdos don’t fall far from the tree.
  7. Oh, here comes Brownstones mother with the colored snakes in her hair. Good Lord. Plus, pain in the ass Sean tagging along. Doesn’t the guy have a job? What a yenta.
  8. Boy, for a woman with seven kids, Brownstone sure has a lot of time of taking herself everywhere and with everybody to talk the same bullshit. They are still on the kick about what Shannon said or didn’t say. Elizabeth still talking about her money. My divorced girlfriends can’t find a guy. How did Shannon,Gina and Elizabeth find someone so quickly? That’s not their real hair is it? I hope the vow renewal is at the end so I don’t have to watch this phony production.
  9. You are absolutely correct. Plus, people on the other station have done worse, but let’s not go into that.
  10. Some people watch CNN, some watch Fox News. He’s been a Fox News contributor a very long time, even filling in for the big newscasters on t.v. They met at the Hamptons a couple of years ago, and Kelly met some very important people in politics and loved that scene. She probably feels important.
  11. You’re right .. I get it, but I think Gina is a little bit much. Dinner together already? She went thru a lot with Matt. He’s getting off easy.
  12. I know how your husband felt. I felt the same way, but then I saw young people riding on them from broken ankles, knee problems, etc. If I see one now, I hop on because of back pain. Patricia probably goes in incognito with a wig, sunglasses, etc., with Michael trailing along. The only problem is there is never enough of them. 😀
  13. I’m watching for the second time. Bored. I can’t take Brownstone anymore, and her creepy husband. She is always so jumpy, sweating, ringing her hands, etc. A total wreck. Who wants to see a woman cracking up or soon to have a heart attack? She’s painful and annoying to watch. Plus her Svengali husband has her wrapped around his finger. Why is he her spokesperson all the time? Get out of women’s business you little dictator worm. Better yet, both get off the show. Who wants to see a train wreck? They are both disgusting and weird IMO. Oh, and a vow renewal coming up. How about a mental facility instead.
  14. Maybe they have those scooters to ride around in? I used them when I had spinal surgery. Fun!
  15. I can’t figure it out if Gina is smart or stupid. I know forgiveness is better for her, but geeze, I don’t get her letting the flame of the week girlfriend into her house and letting her join them for dinner. That’s a little too much. I’d be choking on my food. Gina is a saint, too soft and too forgiving. She’s probably still very hurt, and this guy is getting away with murder, practically.
  16. I read (don’t ask me where) Pat has trouble walking these days. That’s why she’s filmed mostly sitting in a chair. Maybe back troubles, etc., age. Although she’s seen walking here and there on the show sometimes.
  17. Maybe we’ll learn some new tricks. Could there be more? LOL.😜
  18. Next weeks promo with shirtless Rick and Kelly in bed cracked me up. What is this ... a soap opera? She must be a real doozy in bed. She better give Shannon some pointers. Speaking of, there are a lot of things about Shannon that probably turned David off. She was very rigid with a lot of things. Kelly is a free spirit, playful, and lets it all hang out. Shannon is stiff. I think anyhow.
  19. Gina moved toCalifornia for his job I guess. When they divorced, she could have moved back to Long Island with his permission of course. Guess she stayed because of her Bravo job? She doesn’t seem to fit in.
  20. OMG, I don’t know how she let him do that. My friend (swear) went to the gyno twice to get her tampon out. No way would she even tell her husband it was there. David probably really turned off at that point. I don’t think Shannon liked sex anyhow. I remember her having to drink half a bottle of vodka before going to bed with David when they went away for a weekend to kindle the relationship.
  21. I stopped watching Shahs of Sunset as they only bothered with each other, not many outsiders. We’ll see how this plays out. leva was a good friend of Cameron’s? How come we never saw her before? leva also married outside her religion .. like MJ. Does anyone know what’s with Cameron? She just disappeared without explanation, unless I missed something. Maybe her husband did have an affair. Where there’s smoke, there’s fire., so they say.
  22. Oh nuts. I was just posting on last weeks thread. BTW, Thomas and nurse friend had a baby boy in June. Katherine must be livid.
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