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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. What about his pillow business? He never mentions it. I saw it was on HSN, but don’t know how it’s doing. BTW, while looking for the pillows, I saw pillows by Patricia Atchule or however you spell it; one that said “Its time for my medicine” and another of a flamingo. There might be more, I didn’t look. Did they collaborate in the business of pillows? Craigs were $55 and Patricia’s were $25.
  2. Good post. What else is there to do? Watch the trillion sappy Christmas movies they bombarded us with? These movies with these same D list actors sicken me. Enough is enough already. I do love scenes of Charleston tho. The houses and old fashioned balls they still have. Next week would have been my week to go to my city of New York to see the Nutcracker for the hundredth time, eat in a nice restaurant, then see the tree at Rockefeller Ctr. Of course not going as everything is closed up. Shame. So I’m forced, like everyone else, to watch all these crappy shows with crappy story lines.
  3. Maybe she’s one of the producers girlfriend. Is there more than Whitney?
  4. Now that Thomas is a new father again, guess Katherine is through with him finally? We’ll see. She’ll be in the grandfathers house and has slept with practically every guy on the show. I wonder what her story line will be. Being Patricia’s best friend who will fix her up with some old rich geezer?
  5. Oh, sorry. I had no idea Leva and Cameron really were friends. Still, I don’t think it was right of her to butt into someone’s business, but it sure was a big entrance. Let Pringle have Katherine. She sleeps with everyone. Without protection too. Dumb ass.
  6. Well, what the hell is that? What are we mindreaders? It would be nice if we knew where they came from and how they met. Bravo getting lazy. All they show is Brownstone. Thanks.
  7. I watch all the time (i think) but never saw Shannon meeting John, Gina meeting her boyfriend, or Kelly meeting Rick. Did they actually show it or was I “out to lunch” so they say. These boyfriends seemed to appear out of nowhere. Maybe there was a period where I was fed up with them and missed a few shows?
  8. You are 100% right. I’m sick of all of them except N.Y. I think they have run out of ideas. I loved Southern Charm, but now everyone is leaving and the storylines stink. I say bring back some of the veterans that we loved so much, except Tamra. This Brownstone saga is the worst I’ve ever seen. A very sick woman going downhill day by day. This is not entertainment.
  9. Have you ever noticed on every housewife show, when they sit down to eat anywhere, even in a fancy restaurant, the waiter puts those damn fries out sticking up in a round whatever. Then, I have to get up and make some for myself. It’s a tease.
  10. How nice. It must go well with beer. Lots of beer. No wonder he’s always happy.
  11. That was so stupid. Leva giving Katherine the riot act. Katherine should have replied “ Fuck off”. Leva and Cam probably don’t even know each other. BTW, what happened to that Blowhard asshole J.D.? The dope that had the bar and cheated on his wife with the four kids? J.D. with his glass of bourbon and cigar like a big shot. I hope she dumped him. Him and Ravanel sitting there like they owned the state and were so important. Hahaha.
  12. Thanks for all the info. Cameron should never gone on the show in the first place. The producers don’t care. She didn’t have a story line, so they gave her one. Unfortunately, it backfired on her. I don’t really think Leva was her friend. Producers just threw her on the show for something different. They should have gave us an episode to tie all the ends up. I didn’t know what happened and why to a lot of things. I’m also getting tired of Madison’s face in the camera every minute. This used to be my favorite show, but now it’s uninteresting. The first season was fabulous.
  13. I never thought of that. Doesn’t that speed a person up? What would he need more energy for? He doesn’t do anything. No job .. just a walk to the bank to get the trust fund money. It must be exhausting.
  14. I thought the same thing. He put himself before his children. Blatently he is taking away Austin’s girlfriend, and Mrs. Budinsky is helping him along. I agree that Katherine isn’t looking her best. I wasn’t fat shaming her, as I also gained weight when my thyroid was under normal, but with meds it does go back to normal. She looked horrible trying on the yellow dress at the dress shop. Too much makeup and the dress wasn’t for her. She can’t be too bright if she had to be told about the virus sweeping the world .. Charleston too.
  15. I would LOVE that. She’s spot on everything. Can she start now?
  16. Shep is a spoiled brat. Although fun and lovable at times, marriage scares the shit out of him. He wants his cake and eat it too. He has to be free and do what he wants all of the time. Marriage is a two way street. He only goes one way .. his way. He would be a handful. BTW, why is he so figgity? When on camera, his leg is jumping a mile a minute.
  17. Oh,I just remembered. Whitney is the Producer and Patricia is his Mother .. DUH ! So, they dress her up in her fabulous caftans, do hair and makeup, put her in a fabulous chair, and there it goes. Gives her something worthwhile to do in her old age. Now, if only she could get that one grandchild, her life would be complete. What’s with Whitney anyhow? Doesn’t want a partner or child? Guys in their fifties are having kids via surrogate. He doesn’t need a wife or whoever.
  18. When he first came on the show, he said he was paying support for the three kids and possibly alimony. That’s why he looks like a rag. He talks so fast and mumbles that you can barely hear what he’s saying. I don’t get the fascination with this guy at all except he looks rugged. I can’t understand why Patricia took such a liking to him. Old money down the line maybe?
  19. I think that’s my trouble. I don’t drink. What’s good? Give me some hints. About Cameron. Maybe the husband cheating scandle did her in. Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.
  20. Do we know anything? I came back and we had a new girl that owns restaurants, Pringle came out of nowhere, Cameron disappeared and Patricia is the star of the show apparently. WTF? That was sweet of you. Thank you. I think we are all in the same boat. No holidays with the family is hard. At least we can have some fun snarking on here. It’s all good.😍😷
  21. I’m with you. There’s nothing more to film. Plus, there are children involved, and Patricia is probably scared shit to gather because of her age. Yesterday, my Doctor asked me how I was doing. I replied “overwhelmed”.
  22. Why is everyone always bowing down to Patricia? I’m having doubts about her. Why is she in all in the young ones business? All the guys have Mother’s for advice. Katherine has gained quite a bit of weight since the kids. I guess she’s back to the store to take some head shots. She still is beautiful all made up. Sometimes a bit too much tho. I don’t think Shep will make it with what’s her name. I think he’s trying to fall in love with her, but can’t. She has all the bells and whistles, but I don’t think it’s there for him. I don’t like Pringle horning in on Madison. Isn’t there a bro code? I like Craig the best. I don’t think the show will finish because of the virus. It’s too dangerous to mingle.
  23. I tried to watch because I love Kim Katrall. This part just doesn’t suit her, and I could barely watch. She should have waited for something better.
  24. I just can’t get over it. I’ve never heard that word mentioned until Bethenny said it on one of the episodes. I think she asked Red Scarf Guy if he wanted one. My husband was watching and turned purple. Maybe I’m out of date, but is anything sacred anymore? Now, young girls are talking like that? Guess I’m an old fuddy duddy. Rinna is a slob and a half. I don’t get why Harry married her.
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