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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. Maybe for once in his life he is not suppressed with a maniac wife and is letting it all hang out. He’s happy for once with this chick. I wouldn’t have went this far tho, for his daughters sake. He’s sticking it to Shannon big time by doing something outrageous. The girls will forgive him in time, I hope. Maybe those two just love nature, hahaha. Or imitating Adam & Eve.
  2. Dear @Mindthinkr .. Please do not take this the wrong way. I think you are answering your own questions from everything you said. Your “ friend” seems to be taking advantage of your good nature. Everything you said points to everything is about him. Name somethings that he has done or said that meant something positive and loving towards you. Can you? You seem to be knocking yourself out. Does he or his family appreciate what you do and have done? I think a counselor would give you good advice in one session. And, screw the neighbors. Why do you care what they think? Believe in yourself and do what is best for you. It’s your life, and why do you need this stress? He has family, therefor is not alone . You are still young and can have a good life with someone who shows that he cares for you. I wish you the best. P.S. lying in my bed just now, I realized you are too young to be a cook, maid and taxicab for someone who is not your husband. You should be with someone and taking rides to beautiful places, having dinner and enjoying life. Life is short, why are you procrastinating ? I am married 55 years and spoiled my husband throughout. Now that I have severe back issues, he shops, cooks,washes clothes and drives me everywhere. It’s his turn because he loves me and appreciates everything I have done. It’s his turn now and he’s not complaining. I do cook too .. lots of Italian, lol.
  3. Everyone hated David and I don’t know why. He seemed nice, quiet and gave her a nice home. Wtf did she do for him except demand things and whine about everything. Dr. Moon, her crystals all over, hated sex, blah, blah, blah. No wonder he found a woman who maybe appreciated him and gave him attention and a nice meal and good sex. It wasn’t her weight like she thinks. He didn’t leave three girls for nothing.
  4. All these housewives have run out of storylines. They have done it all. As a last resort, they are bringing on the kids. As a change of pace, they should bring on some in- laws. That should be interesting, haha. We already have a crazy ass mother with colored snakes in her hair.
  5. And everyone wonders why David left her? Any man with half a brain would leave too. She’s a horror.
  6. I think she needs a big fat cheeseburger with fries. She’ll feel better as she looks starved. No spin-off.
  7. I don’t think she will ever get over David. She’s still hurting in my opinion, therefore drinking herself to death. She’s trying to get over him with the new guy, but it ain’t working. Then, to bring them all into her house is too much. She is not happy. Did she drink as much when she was with David? I don’t remember.
  8. I would never. What if you don’t like the feeling of your skin pulled tight? I would go nuts as it’s something you can’t control. Lots of stars had things done and look worse. The only thing I would have done if necessary is if I had a big nose. Dani on Southern Charm could use some work on her nose. She always looks like she is smelling something foul. IMO. Actually, in the last episode she looked like she had work done. All those big lips look ridiculous on some of them like Shannon. Patricia’s face is too smooth, like wax.
  9. I haven’t read all the posts, so excuse me. I just saw all of Craig’s pillows on HSN, AND Patricia’s pillows also, for one third of the price as his. Why the hell did she need to sell pillows besides? They are nicer, but Geeze, that’s his livelihood. She has plenty of money. Wonder why she did that, and how did he feel? It’s a free country, but still.
  10. Frank Sinatra used to get Italian bread flown to Palm Beach from New Jersey. I think every day.
  11. Yes I am. A few towns away from Gina. I even tawk like her. I’m happy you didn’t jump ship .. yet. After last night, I’m close.
  12. But you have lobster .. yum. I told the husband, when this Covid is finished, we have to take a ride to Maine and eat lobster the whole week.
  13. I said that before to no avail. I think it is manipulative of her. She wants them to seem important that she asked. Like a “ you are my favorite buddy” move.
  14. My husband just said “ boy, Brownstone looks pretty good for having seven kids”. I almost threw my hot coffee at him.
  15. I never thought I’d say this but I think I’d rather have Vickie and Tamra back. Enough of Brownstone, her kids, her husband, her mother, and Shannon screaming. The only tolerable one at this point is Gina.
  16. As if we don’t have enough of Brownstone, now she’s in most of the thinking heads. I’m with you.
  17. You’ve got me there, hahaha. I’d pick Gina. I’m debating whether to watch myself tonight. We might be seeing Rick and Kelly making out in bed. That would be interesting .. NOT.
  18. True. I don’t think she’s ever been in love. For a minute there, I thought she would make it with Jason, but just used him for a baby. She’s putting all her emotions in Bryn, but Bryn will want her own life soon and rightly so. Bethenny tires of things and people very quickly. I’ve never seen her so skinny tho. Can’t imagine why.
  19. Could it be that Beth lost so much weight because Paul dumped her? He didn’t appear the type that w outdoor go with someone like her. He seemed polished and sophisticated. They bought a condo together, then split up? Seems weird.
  20. Plus, Rick owns a house near Ramona, so they will be hanging together. Maybe Rick will fix Ramona up with one of his friends from Fox. Everyone from the City bought houses out there. It’s a clusterfuck.
  21. Shannon probably ran the house the way she alone wanted. No electronics, etc. David had no say it seems like. She probably cooked very healthy, but maybe it wasn’t to their taste, plus she was always on a diet, so who knows what they ate. Apparently, she doesn’t realize too much alcohol is bad for your liver, brain, etc. She doesn’t make sense.
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